Girls who broke your heart thread


Now if all you want is advice on how to pick up a quick ho for a fuck for a month or two then go pick up a couple cans of four loko and ask out every hot chick you see till one says yes. The law of averages says one will eventually.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TheCutlery said:
You"re so fucking right dude. How fucking horrible it is to have to wake up and deal with your awesome kids every morning. It"s completely unbearable to watch them grow up into their own little people, I only wish I could find the words to explain how thoroughly unsatisfying it is.

You just keep on keeping on. Maybe in a few years, we can talk about adult things.
How horrible is it to have throw-away money I can spend on msyelf?

How horrible is it to not wake up at 3:00 in the morning to clean shit off my kid"s thigh?

How horrible is it to be completely independent and free from responsibility?

How horrible is it to rely upon yourself every morning?

Then again I guess if I had a sugar momma paying all my bills I"d see the world differently but I make my own money


@tenks have you ever worked out really hard and had huge cramps, tired muscles and pain all over afterward but still felt good anyway? Like an adrenilne high that lasts all day and sometimes all if the next day?

Kids are like that but times 1000. It seems like ao much work and effort but words can"t accurately describe the reward.


Sharmai said:
The two biggest factors are money and time. I am explaining this because bro"s have to take a backseat to future wife material for both emotional and physical reasons. If they don"t then you risk damaging or never having a real long lasting relationship.
Of course you stop hanging out with your friends as much when in a long term relationship, this is not the issue. Its going after a random chick that you know your friend is into even if he never gets anywhere.

The world is filled with random hot vagina why in the fuck would you go after one your friend likes? Being a good friend doesn"t mean you put them before your fucking gf in a committed relationship. But it should mean you go after some other random instead of trying to snipe one they like.


A nice asshole.
First let me say I love my daughter and she is awesome, we do a ton of stuff together and can"t imagine life without her. It was planned pregnancy so we were as prepared as you can be.I will also say I miss my free time and lately she has been in pushing boundaries mode AKA being a huge pain in the ass.

Kids are great but I can also see where Tenks is coming from, if I didn"t find "the one" early in life I would likely have the same outlook. Being a parent feels near impossible at times, really need a strong partner to make it through.

In short a good women changes everything, to think what my life would be like if I ended up with some of my ex"s makes me shudder.
Gryeyes said:
Of course you stop hanging out with your friends as much when in a long term relationship, this is not the issue. Its going after a random chick that you know your friend is into even if he never gets anywhere.

The world is filled with random hot vagina why in the fuck would you go after one your friend likes? Being a good friend doesn"t mean you put them before your fucking gf in a committed relationship. But it should mean you go after some other random instead of trying to snipe one they like.
Being a worthwhile friend also involves not being a dickless pussy and "holding onto" the idea that you may still have a shot at this one chick. If the fucking time has passed, move the fuck on. I"d say if the friend wants to piss and moan about shit when he doesn"t even have a fucking shot at it, he"s a bitch.

Case in point, the girl I"m dating now. A buddy of mine was interested, but he knew he had absolutely no chance with her due to their age differences. He told me to go for it because he knew she actually liked me and we"d be great together.
Gryeyes said:
Of course you stop hanging out with your friends as much when in a long term relationship, this is not the issue. Its going after a random chick that you know your friend is into even if he never gets anywhere.

The world is filled with random hot vagina why in the fuck would you go after one your friend likes? Being a good friend doesn"t mean you put them before your fucking gf in a committed relationship. But it should mean you go after some other random instead of trying to snipe one they like.
According to some posts here you do it because she MIGHT be future wife material.

And if you tell them that a "MIGHT be" is not worth hurting a friend or starting a fight with him, they tell you how awesome wives are -- nevermind that the girl they met yesterday is not their wife yet and nobody is talking about wives anyway.

As this is pointless I refuse to take part in this discussion, yet remain with my opinion: If you pick pussy > friend, then you are pathetic and prolly lonely.


When you start to get older every women you date or your friend dates becomes potential wife material. This is because that natural male instinct towards protecting and raising a family becomes stronger then sticking your dick in any 2 legged walking object.

When you are young, friend > pussy because that"s all your world view can encompass. When you get older pussy = girlfriend = lasting mate = wife > friend because your long term view has grown to encompass your entire lifetime and not just tommorw.

Any male who has gone to college has seen and probably experience this process from the 1-2 week high school relationships to the 2-4++ year college relationships.

I"d lonely is being marred 2 plus years with a one year old daughter who loves starbursts, hiding our iPhones in her toy car, and being spoiled rotten by her grandparents then yes I am very lonely.


or you get yourself a dog who loves doorbells, hiding your shoes in the garden, and being spoiled rotten by food falling of the dinner table


Trakanon Raider
So I got a phone call on my cell yesterday right in the middle of tendering a project. The girl said she was with the local newspaper and I immediately cut her off and said I couldn"t take her call and hung up because I was in panic mode and figured it was likely just a telemarketer. Same chick emailed me this morning saying to give her a call because she wants to talk to me about some bachelor "promotion" they are running. I google and find this:

Enter Sun"s Bachelor Searching for Love contest | Edmonton | News | Edmonton Sun

Some jackass must have submitted my name, number and email. I"m supposed to give her a call to discuss. The deadline for submissions was yesterday, so I must have made some sort of cut.

Go for it?

edit: further details:Official Rules and Regulations | Bachelor Searching for Love | Contests | Edmonton Sun

I could just barely make the dates required as they fall just before and just after a buddy"s stag in Vegas. Assuming I get voted in (that"s where FoH would come in!). I"d imagine they"ve got 10-20 candidates at this point. Seems like a giant pain in the ass.

edit2: yup, one of 20 "finalists" from submissions. Chick said most of the guys who"ve been contacted were also asking who submitted them, which they don"t know.


Hatorade said:
First let me say I love my daughter and she is awesome, we do a ton of stuff together and can"t imagine life without her. It was planned pregnancy so we were as prepared as you can be.I will also say I miss my free time and lately she has been in pushing boundaries mode AKA being a huge pain in the ass.
Mind if I ask how old she is? I"ve recently found myself struggling with my son. He turned 13 in November and he"s kind of a butthole. It"s like secrets galore now. Given I"ve never been a 13 year old boy, I have no idea what changes he"s going through. I feel like a big failure when he lies to me.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Awwww 13 is a great age. Hormones galore. Will be fighting with the father for your affection in no time pre consciously , later he will become the best of friends with his dad. Same goes with girls, fights with their mother for affection and see"s you as a threat. Later, mother and daughter become best of friends.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Jimmy Carter wuwu said:
Awwww 13 is a great age. Hormones galore. Will be fighting with the father for your affection in no time pre consciously , later he will become the best of friends with his dad. Same goes with girls, fights with their mother for affection and see"s you as a threat. Later, mother and daughter become best of friends.
That"s a pretty big generalization IMO. I for one never really went through too much of a rebellious phase, and never became real close with my dad. Chalk it up to failures on his parents part affecting his dealings with us, or just differences in personality, but we don"t fight or anything, we just never really became friends.


Silver Knight of the Realm
ToeMissile said:
That"s a pretty big generalization IMO. I for one never really went through too much of a rebellious phase, and never became real close with my dad. Chalk it up to failures on his parents part affecting his dealings with us, or just differences in personality, but we don"t fight or anything, we just never really became friends.
Your right in calling it a big generalization, it"s merely a theory.


A nice asshole.
Ravvenn said:
Mind if I ask how old she is? I"ve recently found myself struggling with my son. He turned 13 in November and he"s kind of a butthole. It"s like secrets galore now. Given I"ve never been a 13 year old boy, I have no idea what changes he"s going through. I feel like a big failure when he lies to me.
She is 4 so no help there sorry. Also 13-16 I gave my mom hell, it went from her telling me I am doing wrong to me actually doing wrong because I was getting trouble any way. I never lied but I sure as hell didn"t tell her everything. It only got better when I realized I was the one being an ass. All I wanted to do was not be home, or when I was home to be left alone. There was a time when we agreed that as long as I did chores without being asked I would have my freedom, went well until I stopped cleaning. 15-16 was even worse because she hated every girl a brought home, she was right thinking back but at the time pussy+friends>family.

Secrets galore indeed, at one point I thought I was going to die because my girlfriend found out I was cheating on her with my bestfriend(also a girl for the assholes) I lost them both and was end of the world, took it out on family because ofcourse mom never went through that stuff. So who knows what is going on but to him it is the most important thing ever.

Call my mom about once a week now, because when it came down to it she was the only one looking out for me and we don"t forget that just takes us growing up to appreciate it.