Girls who broke your heart thread


I"m just going to throw in my 2 cents real fast for some advice, I"m not trolling. I"ve had a girlfriend (first real one) for like 3 weeks now. She is a complete nymph and is absolutely crazy about me. Like most guys, I have no idea if I"m good looking or not so I was shocked to see a girl wanting to chain me down as fast as she did. This girl is into women too and told me she was perfectly fine with me sleeping around just so long as she was there.

So what do I do ? I invite a girl over that is pretty fucking hot to have a threesome with her. I felt awkward even setting it up but I wanted her to have fun. My girlfriend was into it and was having fun (or so it seemed) but the girl I invited over was the one who ended up finishing me off... My girlfriend cried for like 3 hours straight after the girl left because she "didn"t know what to do" and was jealous that I fucked another girl. She is still upset with me a week later and I"m out of town for the next two weeks so I can"t go see her and make it up. I have no idea what to even say to her. I didn"t even have that much fun during it because I was more concerned with them having fun than me.

I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me


Blackwing Lair Raider
Saidin said:
I"m just going to throw in my 2 cents real fast for some advice, I"m not trolling. I"ve had a girlfriend (first real one) for like 3 weeks now. She is a complete nymph and is absolutely crazy about me. Like most guys, I have no idea if I"m good looking or not so I was shocked to see a girl wanting to chain me down as fast as she did. This girl is into women too and told me she was perfectly fine with me sleeping around just so long as she was there.

So what do I do ? I invite a girl over that is pretty fucking hot to have a threesome with her. I felt awkward even setting it up but I wanted her to have fun. My girlfriend was into it and was having fun (or so it seemed) but the girl I invited over was the one who ended up finishing me off... My girlfriend cried for like 3 hours straight after the girl left because she "didn"t know what to do" and was jealous that I fucked another girl. She is still upset with me a week later and I"m out of town for the next two weeks so I can"t go see her and make it up. I have no idea what to even say to her. I didn"t even have that much fun during it because I was more concerned with them having fun than me.

I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me


Saidin said:
I"m just going to throw in my 2 cents real fast for some advice, I"m not trolling. I"ve had a girlfriend (first real one) for like 3 weeks now. She is a complete nymph and is absolutely crazy about me. Like most guys, I have no idea if I"m good looking or not so I was shocked to see a girl wanting to chain me down as fast as she did. This girl is into women too and told me she was perfectly fine with me sleeping around just so long as she was there.

So what do I do ? I invite a girl over that is pretty fucking hot to have a threesome with her. I felt awkward even setting it up but I wanted her to have fun. My girlfriend was into it and was having fun (or so it seemed) but the girl I invited over was the one who ended up finishing me off... My girlfriend cried for like 3 hours straight after the girl left because she "didn"t know what to do" and was jealous that I fucked another girl. She is still upset with me a week later and I"m out of town for the next two weeks so I can"t go see her and make it up. I have no idea what to even say to her. I didn"t even have that much fun during it because I was more concerned with them having fun than me.

I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me
Too little too late: Always establish ground rules before threesomes.

But as far as other options.. what are your intentions? Do you want to have an actual relationship with this girl, or was it more of the thrill that she is a nympho and also into women? Depending on which it is would dictate how to proceed imo


Ironhawk said:
Too little too late: Always establish ground rules before threesomes.

But as far as other options.. what are your intentions? Do you want to have an actual relationship with this girl, or was it more of the thrill that she is a nympho and also into women? Depending on which it is would dictate how to proceed imo
Nah she"s a cool person to hang out with and I don"t think she"d ever cheat on me. I was enjoying the single life of the Army and going to clubs every weekend meeting some weird ass women with all sorts of problems. She was really just the first person to try and date me. I"m so bad at taking hints/giving them, so I only talk to the ones that approach me and make it fucking obvious that they are into me. My buddy is dating her best friend so he kinda hooked us up together. The best part about it was she was so nervous to talk to me that she couldn"t complete sentences and kept looking at the ground. She sent like 50 text messages to my buddy when I kissed her... It almost feels like high school again with her (not that I"m too far out of that at 19).

I"m not going into this relationship expecting anything in particular just because I"m so new to it. I"m far from a virgin and I stay in great shape (funny saying this as a guy) so I just hope she isn"t just dating me for sex... I was under the impression relationships meant more than that. Someone said it better than me on this forums, but I"ll paraphrase... "I can do some pernicious shit to people and lose no sleep over it, but when my girlfriend gets emotional and starts crying I"m completely unsure of what to do."


I just got out in December after 5 1/2 years. Is she military or civilian? I only ask because holy fuck, it seems like 99% of military women are closet fucking CRAZY and this would come as no surprise. Otherwise, if she"s not military it seems like 99% of civilian women are openly crazy anyway.

Anyhoo, I"ve heard of this post-threesome breakdown before. That"s why I preach to set these ground rules beforehand, but like I said-too little too late.

Since you self-admittedly suck at picking up/dropping hints, justbe up frontwith her. I mean, don"t just blurt out "Are we just fucking or are we in a relationship." Preface it by saying that you care about her feelings, you hated to see her upset;and the threesome was supposed to be fun for her and you didn"t look at it as fucking another girl - least of all to make her upset. (and if you want a relationship this is where you"d say that and then ask if she was seeking the same.) Don"t sound cheesy when you do it, be yourself. If you swear a lot like myself, swear. It"s not the typical man thing to do, talking about how you feel, but alleviating misconceptions and misunderstandings is a sweet ass skill to have and it solves a shit load of problems.


Saidin said:
I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me
Oh, and I doubt it"s about the attention. I"d say she is mainly upset at the fact that shethinksyou were more into it with the other girl than herself, probably solely based on the fact that the other girl finished you off. Whether or not she"s insecure, the other girl made you blow Grobbee"s fave juice... she concretely looks at the situation in that way.


Nah she"s a civilian. She has so many self confidence issues it"s insane. It kinda works out for me because I get a ton of nude pics all of the time, but if I respond with anything short of "Holy fuck, hottest chick evah" she"ll send me 5 messages about how she thinks she is ugly


Confirmed Male
Saidin said:
Nah she"s a civilian. She has so many self confidence issues it"s insane. It kinda works out for me because I get a ton of nude pics all of the time, but if I respond with anything short of "Holy fuck, hottest chick evah" she"ll send me 5 messages about how she thinks she is ugly
Ok two things:

1.) I dont feel sorry for you in the least bit, I am not sure what kind of advice you are looking for other than, "how can I be a better porn star". You had a threesome for fuck"s sake, who cares if she is crying. She will either get over it, or she wont, either way you have done something a lot of guy"s will never experience. So basically "fuck you"

2.) Dont brag about nude pics and not post them. That is just fucking rude...

TLDR Post those nude pics and let us be the judge of her.


Tarrant220 said:
Saidin....get the fuck out of that train wreck now.
I"ma have to agree with my MN cohort. Girls with severe self-esteem issues are amazingly hard (for me anyway) to deal with. I don"t make it a habit to say go or leave, but you"re in for quite a ride if you stay.

I say show us the goods, mayhaps have another threesome and then wave bye-bye.

The Ancient_sl

Dis said:
Ok two things:

1.) I dont feel sorry for you in the least bit, I am not sure what kind of advice you are looking for other than, "how can I be a better porn star". You had a threesome for fuck"s sake, who cares if she is crying. She will either get over it, or she wont, either way you have done something a lot of guy"s will never experience. So basically "fuck you"

2.) Dont brag about nude pics and not post them. That is just fucking rude...

TLDR Post those nude pics and let us be the judge of her.
Dis guy knows his shit.


Eomer, we need to swap homes for a couple of months... you can chill in good old England at my apartment for a while and I can spend some time in your condo. I can"t promise to do any plumbing work but I already know your address so all I need is a day to fly in from you

Reason I"m saying this is I met an absolute keeper while flying into an Adriatic region country on Sunday for work this week. She was flying back for the first time in many years to visit family, we talked all the way through the flight and traded contact details on the plane. I went out with her earlier in the week and had a really good time. Attractive, intelligent, down to earth and career driven, pretty much all the major things I look for in a woman.

The damn catch is she lives in Calgary... absolutely gutted! I know Edmonton is a few hours away but it"s damn closer than London!


Trakanon Raider
haha, you can sleep in the loft, or on the roof. I ain"t moving in to some tiny London shoe box!

And the stalking is still creepy!


Saiden your girl is a basket case. Your chance at anything but an extremely bipolar relationship are 0.

But props on the 3-some.


<Prior Amod>
Dabamf said:
Saiden your girl is a basket case. Your chance at anything but an extremely bipolar relationship are 0.

But props on the 3-some.
You"re in Asia, why the fuck aren"t YOU having 3-somes?


Saidin said:
I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me
I doubt she knows either because she"s insane.

Assuming you"re not trolling, here"s my take on the situation. First, lets get the obvious out of the way; she"s nuts. Carrying on....I"m going to go out on a limb here and say she"s not into other women. She"s into saying she"s into other women to get the attention that goes with saying it. Make sense? In addition to that, I"m going to go back out on that same limb and say she probably cried because deep down she expected you to say that she"s enough woman for you and all kinds of other crap in order to help boost her rock bottom self-esteem. Still on that limb, I"m ending this in saying she lied when she said she"s OK with you sleeping with other girls as long as she"s there for the same reasons above in addition to her not wanting to look like a clinger (which is typical for a clinger).

You should probably just get the FOHSS branding over with and move on before she carves your initials in her thigh and starts poking holes in condoms.


Saidin said:
I"m just going to throw in my 2 cents real fast for some advice, I"m not trolling. I"ve had a girlfriend (first real one) for like 3 weeks now. She is a complete nymph and is absolutely crazy about me. Like most guys, I have no idea if I"m good looking or not so I was shocked to see a girl wanting to chain me down as fast as she did. This girl is into women too and told me she was perfectly fine with me sleeping around just so long as she was there.

So what do I do ? I invite a girl over that is pretty fucking hot to have a threesome with her. I felt awkward even setting it up but I wanted her to have fun. My girlfriend was into it and was having fun (or so it seemed) but the girl I invited over was the one who ended up finishing me off... My girlfriend cried for like 3 hours straight after the girl left because she "didn"t know what to do" and was jealous that I fucked another girl. She is still upset with me a week later and I"m out of town for the next two weeks so I can"t go see her and make it up. I have no idea what to even say to her. I didn"t even have that much fun during it because I was more concerned with them having fun than me.

I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me
Run away. Shes has issues. She cant even fake being happy about you getting finished off by another chick. Not worth hanging around for or getting stabbed by a .29 Walmart steak knife.


Saidin said:
I"m just going to throw in my 2 cents real fast for some advice, I"m not trolling. I"ve had a girlfriend (first real one) for like 3 weeks now. She is a complete nymph and is absolutely crazy about me. Like most guys, I have no idea if I"m good looking or not so I was shocked to see a girl wanting to chain me down as fast as she did. This girl is into women too and told me she was perfectly fine with me sleeping around just so long as she was there.

So what do I do ? I invite a girl over that is pretty fucking hot to have a threesome with her. I felt awkward even setting it up but I wanted her to have fun. My girlfriend was into it and was having fun (or so it seemed) but the girl I invited over was the one who ended up finishing me off... My girlfriend cried for like 3 hours straight after the girl left because she "didn"t know what to do" and was jealous that I fucked another girl. She is still upset with me a week later and I"m out of town for the next two weeks so I can"t go see her and make it up. I have no idea what to even say to her. I didn"t even have that much fun during it because I was more concerned with them having fun than me.

I can"t tell if she just wants more attention or if she is legit angry with me
She trapped you. She put an idea out there and then punished you for going though with it. Get out. It will only get worse.