Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Erronius said:
Eomer, aren"t you self-employed or run your own business? That is just going to scream"eligible bachelor"to a lot of people
Oh I wasn"t offended or put off or anything. It"s flattering for sure, if only because the editors picked my profile. The profile itself was most definitely written by a woman, and one that knows me reasonably well. They got my eye color and height slightly wrong, but otherwise it was fairly bang on. The picture is from Facebook, however that particular album is restricted to only the hundred or so friends that I don"t have on some sort of limited profile.

I"ve asked the most likely suspects and they"ve denied it to this point. I don"t care a whole lot, I kind of think the whole thing was amusing and I"m just curious who sent it in. I put up a status about it on Facebook and 30 female friends were unanimous in their disappointment I didn"t go ahead with it. Deafening indifference from the penis side of the aisle, aside from the expected "you signed yourself up" comments.

Picked up Jen last night, had a nice hour or two before trying to get in a couple hours of sleep prior to getting up at 4am for flights. Subject of relationship status didn"t come up. Gonna miss her. I think!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Kevincheese said:
Programmed by culture, not nature.
Is there really a difference in this day and age? It"s not like there"s a whole shitload of wild humans out there that we can assess for their traits. Being a man in society involves a lot more than having a fucking ball sack.


Vatoreus said:
If there is NO chance he"s getting with it, and you cockblock your friend against it and allow some douche to get with the chick, who wins?
Nobody wins but due to the flood of available twat this does not need to be quantified and debated, haha. I honestly cannot recall any of my friends being remotely this gay. But IF they told me they liked a chick and was denied I wouldn"t fuck her out of respect. Even if it was never mentioned it would hurt a friends feelings.

Basically I would be targeting a vagina knowing it will hurt my friend instead of dicking any of the gazillion other options wandering around. None of the other factors even enter the picture, it begins and ends there.

Is there really a difference in this day and age?
Society and culture itself is natural...


Gryeyes said:
Nobody wins but due to the flood of available twat this does not need to be quantified and debated, haha. I honestly cannot recall any of my friends being remotely this gay. But IF they told me they liked a chick and was denied I wouldn"t fuck her out of respect. Even if it was never mentioned it would hurt a friends feelings.

Basically I would be targeting a vagina knowing it will hurt my friend instead of dicking any of the gazillion other options wandering around. None of the other factors even enter the picture, it begins and ends there.
Do you happen to do GTL in the morning?


Brikker said:
I never thought I"d have to post here.

What do you do when your partner of 5 years tells you she isn"t in love with you (but she still loves you very deeply, but you deserve better), doesn"t want to break up but doesn"t think she can be happy with you?

I"ve never felt this before and I"m at a total loss (to the point where I"m posting this on FoH =/).


If the answers to the above is no, get a gym membership and find something new.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Brikker said:
I never thought I"d have to post here.

What do you do when your partner of 5 years tells you she isn"t in love with you (but she still loves you very deeply, but you deserve better), doesn"t want to break up but doesn"t think she can be happy with you?

I"ve never felt this before and I"m at a total loss (to the point where I"m posting this on FoH =/).
She is interested in someone else.


I"d agree with this guy ^^. When you"ve been together that long and they say something like that, you"re pretty much done, I"m sorry to say. One caveat I can think of would be if your relationship has been stagnating/slipping in the past ~6 months, then their might be some glimmer of hope to save it. But if you think things have been going dandy and she drops this bomb, it"s sadface.


Pretty much, she wants out and doesn"t want to be the one to pull the trigger. When you drop something like Isn"t in love with you, can"t be happy with you and you deserve better it"s a goner.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Work on yourself. Hit the gym, take up something new like the guy before me said. The only thing you can possibly do is to make yourself more attractive. That, and possibly suggest counseling of some sort. But the best thing you can do is basically focus on yourself, and to ignore her somewhat. Still be nice, and loving, and such, but do your own thing, and also flirt with other chicks in an innocent sort of way.


Before you toss in the towel at least consider that she isn"t aware that she can get what she feels she is missing with you. Take some time to really talk to her to find out what she feels is missing. Couples get really wrapped up in their coupledom and sometimes stop growing on their own and it eats away at them.
After 20 years with my wife we have learned that when we aren"t happy with the relationship, its usually because we aren"t working on trying something new for our own singular self. My wife now has several hobbies including painting classes and is getting quite good and I am learning to fly remote helicopters. This time alone concentrating on something new and fun has helped bring new life where it was going stale, and we have new stuff to talk about as well.
5 years can be a tough patch to get through, cause young couples start to think that this is all the marriage will ever amount to, you know, debt responsibility, work etc. . There are things you and the wife can try out like counceling.
Anyways, enough rambling, just be sure to have both really commit if you want to keep it together. Good luck


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
All of this advice is bad. I mean, it"s fine if you don"t give a shit about the relationship, but you clearly do, so uhh, yeah, it"s not much help.

This is an impossible situation to diagnose in a 40 word post. You"re gonna have to talk to her more and talk to us more if you want any kind of meaningful advice from us. What has lead up to this point, why does she feel the way she does? What things would rectify the problem? etc. Without knowing these things, we can"t help you out in any way other than "Go fuck other girls," which is clearly not what you want, or you wouldn"t be bothering to ask about it.


you should spend less time thinking about what"s wrong with your relationship and spend more time on stuff that is generally healthy for relationships


This fucking thread, haha. Yeah bro, hit the gym real hard and woo your wife back with your diesel legs!

She no longer loves you, the relationship is over, she either wants to or already has fucked another man. She just felt bad about ending the marriage outright so allowed the change for it to be pseudo mutual, absolving her of guilt. Why the fuck would you want a relationship to work with a woman who has clearly said she no longer loves you like that and is not happy?

Make no mistake the marriage is already over.


Can someone find my big ass "women are emotionally needy and men oftentimes forget that" post? THAT probably has something to do with what"s going on.

You really need to give up more information, though. If you can manage to do that I"d be willing to put myself out there (possibly on the chopping block) and try my best to help (I"ve learned some new things that I think a few of you who are married / in LTR"s could benefit from). Based off of what she said, there"s still hope, although she appears to have none.

Even PM it and then I can post here without sharing too many details if you"re afraid of her finding it or something (I did that before in a similar situation, wonder whatever ever came of that..). I think I can offer some insight as well as a different perspective.

Why was that post removed, anyone see what it said?
Ravvenn said:
Can someone find my big ass "women are emotionally needy and men oftentimes forget that" post? THAT probably has something to do with what"s going on.

You really need to give up more information, though. If you can manage to do that I"d be willing to put myself out there (possibly on the chopping block) and try my best to help (I"ve learned some new things that I think a few of you who are married / in LTR"s could benefit from). Based off of what she said, there"s still hope, although she appears to have none.

Even PM it and then I can post here without sharing too many details if you"re afraid of her finding it or something (I did that before in a similar situation, wonder whatever ever came of that..). I think I can offer some insight as well as a different perspective.

Why was that post removed, anyone see what it said?
I believe he had said that things had been going downhill for 3-5 months, and that YES, they were married.


@Brikker when you say partner of 5 years did you mean marriage? At first I assimumed that from what you said your relationship was pretty much over but then I noticed it was 5 years long and that makes a big difference. Usually a women will decide in the first few months to <1 year if a guy is going to last so staying in a relationship for 5 years means something changed or something didn"t change.

What I mean is have you changed in any way in the past year or so? Didn"t take her out anymore? No flowers like you used to? Never said I love you anymore? etc?


Did you not propose? Has she been waiting for you to get the clue for 5 years and finally decided that you are one of those guys who will never propose and so she is deciding to move on before her biological clock stops ticking?


If you are married do you have kids? Is she wanting kids? Is she upset this isn"t happening?


It isn"t money (bills) is it? Something changed in the last half year or so and talking about that last half year may help you identify what it is if you don"t know.