Girls who broke your heart thread


Update: Picked up my stuff from her place tonight. We ended up talking for a short bit, her essentially saying she just felt what she was doing was best for us and also adding she never felt she fully trusted me in the relationship. That one stung a little bit. We ended up hugging and saying goodbye, and her saying she still wanted to be able to talk later down the road and catch up whenever (whatever that means).

Feeling pretty empty right now - definitely going to be tough moving on from this one.


Molten Core Raider
munky150 said:
Feeling pretty empty right now - definitely going to be tough moving on from this one.
I completely understand. Sometimes it"s like a huge black wave of despair washes over me and I just gotta sit down a minute and get control again. I miss her so fucking much. It happened 2 weeks ago tomorrow and I can"t even remember them... it seems like she walked out on me just a few minutes ago. The emptiness is the worst... having to go to the store and sit where we used to spend 12 - 14 hours a day together... yesterday was the first day in over 8 months I didn"t talk to her... now she has changed her FB profile picture to a hotel room and she "accidentally" sent me a text telling me what room number she was in and to come on in when I got there... fuck me I wish time would move faster.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Camerous said:
now she has changed her FB profile picture to a hotel room and she "accidentally" sent me a text telling me what room number she was in and to come on in when I got there... fuck me I wish time would move faster.
Seriously? Her leaving you is the best thing that could have ever happened to you. What a cunt.


Molten Core Raider
munky150 said:
Update: Picked up my stuff from her place tonight. We ended up talking for a short bit, her essentially saying she just felt what she was doing was best for us and also adding she never felt she fully trusted me in the relationship. That one stung a little bit. We ended up hugging and saying goodbye, and her saying she still wanted to be able to talk later down the road and catch up whenever (whatever that means).

Feeling pretty empty right now - definitely going to be tough moving on from this one.
For the better dude. She"s a game player, don"t let her cause anymore grief in your life. Be done with it.


Molten Core Raider
Apparently she is back with her ex before me. He has changed his location back to her home town and taken off his "in a relationship" tag down. OMG why does it have to hurt so fucking bad. Why can"t I just move on like I have done with every other woman... I can"t eat still, I can"t fucking sleep most nights, I wake up in a panic and reach for her only to not find her there, I find myself crying all the time now, and I have lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks... she"s fucking killing me. Every one keeps telling me time will heal you just give it time you are better off.. FUCK that noise. I miss her so much it"s a fucking physical ache in my chest.


Camerous said:
I completely understand. Sometimes it"s like a huge black wave of despair washes over me and I just gotta sit down a minute and get control again. I miss her so fucking much. It happened 2 weeks ago tomorrow and I can"t even remember them... it seems like she walked out on me just a few minutes ago. The emptiness is the worst... having to go to the store and sit where we used to spend 12 - 14 hours a day together... yesterday was the first day in over 8 months I didn"t talk to her... now she has changed her FB profile picture to a hotel room and she "accidentally" sent me a text telling me what room number she was in and to come on in when I got there... fuck me I wish time would move faster.
I completely understand. When we initially ended it back in August, I couldn"t even watch a show without thinking how it related to her somehow.

Personally, I dropped off of facebook (and dont plan on looking at it for the next 3-6 months), and just ignore any calls (although texts are harder just because they automatically kinda pop up). It seems like you are going through what I went through before - I do feel as if I have more control over myself now (this is 8 months later and we attempted to make it work again) but its still rough. The fact she sent you that text was not accidental and seriously fucked - what kind of person would do that to someone they loved? Not one you want to be with, I"m sure.

I"m seriously sorry for you, Cam. I don"t know how you do it - going to a place you guys worked together every single day. I know I couldn"t. Just remember that, and know you"re an incredibly strong person.


Molten Core Raider
munky150 said:
I"m seriously sorry for you, Cam. I don"t know how you do it - going to a place you guys worked together every single day. I know I couldn"t. Just remember that, and know you"re an incredibly strong person.
I can"t let her win. I can"t let her break me. That"s what I tell myself every time I walk in to one of my stores. I can see her sitting there most days.. I can hear her sometimes if I concentrate.. I get a whiff of her perfume sometimes and I almost fall to my fucking knees.

But fuck me the pain is so fucking raw I can"t think straight most times. If a broken heart could kill me I would be dead already.


munky150 said:
I really want to move on here - I"m tired of feeling this pit in my chest. I mean, I literally feel exhausted. I also have to bang out my last term here which is packed full of courses, and I"m not looking forward to it while feeling this way. I genuinely love the girl (even after typing all of this and reading it, it makes me seem like a fucking pussy) but this clearly wont work. I also now have an incredibly large and difficult issue to deal with in my father who has limited time left here, which isn"t helping.

After everything I"ve read here...I should just pick my shit up and never contact her again right? I"ve already dropped off of facebook until I feel ready to even have the possibility of seeing pictures of her again (we have alot of the same friends). I graduate in June and plan on getting the fuck out of here ASAP. Any advice, comments, or whatever is helpful. She"s already talking about how she wants to say goodbye to me before I leave...and I don"t even want to think about talking to her again, because that shit ate me up before.
It sounds like you know what you need to do, and you"re just not sure if you"ll be able to or not.

Your situation seems to have a lot in common with the breakup I went through a few months ago. If I have any advice to give at all, it would be to concentrate on what"s important right now the best you can. Even though you love her and have a lot of time invested into the relationship, school and your family are so much more important at this stage of your life.

You will be able to get over her. It will take time, of course, but it will happen. From the sounds of it, she has issues that YOU won"t ever be able to fix. Maybe she"ll grow up a little bit and down the road things will work out.


Camerous said:
I didn"t talk to her... now she has changed her FB profile picture to a hotel room and she "accidentally" sent me a text telling me what room number she was in and to come on in when I got there... fuck me I wish time would move faster.
Why the fuck are you looking at her FB? Sever all connection to her, anything that may be related to her avoid. We all like to torture ourselves sometimes but sheesh.


Molten Core Raider
Gryeyes said:
Why the fuck are you looking at her FB? Sever all connection to her, anything that may be related to her avoid. We all like to torture ourselves sometimes but sheesh.
You MUST do this. If you REALLY want to move on you have to COMPLETELY remove her from your life. Facebook, delete her number from your phone, old texts (save pic"s send to us keke). Until you do those things you are still holding on bro and just torturing yourself. Fuck bitches acquire currency!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Like those above me have said, you need to sever all ties. Block her number so she doesn"t "accidentally" send you texts, unfriend AND block her profile on fb, etc. Wounds don"t heal if you continue to aggravate them.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Camerous said:
now she has changed her FB profile picture to a hotel room and she "accidentally" sent me a text telling me what room number she was in and to come on in when I got there... fuck me I wish time would move faster.
Almost sounds like she"s taunting you.

If you don"t cut the fucking cord you"re going to be a giant blubbering mass by the time she"s done mindfucking you. Or, more accurately, after you"re done mindfucking yourself. She"s only able to make you miserable because you are LETTING her make you miserable. Cut her out of your life like she"s an abscess. People have been telling you this for a while now and apparently you"re as thick as a brick. Drop her on FB, stop spending time reading the relationship status of her exes (lol the fuck). Block her number or call your carrier and see if you can block her texts.

I"m not going to feel sorry for you if you continue to keep ignoring people"s advice and constantly allow yourself to be an easy target, then come back here for regular updates. I don"t want to sound like a douche, but be a man and cut her off. She might be a bitch or heartless or using you or another 100 things, but you need to own up to your own failings here. Specifically, allowing yourself to keep standing in a shitstorm and then complaining that you"re being crapped on. MOVE THE FUCK ON.


Molten Core Raider
You are all right of course but it"s so hard to think rationally when the waves come... thanks again for the advice all I am going to try my best to follow it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Just do it quick before she "accidentally" sends you a picture of her being gangbanged by 5 black dudes.



Molten Core Raider
roflmao Ok she is gone from my FB and I deleted her numbers. I blocked her from calling me but I can"t block text messages.

Teron D"Amun_foh

Soygen said:
Just do it quick before she "accidentally" sends you a picture of her being gangbanged by 5 black dudes.

what? why wouldnt you want to upload that to some internet site for all world to see and remind her of her escapades years later
I"m pretty sure her then husband would really appreciate to see that


STFU said:
It sounds like you know what you need to do, and you"re just not sure if you"ll be able to or not.

Your situation seems to have a lot in common with the breakup I went through a few months ago. If I have any advice to give at all, it would be to concentrate on what"s important right now the best you can. Even though you love her and have a lot of time invested into the relationship, school and your family are so much more important at this stage of your life.

You will be able to get over her. It will take time, of course, but it will happen. From the sounds of it, she has issues that YOU won"t ever be able to fix. Maybe she"ll grow up a little bit and down the road things will work out.
Yeah, STFU, I actually read your story and saw alot of similarity between ours. I also don"t think I ever could have ended it; I think I was just waiting for her to.

Yeah, she definitely needs to grow up some. I don"t know if she ever will - but it sounds like she is finally taking some much needed steps to get to that point. Just sucks it is happening NOW, as the relationship is 100% over (she will never move to Texas).

Just wondering, as yours happened a few months ago, how are you feeling? Things better?


munky150 said:
Just wondering, as yours happened a few months ago, how are you feeling? Things better?
As soon as I started thinking about what I need to do for myself, and stopped worrying about how/if I could work things out with my ex things got a lot better.

I"ve been keeping myself busy to the point where I haven"t even had much time to think about her. I still care about her, of course, but I now have apathy towards a relationship with her.

Also, there were a couple times when she was feeling lonely and her new friends/interest were too busy for her, that she"d call me and say that she wanted to try to work things out. But as soon as they started to come around again, I"d get the cold shoulder. So I"d have a week of thinking we were working things out, then a week of feeling like we just broke up again. Sorry to say that I fell for it more than once, but I eventually wised up and got to the point above.