Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
DMK said:
So you think she"d be ok if she ever saw that? Definitely not. Reverse the rolls and imagine your partner told a bunch of randoms on the net something extremely embarrassing because I"m sure she would consider it extremely embarrassing.
Ha. Dude, trust me. Your girlfriend hasno secretsbetween her other friends. None. They know what that birthmark on your dick looks like, and they"ve laughed about it. That time she walked in on you jerking it? They heard about it at work the next day. This goes doubly for anyone dating a hair stylist, because that means all her clients know too.

Women talk about more personal shit with one another than men will ever dream bringing up in person. Threads like this just even the playing field.


Heylel Teomim said:
Ha. Dude, trust me. Your girlfriend hasno secretsbetween her other friends. None. They know what that birthmark on your dick looks like, and they"ve laughed about it. That time she walked in on you jerking it? They heard about it at work the next day. This goes doubly for anyone dating a hair stylist, because that means all her clients know too.

Women talk about more personal shit with one another than men will ever dream bringing up in person. Threads like this just even the playing field.
It"s true. My hair stylists fiance is a momma"s boy. His mom is also trying to control her entire wedding, too, down to what cake SHE prefers. I know how much money he makes, I know when he graduated, and I know he snores and farts in his sleep. I also know which cock ring he bought at ConRev so he could last longer. To be honest though, those conversations aren"t as frequent as chats about the current sales and where we bought our handbags, etc. That or talk about why it takes men so long to poop (none of us can crack that one...any takers??)

Close friends though? I really only talk to one person, it is rare I will ever discuss my relationship with anyone. More often than not I"m bragging because that"s what we do, we one-up eachother, even with our significant others.

If it"s something you brought up and she doesn"t know about it, she"d certainly ask a close friend. Not always to be a blabber mouth but usually for advice, reassurance, etc.. I doubt I"d be friends with one of the girls who is always bitching about her S.O., those girls are the man-haters who since they date a prick, insist all men are pigs, cheaters, etc. it"s pretty annoying. When my girlfriends and I discuss men, it"s usually to ask for advice or see if they can relate or something. Hope that makes you guys feel a little better.


Trakanon Raider
Ravvenn said:
It"s true. My hair stylists fiance is a momma"s boy. His mom is also trying to control her entire wedding, too, down to what cake SHE prefers. I know how much money he makes, I know when he graduated, and I know he snores and farts in his sleep. I also know which cock ring he bought at ConRev so he could last longer. To be honest though, those conversations aren"t as frequent as chats about the current sales and where we bought our handbags, etc. That or talk about why it takes men so long to poop (none of us can crack that one...any takers??)
This is really what I"m getting at though. Saidin"s no angel (clearly), but giving him shit for talking about his personal life in an impersonal, relatively risk free way is basically the same as your stylist talking about her fiance"s cock ring. It"s personal and would probably upset him, but it"s also very unlikely you"ll ever meet and it"s nice to be able to talk to someone else about delicate things.
Anything like that I ever discuss with my friends is encoded in such a way they"ll never know who the fuck I was talking about just in case theydomeet them. I don"t care what "women do," talking about bedroom shit among people who will meet someone who you supposedly care about is a no-no in my book. And yeah, I"ve seenI Love You, Man.I didn"t learn everything I need to know about life from romantic comedies.

Broad generalizations about either gender are wrong. Fact is, you"re going to attract what you are. I don"t know how many guys I"ve known who were complete whores and then suddenly decided "hey this is the one" and were shocked when, despite suddenly deciding to zip it up, shit didn"t work out.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ravvenn said:
That or talk about why it takes men so long to poop (none of us can crack that one...any takers??)
A lot of us like to do other things while conducting a transaction. It"s a good time to read or just take a few minutes to enjoy being alone. It"s an enjoyable process. It is also occasionally time that is used to call people just to catch up. If I"m making a personal call without any real purpose, I"m probably on the shitter. There"s no big conspiracy. At least, that"s what the handbook says to tell your kind.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Ravvenn said:
That or talk about why it takes men so long to poop (none of us can crack that one...any takers??)
I"ve got a gameboy underneath the sink. I"ve been working on Dragon Warrior 3 since July.

And by the by, all that shit about women telling WAY more shit than us? It"s completely fucking true. Details of my relationship mostly stay closed on my end. Her end? Holy fuck, they know every goddamned thing that goes on, even shit I forgot about.


Trakanon Raider
Picasso said:
Picasso"s number 2 TGWBYH tip -- no bitch worth keeping puts out within 15 working days of first acquaintance.
I really disagree. Is it an indication she may not be worth keeping? Yeah, I"d agree there"s some correlation there. But just because she puts out fairly early doesn"t mean she"s a turbo slut/whore. Isn"t this kind of the definition of putting the pussy up on a pedestal?

You"re fairly young right? You"ll find as you get in to your late 20"s that sex starts coming a fair amount earlier in relationships because it"s not nearly as big of a deal as it was when you were 19, for either the male or female. Out of the dozen or so girls I"ve dated in the past 4 years (so not random hook-ups, actual dating), I can only think of one or two that made me wait past more than 2-3 dates. And the ones that didn"t make me wait weren"t dirty sluts or non-relationship material, even if things didn"t work out for one reason or another.

projectoffset said:
For goodness sake. Should I have just said the very upper echelons of 6 digits instead? Over 700K. In any case, thanks for the advice.
I"d agree that treating him like an "equal", or at least not worshipping him or trying to kiss ass is probably a good play. But successful people aren"t all the same. Maybe he likes his ass to be kissed. Maybe he can smell a brown noser a mile away and will eat you alive if you try it. His personality is going to dictate what he"s looking for, not to mention the guys that his daughter has brought over before you.

However it"s likely a good idea to make it sound like you have a plan or goals for your life, whether you do or not. If you"re working a dead end job, have a reason as to why, whether saving up for school or looking for a move to another industry or burnishing your resume or whatever.

There"s a very good chance daddy doesn"t want his daughter marrying a fucking dead beat. But really, that applies to pretty much any dad who is going to take in interest in who his daughter is dating.

Tarrant220 said:
If anything this will spice up the thread for a little bit at least, I"m pretty gutted about the whole thing but if you want to mock me, here"s your chance.
Fuck that. It"s one thing to mock people for stupid inane shit, or repeating the same mistakes over and over again (ahem), it"s not cool to kick someone when they"re actually, legitimately down.

Sucks to hear man, and hope most of all that it works out for your son.

Sutekh said:
If you think for half a second that, that isn"t careless disregard for the kid that was just born, I really don"t know what to say, other than you"re not fit to propagate.

I"m sure you"re going to come back with some retort about how I"m wrong or some shit, but I"ve got to go to work so I don"t really have time to show you how wrong you really are.
I don"t think he"s being careless in regards to the kid. We don"t know the details of how things are going south, first of all. And a two parent household that"s a miserable hell hole is far worse for a child than a single supportive parent. If things aren"t working out and he doesn"t see a light at the end of the tunnel, it"s likely much better for the child for things to be resolved while he"s too young to know what"s going on that to spend his formative years in a household that"s falling apart.

Really, what should have been done from the start was to not keep the child when the pregnancy was discovered. But of course depending on your view of abortion, that may or may not have even been an option for them and it certainly couldn"t be argued for from the perspective of "caring for the child."

Just ignore him Tarrant, or at least try not to let him get to you. None of us can say with any certainty whether you"re truly doing what"s best for the kid, or doing him wrong by divorcing his mother and/or getting full custody.

TheAncient said:
Well Sutekh is certainly doing some kicking, but the coddling is more disgusting to me. It"s been how long in the marriage, less than a year? And you are ready to call it quits cause you can"t handle her insanity and of course it"s all her fault and she wasn"t like this before? Someone here has got to be pretty damned stupid and I tell you what it"s not going to be me for buying into it.
I don"t see anyone coddling him, or saying that he doesn"t bear a large responsibility (if not all of it) for the situation he and his son are in. What I see is most people refraining from kicking a man when he"s down, and one guy doing just that.

He made a series of very poor decisions, and I don"t see him denying that.

Saidin said:
Oh so I found out why she was hesitant to have sex with me. She thought all of the girls being with me was "cute" and wants to know what all of the hype was about. She just wanted me to get an STD check before we did anything. So I got one done yesterday and I"m got the results back an hour ago saying I"m clean from all of the major ones. Now I just have to wait for the urinalysis for the random STD that I"ve never heard of and I"ll be good to go.
Wrap it the fuck up. Jesus christ, you"re posting in the middle of a drama storm from the last guy that had shit go sideways with birth control. She should be on the pill, and you need to bag that trouser snake up.

And yes, I am a colossal hypocrite who has been incredibly lucky rolling 20"s in the great game of sex in terms of bad consequences.

Ravvenn said:
That or talk about why it takes men so long to poop (none of us can crack that one...any takers??)
Because we"re not pooping. We"re reading something, jerking off, or simply avoiding you. Seriously though, I kind of find it a mystery too how some guys take so long. When I poop, the log"s damn near floating in the toilet before my cheeks hit the seat. Anything past about 60 seconds means I"m either reading something, or sick and unsure what may happen if I get up too fast. And typically I"m only reading long enough to finish the article I started, because my feet fall asleep really quickly.

Sometimes it"s also courtesy. We"re letting the exhaust fan clear the stench out a bit before we open the door and let that smell crop dust behind us.

People who use their phone on the toilet are fucking heathens.


Confirmed Male
Eomer said:
People who use their phone on the toilet are fucking heathens.
Wait, hypothetical. What if someone was just playing solitaire on their phone, would that be OK? A friend of mine does that, I am just checking for him.


Trakanon Raider
Alright, gonna make a separate post to request opinions or advice regarding Chuck. Back story if you care to refresh the more recent happenings:

So other than the texts immediately after the game, neither of us has contacted the other. When we had parted ways, the last thing she had said was "call me anytime!" and then followed that up 5 minutes later with the "I had the best time!" text. At the bar after the game we had been talking in general terms about relationships, and because my siblings were about to have kids and one of hers just did as well, kids came up and she said something along the lines of "oh yeah if I find the right person I can see that happening" when I had commented that I was still having a hard time picturing myself settling down any time in the next few years. I"m still not sure if she was just talking to me as a friend/confidant or if that was a hint or what.

Oh another thing occurred to me: during the early part of the game when we were just kind of conversationally dancing around each other in terms of what we"ve been up to, figuring out where we stood, and she asked why I"d asked her to go to the game. Now keep in mind I"m very sarcastic and she knows it. I responded that the usual suspects had come with me to the season opener the week before, and that one or two other guys hadn"t been able to make it, so I figured I"d give her a shout as my "Plan G" or something like that. I was obviously being playful about it, and later in the night told her because I"d had fun that she might be upgraded to D. She laughed during both conversations and wasn"t put off by the joking, at least not visibly.

So basically what I"m getting at, is that I"d like to at least put the feelers out and see if there"s anything there, but I"m not sure how to go about it. Given her not contacting me, perhaps there"s nothing there at all. But I do wonder if perhaps she wasn"t sure what I was getting at either. She did at some points during the evening seem somewhat nervous or unsure of herself, which was interesting as she"s normally the opposite. There was definitely physical flirting, light shoving, an ass spank or two. And she did inquire as to whether I was seeing anyone or not during the conversation at the bar about relationships etc.


Dis said:
Wait, hypothetical. What if someone was just playing solitaire on their phone, would that be OK? A friend of mine does that, I am just checking for him.
It"s not the courtesy. It"s the fact you"re taking a device (that you regularly hold to your face and mouth) in to an environment with significant amounts of fecal matter, whether airborne or on your hands, using it, likely not cleaning it in any way, and then later are likely using the device and touching food or other surfaces. How often do you check your phone during a typical restaurant meal, for example? It"s fucking disgusting.

Hell, once a magazine has entered my bathroom for toilet reading, the only way it leaves is in the trash. And no fucking way am I reading an actual book in there, unless I intend on burning it after.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Fuck it, move on.

Now, you can take that in one of 2 can either actually fuck it, and move on, or you can throw up your arms and say "Fuck it!" and move on.

Either way though, I"d suggest not wasting anymore time on her. It"s quite obvious that if shit was gonna happen, it would have happened by now.


Trakanon Raider
Hung up isn"t the right phrase at all. I just think she"s a cool chick and we have fun hanging out, and I thought that perhaps I"d picked up some signals that she was interested in trying things again. I haven"t had any strong feelings for her since I got involved in the whole Xerxes/Anne thing.


Trakanon Raider
If there"s one lesson I"ve taken to heart from my own recent troubles, it"s that second chances almost never work. You broke up for a reason, and it"s probably still there.


Confirmed Male
Eomer said:
I get what you are saying, and have thought about it myself. I do change out the screen covers and give my case/phone a light rubdown of a 50/50 alcohol/water solution. But even if you dont use your phone, you are still going to get crap on your phone if it is physically with you correct? Not to mention clothes, shoes, eyeglasses etc etc.

Bah derail, my point is, I think you are fucked unless you are OCD, and then you are fucked because you are OCD. So basically you are just fucked.

Edit - So I can actually contribute to what you asked:

I havent read your linked background story, so unless she fucked like 2+ guys at once while you walked in from a hard day of plumbing, or she is batshit insane. I dont really see any reason not to give her a 2nd chance. If you like her, want to go out with her, stop dancing and just ask her out. If you get the heisman? Fuck it dood, you tried, and then at least you know where you stand. Doesnt mean you are any less of a person because she declined. I think I have said this in the past, specifically to your posts. If you are interested in a girl, be assertive and just ask her. Women love confidence, borderline arrogance. Doesnt mean you have to be a dick to her, just lets them know you are comfortable in your own skin, they like that a lot. Dont play games.


Ravvenn said:
To be honest though, those conversations aren"t as frequent as chats about the current sales and where we bought our handbags, etc. That or talk about why it takes men so long to poop (none of us can crack that one...any takers??)
Sounds like someone needs more fibre in their diet... or is a compulsive wanker who takes any and every opportunity to rub one out... or iPoops on the loo