Girls who broke your heart thread


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Jalynfane said:
I am looking forward to getting a crazy awesome tattoo in 6 years.

Oh, and what is more awesome, she already knows I am divorced and have a son; things I usually keep secret or do not reveal unless asked.


God is dead
The Ancient said:
She"s obviously playful. Girl from the hangover is a rigid bitch.
He barely knows this girl.

How does he not know shes not a rigid bitch? I mean another guy tried to fix her.


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Vinen said:
He barely knows this girl.

How does he not know shes not a rigid bitch? I mean another guy tried to fix her.
Well, he is right about being playful. She was the class clown and was very friendly to everyone. She has never come across as the type of woman portrayed in The Hangover. This girl is full of life. No where near the quiet ones I am accustomed to.

Her dad and mom are 5 years older than me....... just found that out right now. (She was the one that started the "Good morning" text today. I just stopped it though, going to get my stereo fixed in my car. I will probably wait until tomorrow to chat unless she texts me again.)


Darus Grey said:
So I decided after many years to try dating again, I put up my profile, followed a lot of advice here and elsewhere about content and tone.

No problems there, I"ve had nearly 30 women message me within a week(I assume they sort by income and education and I"m towards the top...we all know it). I"m cynical at best, no surprise.

Maybe I"ll have fun stories in the future, but that"s not the exact thing I want to address.

What is with "outdoors" being a "thing" in women"s profiles? Is this advice they get from other women about what men like?

It seems like the majority of girls...and I live in an urban/suburban area all describe themselves in terms of their love of the outdoors; well most of them look like they rarely even leave the house, and another chunk definitely shouldn"t leave it for the public good.

I know that these women don"t go fucking camping, so now I"m wondering what kind of advice females get for their profiles...
Quite honestly, coming from someone who is very much a watcher and analyzer of people and their habits/behaviors; I think you would be better off if you stay away from dating sites and just wait til you find someone you click with in person. Either through your daily life (if you don"t have any hobbies/interests that expose you at least somewhat to new women in your age range that might mean trying some new crafts or what not), or perhaps ask trusted friends if they know anyone who they think would be a good fit for your personality and criteria.

Most people who use dating sites are of the mind set that they want to try many different people to see what fits best, or - as you correctly presumed - the desperate, "shit I needa find a guy I can marry now" mode. Meeting off the internet not only increases the odds of finding a person of this mindset, but also gives them a chance to prepare for the challenge of conning a man into doing their bidding. Starting a relationship randomly from every day happenings; you are much more likely to be able to get an accurate read on a person"s character and intentions. It might take longer to find a partner, but the chances of your partner meeting your criteria/standards are much higher; in the end the total amount of time til finding a partner will probably be very similar if not shorter - while the amount of failed (in your mind, short by definition) relationships will likely be much smaller than if you go the online route.

Different strokes for different folks.

Whatever your conclusion on the matter, I wish you luck in your endeavors, sir.

PS: Brad. Wtf man. Grow some balls. Quit being this bitch"s bitch.


The chick said, "I will let you knowwhen we are going out." That is the most emasculating thing I"ve EVER heard of from a girl.

Guess what? If she"s as friendly and social as Brad claims she is, why is she after a divorced dude 5 years younger than her parents? Oh yea, because he never asked her out when she is probably used to guys always doing that.

There"s no other possible reason. This could be situation #58281 where you decide to be a vagina and follow her command because maybe she sees "something special" in you. Except that possibility has actually panned out 0 times in history. In reality, she"ll be bored of you in 0.35 seconds.

Or you can royally fuck with her like she secretly wants and get some likely-crazy controlling sex from her, tying you up and choking you and shit.

If you are stupid and don"t want to play games all day and night, AT LEAST act as uninterested as possible in her.


Brad2770 said:
Her dad and mom are 5 years older than me....... just found that out right now. (She was the one that started the "Good morning" text today. I just stopped it though, going to get my stereo fixed in my car. I will probably wait until tomorrow to chat unless she texts me again.)
That"s a red flag on the play right there. This one is just going to be some summer fun for you Brad, nothing more. Do not get involved too much or its going to be your ex-wife all over again.


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That"s why I am posting as much info as possible. I don"t mind a summer fling, just want to know what I am getting into.


Dabamf said:
The chick said, "I will let you knowwhen we are going out." That is the most emasculating thing I"ve EVER heard of from a girl.

Guess what? If she"s as friendly and social as Brad claims she is, why is she after a divorced dude 5 years younger than her parents? Oh yea, because he never asked her out when she is probably used to guys always doing that.

There"s no other possible reason. This could be situation #58281 where you decide to be a vagina and follow her command because maybe she sees "something special" in you. Except that possibility has actually panned out 0 times in history. In reality, she"ll be bored of you in 0.35 seconds.

Or you can royally fuck with her like she secretly wants and get some likely-crazy controlling sex from her, tying you up and choking you and shit.

If you are stupid and don"t want to play games all day and night, AT LEAST act as uninterested as possible in her.

I have straight up have had multiple girls tell me that they were interested in me because I am more aggressive and don"t let them control things like most guys tend to do. Girls get *bored* of having yes men constantly doing what they want. 90% of the time (there are always some exceptions) girls who behave that way are the kind who can get most any man they want, and since most the guys want them they are used to playing the guys like fiddles. Don"t be playable. Toys are boring - one dimensional, people are interesting.

If you don"t start controlling at least an equal share of the conversations/decisions (preferably more than equal) I guarantee she will be bored with you in a relatively short amount of time.

The point you are at now; she wasn"t sure you were interested in her, now that she satisfied her curiosity and aren"t offering anything else for her to puzzle/dwell on, she is already going to be getting less and less attracted.

It won"t be a summer fling if you keep being completely docile to her will, it will be her getting bored and losing interest in 2 days.

Ask yourself this: assuming you just bend to her will; what about you makes you any better of a pick than the other possibilities she has? (95% of single males out there) If she wants a submissive person, she will go for one with a better body or better assets. Your only chance is to be unique and interesting.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Darus Grey said:
So I decided after many years to try dating again, I put up my profile, followed a lot of advice here and elsewhere about content and tone.
Ive fucked around on pof in various ways, but I missed the local discussion on how to make/tone to use for a profile and I"m curious what came out of it. Any cliff notes on what the good men of foh had to say on the topic?


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Sutekh said:
It"s just a Summer fling... BUT WINTER IS COMING
And since you guys are loaning me great information, a Brad2770 always repays his debts.....

...In tits.
The Ancient said:
She was forward and asked him out. That doesn"t equate to girl only fucks guys who treat her like shit. If she"s daddy"s girl it"s quite the opposite actually.

This is the "I"m rebelling I"m going to piss daddy off by bringing this guy home" phase.


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taebin said:
Brad, what establishments do you frequent? You live in south Arlington correct?
Yes. Haven"t been going out much lately. I used to go to Mavs and Sherlocks and Pockets.

I go to Winstar about once every two weeks (the weekends I don"t have my son)


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Etoille said:

This is the "I"m rebelling I"m going to piss daddy off by bringing this guy home" phase.
The only real thing I have working against me in this situation is my age and even then I can lie. I can easily pass as 24 or 25 and have done so numerous times.

Didn"t mean to double post. Posting on my phone and fucked up.


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Gotenks said:
I see an extension cord and a closet in your future.
Funny you say that, because I do plan to grow my own weed. Tired of the shit I am buying. You should look into fortune telling as a career.