Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Inconsiderable said:
You should just ignore postings like that, TheCutlery. It would make you look alot better, because your counters are usually weak and overshadowed by any good flame. Looks like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Just saying.
That"s what your mom said.

And seriously, if you don"t think that a good chunk of people, especially on the internet, make up whatever disorders they think are convenient to explain their lack of ability to do shit, you"re fucking naive. This IS the forum that brought you AssBurgers, don"t forget.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For some reason I"m going to agree with Cut twice in a row. I do think there is alot of self diagnosis or professional over diagnosis of various social disorders when in actually the person is just fucking weird and never learned how to interact socially.

Then again I think psychologists/psychiatrists are the most corrupt of all professions. They either are nothing more than glorified drug deals or never actually fix the problem.


Molten Core Raider
Inconsiderable said:
If he has a real sickness he needs to see a professional. And I dislike you for your posting filled with ignorance.
I wasn"t questioning that fact, but until then it wasn"t clear if he"s diagnosed with it or if it"s just some gut feeling...

Duh. Come on, I"ve said much stupider things than that.


Dabamf said:
you should become a psychologist and publish your brilliant findings. Don"t worry that the field is so large and complex that it basically makes up 5 independent fields. Your "be a man and get over it yourself" book will be a hit. The first page will be just one enlightening sentence and the rest of your book will be pictures of manly things the reader can do instead of complaining about their severely debilitating mental disorder. schizophrenia? Beat the shit out of those audible hallucinations. Depression? Don"t be depressed. Social anxiety disorder? When you have a panic attack in a large crowd, just stop having the panic attack. You will make millions, and then you can quit your job and touch your wife like only the paper boy does. Only then you"d be less of a man because we all know real men do manual labor.
It may be trite, but he is correct to an extent. Aside from biologically oriented mental disorders you really can get over most things with determination and education. However it takes a large amount of motivation to get the ball rolling. We"re talking epiphany level life changing events. I won"t bore you with my personal example, but the good therapists that don"t drug you off the bat generally try to push you into changing behavior first for a reason.


Riddle me this...
Snugglebear said:
No homo, but after my last barber retired I couldn"t find any male barber who could cut hair. So I started going to a salon. Bitches can cut some hair. They just don"t shave like the barbers do, but I can live without that.
I dont care if I"m racist in saying that Soul brothers can cut some hair. Swear to god the shop I go to is straight out of the movie Barber Shop. Do I care if Im the only fat white guy in there? Shit no, I know when I stroll out of there my shit is going to be high and tight. Also I personally am of the school that rough hands = hard work. My grandfather was a mason and my father is a diesel mechanic. Up until last year I worked in a print shop and I"m proud of my callused hands.


<Prior Amod>
TheCutlery said:
Yeah, you"re right, real men sit on the subway and trick girls into talking to them. And then go crawling back to them after they dump them.

You"ve pretty much got no room to talk, dipshit.
How was asking someone if he was getting something right on his paper "tricking someone"? It"s called a conversation starter for Gods sake.


Tenks said:
I can"t believe a chick would actually care if a guy"s hands are rough or not. I thought girls were supposed to like dudes. Sounds more like Rav wants to be smashed by a girl with a strap on.
I know you"re just trying to be funny randomly popping in here to throw out one or two lines. However, lets take this threads title alone into consideration, and then take how many "men" in here are desperate to NOT be single. I"d be willing to bet people like you are the worst of them all. I mean, really? Fuck bitches, get money? What are you, 17?

I"m not single, I"m not fat nor am I ugly. I give good advice (even when some people dislike hearing it), I help people improve themselves for more confidence (and some of them are in this very thread), and I give a relatively sound female perspective (when I"m being serious). I"d gladly help anyone out if they asked.

I didn"t say for men to go get their nails painted, you stupid son of a bitch. It"s called grooming, things women appreciate - much like BALL WASHING. It should be done. Do it yourself for all we care, but don"t expect a women to want to be petted by someone with black streaks under every one of her mans nails, or tangle her feet up with others that feel like a cats tongue.

Does being clean somehow offend you? Do you think being a stank ass savage is a turn-on? You"re sorely mistaken. Let"s not insinuate my wants, the man you dream of being is nothing but the smallest fraction of the man I have.

What you should be saying is, "Fuck bitches, give money" because the longer you ramble on the more I"m inclined to think you will have to pay for it.


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
things women appreciate - much like BALL WASHING.
It"s true. She and I will sometimes sit there for hours with some hobby brushes cleaning off every inch of our balls and delicately washing them. We don"t stop till we would be proud to invite our families over to eat off them.

Doesn"t change the fact that she would just love to be smashed


Ravvenn said:
I know you"re just trying to be funny randomly popping in here to throw out one or two lines. However, lets take this threads title alone into consideration, and then take how many "men" in here are desperate to NOT be single. I"d be willing to bet people like you are the worst of them all. I mean, really? Fuck bitches, get money? What are you, 17?

I"m not single, I"m not fat nor am I ugly. I give good advice (even when some people dislike hearing it), I help people improve themselves for more confidence (and some of them are in this very thread), and I give a relatively sound female perspective (when I"m being serious). I"d gladly help anyone out if they asked.

I didn"t say for men to go get their nails painted, you stupid son of a bitch. It"s called grooming, things women appreciate - much like BALL WASHING. It should be done. Do it yourself for all we care, but don"t expect a women to want to be petted by someone with black streaks under every one of her mans nails, or tangle her feet up with others that feel like a cats tongue.

Does being clean somehow offend you? Do you think being a stank ass savage is a turn-on? You"re sorely mistaken. Let"s not insinuate my wants, the man you dream of being is nothing but the smallest fraction of the man I have.

What you should be saying is, "Fuck bitches, give money" because the longer you ramble on the more I"m inclined to think you will have to pay for it.
Holy overreaction

Apparently Ravvenn"s sore spot is lesbians and strap ons.


Avatar of War Slayer
Etoille said:
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Zehn shut up you"ll ruin it.

You don"t tell the guy about to fall into the hole that there"s a big hole in front of him.

Or, in your case, getting stuck in said hole.

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I"m not single, I"m not fat nor am I ugly.
Pics or it didn"t happen?! (I"m trying to resist another internet sleuth trip to see pictures myself :p )

On a related matter I have recently started to use a few L"oreal for Men products...


Ravvenn said:
"Fuck bitches, give money"
Actually, he"s correct.

Money is social status. Bitches want social status above all. You can have the dirtiest fingernails on the planet, but if you have a proper amount of social status, it"s seen positively.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Schezanna said:
It may be trite, but he is correct to an extent. Aside from biologically oriented mental disorders you really can get over most things with determination and education. However it takes a large amount of motivation to get the ball rolling. We"re talking epiphany level life changing events. I won"t bore you with my personal example, but the good therapists that don"t drug you off the bat generally try to push you into changing behavior first for a reason.
Exactly. It"s just like being overweight. Fat people love to claim that they"ve tried and tried and can"t lose any fucking weight, no matter what they do. Yet people who have issues with their heart or their back or something have no problem cutting off 80lbs when the doctor tells them they have to or they"re gonna die/be crippled/etc. You can fix it, you just need to have the will to fix it. If you want to, you"ll do it, but it"s really easy to slip back into the habit of eating cupcakes while you watch Judge Judy. You can"t blame that on society or your genes or anything. It"s just you taking the easy way out and using it as a fucking excuse.

You wanna improve yourself? Try. You"ll be amazed what you can do.


brekk said:
lewl, I thought the same thing... "Isn"t that brekk with that sig??" You got unintentionally owned =/

Things are going well with the woman... we"ll see if she still comes. Haven"t gotten the same weird vibes I got the last time but there"s still time.