Girls who broke your heart thread


Good lawd, someone should sell them the faces of the females we have here. They"d be more a lot more likely to get someone to click that ad. Even pasty basement dwellers have some standards.


Riddle me this...
You"ve been around for some time. You want to revise that statement about standards? Little refresher, and let us not forget


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Ravvenn said:
Good lawd, someone should sell them the faces of the females we have here. They"d be more a lot more likely to get someone to click that ad. Even pasty basement dwellers have some standards.
Pics or it didn"t happen! (j/k)

Jx3 does have a point though...every time I turn around it"s some other /facepalm revelation. Millie/Blarney is a man and pretended to write you strange, doting love posts (or something)? Jerle is a...? Blaezen wanted to rail an obviously underage Emma Watson? GV and Shelly? Kate has a hoof? PedoSam having a record and keeping a list of the 406+ <s>prostitutes</s> "intelligent businesswomen" that he"s slept with? Grobbee bragging about snowballing women because "it turns them on, trust me"? And probably a ton more that I can"t remember atm.

As far as standards go, there is no shortage of men in general that would bag a woman even if he found her unattractive. For some guys, standards only apply as a measurement of whether or not you"d brag to your friends about who you slept with.

What got me about that ad, was I guess that I"d find a couple of them cute...if they didn"t look like they might be 15. I could see that ad 5-8 years ago when gaming had a younger crowd, but damn, I didn"t think that the "gamer" demographic still had an average age that coincided with the first time a guy has to shave off his puberty "stache. It bugs me I guess if it looks like some girl is less than half my age, sure they might be cute (in a Facebook/Myspace "angle" photo way) but the age thing still kills it for me; PedoSam I am not.

Sometimes I actually look at emails in my junk folder, like the ones from dating sites; some of the pics they use crack me up. I mean I know that there is a good chance that they farmed a ton of pics off the web, but sometimes it"s so blatant that you know that you"ve seen a pic of some chic before (probably more than once). I"ve Tineye"d a few and seen the results spread out like herpes (I"d try google goggles, I"ve been curious about it, but I don"t use phones that are app capable). It"s even made me curious as to how they farm for pics, do these sites hire people to trudge through the internet looking for pics to use? Are people selling compilations of those kinds of pics to those sites? Has Tyen written an app that automatically collects and sorts pics? Questions, I has them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Erronius said:
Sometimes I actually look at emails in my junk folder, like the ones from dating sites; some of the pics they use
First thing I thought while reading this.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ravvenn said:
Good lawd, someone should sell them the faces of the females we have here. They"d be more a lot more likely to get someone to click that ad. Even pasty basement dwellers have some standards.
Do we frequent the same forum?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Soygen said:
Do we frequent the same forum?
I would shoop that ad banner with Shelly moans, but I wasn"t sure if the "SWEET GOD MY EYES" act of MMXI made it"s way through FoH senate. (the aychamo filibusterer lasted many hours)

Did Ravv sign it into law yet?


Trakanon Raider
Dabamf said:
No one sees someone with a cold sore and goes "DUDE THAT CHICK HAS THE HERP!"

Obviously it is the herpes virus, but we don"t really call it that.

Just a story about an awkward language moment dudes. Don"t be so serious
In response to your first sentence: yes, yes they do. Because they have the herp. I mean, I might not yell it out, but honestly that"s what I"m thinking.

Second sentence: I certainly do. Hell, even my friends who get the occasional cold sore call it the herp, because they have a sense of humor about it.

I wasn"t being "so serious", it just seemed from your original post that you genuinely weren"t aware that a cold sore and THE HERP are one and the same. If you were, awesome. If you weren"t, then The More You Know and such.

I don"t think I"ve ever dated someone with it, and I"ve never had one. Not sure how I"d feel about it. Shit"s just luck of the draw really.


Trakanon Raider
You probably already have it. Infection rates for hsv-1 are something like 85-90% by the time people are in their elderly years. It"s over 50% for college students. A sizable chunk of us catch it as infants from our parents and grandparents giving us a kiss, or from sharing food as children.

The majority of people who carry the virus don"t suffer symptoms. It jut sits around latent, and will bloom if/when you get really sick and are immuno-suppressed. You just end up one of the lucky ones, because once you"ve had one it"s very likely to recur, and it can always spread to other locations. The good news is that outbreaks get smaller over time and the length between them increases. If you"re really careful, you can actually pretty much "cure" yourself of symptoms by taking great care when you have sores not to burst them or let them spread.

I got really sick in grad school and went to an urgent care for an outbreak before I knew what it was. They thought I had an allergic reaction and gave me a steroid, which killed my immune system even further and caused a serious infection. I was out of school for like two weeks, couldn"t eat or drink anything without almost crying from the pain. Even breathing caused terrible burning pain all through my mouth. First outbreaks tend to be worse, but they"ve gotten much better. I get maybe one sore a year, and it"s gone within just a few days of treatment. Valacyclovir kills it fast, and combined with lysine tablets and cream, they"re basically not even noticeable.

Also, it"s pretty tough to get an hsv-1 genital infection. So yeah, it"s "the herp", but it"s not exactly seen the same way as hsv-2.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
You probably already have it. Infection rates for hsv-1 are something like 85-90% by the time people are in their elderly years. It"s over 50% for college students. A sizable chunk of us catch it as infants from our parents and grandparents giving us a kiss, or from sharing food as children.

The majority of people who carry the virus don"t suffer symptoms. It jut sits around latent, and will bloom if/when you get really sick and are immuno-suppressed. You just end up one of the lucky ones, because once you"ve had one it"s very likely to recur, and it can always spread to other locations. The good news is that outbreaks get smaller over time and the length between them increases. If you"re really careful, you can actually pretty much "cure" yourself of symptoms by taking great care when you have sores not to burst them or let them spread.

I got really sick in grad school and went to an urgent care for an outbreak before I knew what it was. They thought I had an allergic reaction and gave me a steroid, which killed my immune system even further and caused a serious infection. I was out of school for like two weeks, couldn"t eat or drink anything without almost crying from the pain. Even breathing caused terrible burning pain all through my mouth. First outbreaks tend to be worse, but they"ve gotten much better. I get maybe one sore a year, and it"s gone within just a few days of treatment. Valacyclovir kills it fast, and combined with lysine tablets and cream, they"re basically not even noticeable.

Also, it"s pretty tough to get an hsv-1 genital infection. So yeah, it"s "the herp", but it"s not exactly seen the same way as hsv-2.
You"re really taking all the fun outta herpes here.


Lord Nagafen Raider
radyvix said:
i used to get bad cold sores whenever i got sun burned or was getting stressed out/not enough sleep. I believe this is the same as both herpes simplexes, shingles, etc.

1 word, Lysine. You can get bottles of 50 1000mg pills for like $10 at any drug store/grocery store. As soon as I feel like a cold sore is coming, i start popping like 4000mg every few hours of Lysine and the cold sore never actually comes out. Even if they do manage to come out, just keep taking the Lysine and the cold sore just shrinks and goes away after a day or two. It"s amazing. I used to have these things for like a week, now i just keep a healthy supply around.

No side effects that I know of from it. Anyways, carry on.
Shingles is related to chicken pox. Herpes simplex is something different. If you"re getting a circular, dark red sore on your lip, it"s face herpes. If you are getting a patch of red skin with blister-like sores, that"s shingles.

Paging Dr Aychamo...


Avatar of War Slayer
Long post-

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:So, my grandmother died back in Jan. This is my grandmother that was poor and disabled. What little she had, my dead beat mom and uncles are fighting over what little she had and I am kind of in the middle because none of them wanted anything to do with her for the last 10+ years. I (and at one point my ex-wife) was taking care of her when she needed it. Don"t really want to get into it because it"s not really important to my post. It has been a HUGE head ache. My family is horrible and it makes me sad.

Instead of my retarded road trip, I started going to school. I realized I hated my previous line of work and I have always had a huge infatuation with the process of building bridges, so I am now working towards Civil Engineering and I am going to minor in some sort of Art, even though I know its useless.

In Feb, one of my fellow students emailed me and she asked for my help in History Class. I helped her study and do homework and within a week, she was hooked. me too, I guess. I liked her, but I just kind of knew I wouldnt have feelings. She was 19. heh.

At the same time, I had been talking to my art teacher. Not trying to hit on her, but trying to learn more about art and I just plain and simply enjoyed talking to her. I am trying to remember for the life of me why she had needed my personal email, but I cant remember. But by the end of Feb, I had it. So, one morning, i sent her this-

On Feb 27, 2011, at 9:20 AM, Brad <******@******.com> wrote:

If you like the Dallas Museum of Art, would it be out of line to see if you wanted to go critique some art? I have one painting up there that I am in love with. Would love to hear what you think of some of the pieces that they have on display.
and later that day, this was her response-

Hey Brad,

If coordinating field trips were easier I"d take the whole class - but simply requesting permission from the school is a lengthy and complicated process that i"ve learned to avoid. As it stands it would be somewhat unprofessional of me to go off campus with an individual student(s) before the end of the semester. I"d be happy to critique however so feel free to take pics (I think it"s allowed as long as you don"t use flash) with phone to bring to class!

See you tues,

Maybe after semesters end it could be a fun trip.
I left things at that for now.

So, back to my History Girl. We started hanging out a lot. Mainly to fuck. It was kind of crazy, actually. She was a church girl and went every Sunday and Wednesday, but when she was with me, all she wanted to do was fuck. literally every minute we were together. I really had no complaints and she was what I thought I wanted- Big tits, big ass, flat stomach and wanted to fuck any time I wanted. I guess I didnt. For starters, she listened to Justin Beiber and that shit just fucking drove me nuts. Every song she listened to she would dance to which consisted of "Raise the Roof" or some stupid ass snapping of her fingers. Drove me fucking nuts. There were other things too, like her constant need to be on Facebook and some of the childish language she used.

At the time I am seeing History Girl, I befriended a girl from my Business class. We fucked a couple of times, but it stopped when she started dating her ex boyfriend again. I didnt mind. She was cool, but we both kind of mutually agreed we werent attracted enough for a relationship and we were just better friends. I am still friends with her. She is actually pretty cool.

Well, one of my friends had hung out with me and History girl a lot and he was actually falling for her and HATED that I was fucking another girl behind her back. I was also starting to have feelings for my Art teacher. Real feelings, but was (and am still) unsure if its just because of her position over me. She is older than me (37) and way different than women I have been attracted to before.

History girl was going away for the summer. Some church camp she was going to work at and once she was done, she was going to London for a month, so I told her that once school was out, I was going to ask out someone anyways, so there was no reason for any kind of relationship and that I might even still see someone up until school lets out (At this time, I was still fucking Business girl, so I was covering my ass in case she found out).

Anyways, back to my friend hating this- he knew what my plans were, so he went behind my back and slowly started making me look like a bad guy to History girl, telling her all of the things I had told him in confidence and in short, "stole" History girl from me. I really didnt care. The sex was great, but I didnt like her like my friend did, so I just let it happen. This was also about the time Business girl got back with her ex, so I wasnt seeing anyone.

My friend had some concert tickets, but since I was mad for how he had made me look bad (I guess maybe I was...) to History girl and he was mad at me for how I had treated her (Not bad, just not treating her like he wanted to treat her), he bailed on a concert we were both supposed to go to. So, I emailed my Art teacher-

On Mar 22, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Brad <******@******.com> wrote:

You were the first I thought of when I found out my friend has to pass on the concert. I have two tickets to Apocolyptica that will go to waste if I cannot convince you to honor me with your company.

I already know the rules you are required to abide by, but I have always been told the answer is alwaysNounless you ask, so I am asking-

Would you like to see Apocolyptica?

<image.jpeg> (Pic of the tickets)
She responded with-

No brad, I don"t .. Sry

See you in class,
Since then, I have left it alone. Nothing has really happened either. I havent been trying to date anymore. Seeing a bunch of 18-21 yr olds in action everyday at school has made the thought of dating another young woman almost sickening to me. I find myself thinking about my art teacher everyday and look forward to every class. I try and stick around a few minutes after every class to talk with her, but I dont talk long and I never ask personal questions. We dont really talk much during class.

I would bring her coffee and donuts at least once a week (along with buying donuts for the class) and she eventually asked me to stop bringing her coffee and specialty donuts, unless I could supply for the whole class exactly what was bringing her. She said she really appreciated it and loved the coffee (had never tried it before, but was now drinking it because of me). I understood her reasons for asking me to stop.

We were working in a computer lab. She wanted us to use Photoshop for one of our projects. I had never used it before. It was fun and interesting. Anyways, I was leaving the computer lab, heading back to the class to get my things and she followed me. Because of drama with my family I had to deal with the night before, i was not in a good mood and was tired from the lack of sleep. She had told me a couple of times that she would gather my art for me so I could take it with me. I kept telling her "No, its ok" and I finally ended with "No. Stop. Im not going to mess with it today. Thanks" I said it in a kind of snappy voice. She said sorry and left the classroom.

I dont know this woman very well, but from what I do know, I want to learn more. When i think about her, I dont think about fucking her, I think about what i can do to make her smile. I think about how good she might kiss (yeah, go figure...) and how smooth her skin might be. I think about being able to play with her hair when watching a movie/tv and what kind of concerts we might go to since our musical tastes are almost identical. I have never been attracted to an older woman like I am to her. heck, I havent been attracted to a woman like this except for my ex-wife. She is the first woman I have compared to my ex and deep down, i know she is better than my ex. Way better. I like how this makes me feel and I dont want to lose it.

I know I have been one of the board rejects or retards... or at least a few of you feel that way, but from one brother to another, I need real help here. I have been trying to reduce my stress, which is why i have kind of stayed away. Some of my retarded actions in the past would stress me out when you guys made me realize how dumb I can actually be, so it was just easier to stay away.

I have 2 more weeks of school and I find myself stressing more over how I am going to talk to her than I am over finals. I really have no idea how long I should wait to talk to her or if I should do it in person the last day of my art class. If I do wait, how long should it be? Should I even try and talk to her at all? Is she genuinely interested and just concerned about her work or is she not interested at all and just trying to be nice?

Thanks, guys.

Sorry for the crappy writing, but I am trying to do this while entertaining my son and my nephew.