Girls who broke your heart thread


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Shanter said:
Why did lenartard post for advice, then delete everything? That"s fucked up, I come here for reading entertainment and I got cheated.
Because I didn"t feel my personal situation was for your entertainment.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
lendarios said:
Because I didn"t feel my personal situation was for your entertainment.
Maybe you shouldn"t be posting it on the internet then.


lendarios said:
maybe, ill keep it in mind next time.
Another thing to think about.... How much longer until she finishes school. If she is just about done then it may just be that she sees a great future in front of her with lots of money and job opportunities and doesn"t really need your help and support anymore.

I have had this happen to a friend of mine and I think someone on this thread? too had the same thing. Friend put his wife through college and right around graduation and getting a good job she up and left him. Pretty much sucks cause of how much he went without paying for all her school and emotionally supporting her.

Or maybe she"s just banging some other guy.

Who knows...


Yeah...helped my wife through school, she got a job she loved, oh look I don"t need you anymore!

Also don"t "choose" between family and wife. You picked her to marry that should be good enough.

Best case scenario when you "choose" is that you alienate someone. Worst case is that after she leaves you, you alienated everyone else you loved.

Best case scenario if you tell her to shut it is that you don"t alienate anyone and she comes to realize that you love her and the [random family member], and that it"s okay. Worst case is she gets so pissed that you realize that she is an unreasonable hoebag who is probably doing a guy on the side anyway. So, win-win.


Yeah I never understood why people would take on other (significant others") financial burdens with college loans. Make her put that shit in her name.


lendarios said:
Because I didn"t feel my personal situation was for your entertainment.
The only way for people to bring up shit that is 1 1/2 years old to try and burn you with is by you leaving that info on here indefinitely.

In other news, Korean cupid has been a fucking G-O-L-D-M-I-N-E of slanted yellow vagina. I"ll post a story in a few days or perhaps hours if I get some other shit done today.

And the best part is, I didn"t have to pretend to ask anyone a question about my homework.


I gotta move to Seoul :/ I"ve hooked up with only 2, and 2 others as possible relationships, but I don"t really want to pursue that what with having just left my 5.5 year relationship a few months back. My hookups haven"t been nearly as exciting as yours, although one of the girls was so turned on she dripped on my thigh as she was on top before we started having sex. That was a new one for me, but definitely the exception, not the rule.


I"m waiting for GSL VODs to load due to my shitty internet connection, so I"ll elaborate on korean cupid adventures. I should say first off I should have said "korean cupid IS a gold mine" not "HAS BEEN a gold mine" bc I"ve not capitalized on it to its fullest yet. But the potential is limitless...

The first girl I met within maybe 1 week of signing up. We hadn"t talked much by the time she asked when we could meet. I got really drunk the day before our meet and I was WAY too hungover to meet her. So I canceled. Around 5pm I woke up from a nap and see her on skype. I apologize and explain, and she asks if I"m feeling better. I say yes, and she immediately asks of we can meet. Wow, desperate are we? I say yes, but I can"t go far from home bc I still feel kinda shitty. She says its fine, she"ll drive over 1 hour to my place.

Fast forward, we meet, she"s WAY less attractive than her photo...kinda fat and older. God damnit. Well, I"m not enough of an asshole to just turn around and tell her to go home, so we go find some food. At one point I noticed a bunch of foreigners walking nearby. I kinda hid my head in shame and preyed they didn"t notice me. After dinner and a few beers, I say fuck it and suggest watching a movie at my place around the corner. She comes, we drink some wine, she gets drunk, starts bellowing out some korean pop song, I"m sitting there wondering WTF is going on here. We"re both pretty drunk, I kiss her and pretty quickly we"re having sex. The next day after she went home, I felt REALLY dirty. I felt like she had taken advantage of me. Haha. What the hell was that?

Next girl is relationship girl. I posted most of the backstory with her. Well our first meeting, after dinner and a few drinks at the bar, all near my place, she suggests we go to a DVD room. DVD rooms are little private movie-watching areas, and basically assumed as places to hook up for couples out together in the city bc most unmarried people live at home. So she basically just suggested we go have sex. Sweet. I say lets just go to my place bc its closer, blah blah we have sex blah blah. I met her a 2nd time near her workplace, eat dinner, go to a bar, go to love motel for like 2 hours of boning.

Met her again last thursday, fast dinner, then go to a "Cat Cafe" aka an overpriced coffee shop that has cats everywhere. Haha, kinda gay, but it was cool. When we left I said lets go to a DVD room. We get there and she tells me "I don"t want to sleep with you after you told me you had sex with that 19 year old" (I"ll add that story later). Obviously confused because she"s got a GD boyfriend and should have no possessiveness over me, I kinda question her about it. Well I kiss her anyway, but she stops me before fondling. She asks if I"m pissed that she is denying me. I say I"m kinda confused by it, but I still plan to ravage her so she"s gonna need some massive willpower if she wants to follow that plan. (P.S. I noticed chicks LOVE that kinda honesty mixed with dirty long as you"ve already slept together). 15 minutes later I start rubbing her inner thigh, slowly slowly and eventually we have sex again.

3rd girl. I was supposed to meet her 2 Saturdays ago (11ish days ago) but she was "sick" so she canceled. Turns out it was legit. We agree to meet the next Saturday. Well right when we meet, she"s kinda a bitch...she"s busting my balls a bit but not doing it in a fun way, just kinda being mean. I keep my cool though and tell her she"s kinda mean. At this point I plan to just go home after dinner because she"s a cocky bitch. Well during dinner she chills out a bit and turns out to be kinda funny. But the shit-tests are fuckingrelentless, constantly taking jabs at me or telling me "good story" sarcastically any time I"m not absolutely enthralling her with a story. It"s so relentless that I just start laughing at it and kinda get more confidence from it. I can tell by her body language that she"s really into me, so all the tests and shit are just amusement at this point. Fast forward to 2 bars and subway closing time, I ask her to come over. She says "next weekend" but I tell her I just wanna hang out more & I"ll sleep on the couch if she"s not comfortable being in the same bed. After a little prodding she agrees and we get home. After hanging out a bit at my place, we go to bed, I kiss her and blah blah blah fucking fucking fucking.

3/3 on meetups from Korean cupid on the first night. The first was old (35) and a little chubby, but the other 2 were pretty hot. The third has a smashing body, big natural titties for an Asian, nice ass, and most importantly, no god damn forest below the equator. God damn why don"t more asians fucking groom themselves.

I talked to another buddy who lives just outside of Seoul, and he"s 2/2 on meetups from there also, with another 2 weekends booked up with dates. Add that to Jabberwacky"s success and we clearly have the best website ever created. I can"t believe I wasted 2 years in this country without being on there.

The 19 year old was some girl I knew for a long time but only recently hooked up with. She"s the one I said wanted to be fuck-buddies if we did it exclusively. I told her I planned to sleep any girl I wanted to, so in that case we should stop sleeping together. A week later she phoned me for a booty call, and we did that for a few weeks until she sent me some crazy messages about my actions having consequences blah blah, and on Friday after a female friend (who knows both of us) gave me a lot of shit for sleeping w/ a 19 year old who is crazy, I decided to cut her loose.

When it rains it pours.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____

What is this site? I"d like to browse their merchandise.


Still a Music Elitist
Isn"t that one of the big advantages of being in an Asian country as a white dude? I"ve had a lot of friends live in Japan and all of them say it"s pussy haven there. Same with Hong Kong.


I haven"t heard it about Japan, but I have a few second-hand stories about Hong Kong. Korea is torn on foreigners; they"re sexy and foreign and unique blah blah blah, but they also have a really shitty reputation, by and large. A large contingent are Military, so they certainly aren"t worried about burning bridges or acting like upstanding gentlemen (when it comes to being drunk at night in a bar) and even the foreign teachers are the same way. Everyone thinks it"s vacation and acts accordingly, and the Koreans know that. The trick is to overcome that perception and then fulfill that perception...with your cock.

The website is btw.


Avatar of War Slayer
So today was the last day of the first part of the summer semester. one of the girls in my class has been super friendly the last 7 weeks, but I have been keeping to myself since the situation with my (ex?)friend and the last 19 year old I dated.

Anyways, she basically said "I have been waiting for you to ask me out since almost the beginning of class, but since today is the last day, i guess youre not."

The best I had to say was "Wanna go out sometime?"

"Yes. Here is my number." and she took my phone and put her number in herself. Then she texted herself to make sure she had my number. We talked for a little bit tonight. Found out her dad is persian and her mom is italian and they are very strict.... she is 19....

I have NEVER had this happen. Should I be scared? Well, never had a woman straight up hit on me like that. I am still very shocked by it.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
I have NEVER had this happen.Should I be scared?Well, never had a woman straight up hit on me like that. I am still very shocked by it.
^^^ WHAT

You better lock yourself in your closet bro, before more hotties chase you down and ask you out.


Avatar of War Slayer
When i said "Should I be scared?", I was mostly curious about her being so forward and take charge. What should I expect? I like to be the one with the control, but I had zero control and even in the text messages, i did not feel like I was in control of the conversation.

When this weekend came up, I tried to gain the upper hand, but I failed miserably-

"I am putting my foot down. We are going out Saturday afternoon."

She said "Aww, thats so cute. But I am busy all weekend. i will let you know when we are going out."


I seriously dont know what to do. I like it though, but I sure as hell hope its not the way things will be. She did say she likes when the men are in control of the men things because her dad definately wears the pants in the family.

Her family is well off. Her dad owns a car dealership here in Dallas.

(Keep in mind, that up until 4 years ago, I was a tubby bastard, so having a woman do what happened tonight is pretty much a first.)


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Easy solution Mr. Brad.

Step 1.Bang her, then meet her parents. While meeting her parents be staring at her ass and boobs while the father is looking.

Step 2.Give him a smile if he catches you. (dominance)

Step 3.Bang her again. (women like when daddy is mad)

Step 4.Don"t talk to her again. (for lulz)

Step 5.Post tits. (for your pals who are the real ones who love you)

If you do this with 5 separate women (law of 5) your vagina will disappear.

"I am putting my foot down. We are going out Saturday afternoon."

She said "Aww, thats so cute. But I am busy all weekend. i will let you know when we are going out."

Your FoH pals are the ones who love you, not women. Lose your vagina bro.