Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
I have this image of avgeek girl posting on another forum about how she used multiple facebook accounts for farmville at one point, decided to use them to screw with a guy who pissed her off and now her psycho boyfriend is breaking into all her shit and she"s asking for advice on how best to leave him without him turning into a stalker and raping her in an alley somewhere.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sutekh said:
Am I the only one that thinks Avgeek is a fucking creeper? keyloggers on machines, snooping through spouses emails, calling federal buildings on info from her past ...
I missed the calls to federal buildings part lol. As far as the wrt thing goes I figure most here thought it referred to router firmware. And Zehn"s image could be true as well haha.


Trakanon Raider
Sharmai said:
You lie.

Oh not about the wanting to stick one in her but defiantly about the relationship part. Maybe you lie to the forums or maybe you lie to yourself but you do lie. It seems from your posts that you have put far to much time, effort, and energy into thisfriendshipfor it be only that.

I have worse news for you though. You are in the friend zone. It would have been better that she hate you with a vengeance. It would have been better that she curse your name, wish your death and spit on you every time she saw you. It would have been better that she spend every waking moment thinking just how much she hates you then to be in the friend zone.

I am so very sorry.
Figured I"d come back to this.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:She messages me around 11am last Friday:

Xerxes: What"s the word tonight??

I don"t message her back because I was busy as fuck. Two hours later:

Xerxes: ??

Me: Closing a job atm. Dunno, might be working all night.

Xerxes: k

Me: Why, something good on offer?

Xerxes: Um hello my company is good offer lol!

Me: haha I never said it wasn"t!

Xerxes: u working tonight?

Me: Prolly heading home in an hour and taking it easy

Xerxes: okie dokie...

Next day at about noon:

Xerxes: Hey are you going to the Indy party @ century grill tonight?

Me: Wasn"t planning on it. I"m not a cougar.

Xerxes: Haha, guess I am!

Me: Just giving you a hard time, only been there once. But Lux and CG both have that rep!

Xerxes: I know but its Indy party (I can guarantee she couldn"t name a single driver)

Me: I"m sure it"ll be good times, the one time I was there for a fancy hockey pool was fun.
Me (later): How is the partay?

Xerxes: Great but I"m not into this pretentious shit

Me: haha yeah that"s kinda the scene there

Xerxes: Crazy since I used to be like that

Me: We all go through phases!

She messaged me a bit on Monday as well. She wants some Eomer. I guarantee it. I just don"t think I"m enough of an asshole to lead her along with no intention of things going anywhere.


Me: Why, something good on offer?

Xerxes: Um hello my company is good offer lol!

I dont"t know if I could have come up with a better example of being in the friend zone then this right here. A women who is into you would have taken this and ran with it. She would immediately started flirting and responded with "Oooh like what do you have in mind?", or "Ha! We aren"t even dating yet for what you are thinking!", or "Sure I have something on my mind. Want to hang out with me tonight instead?"

But instead of flirting or even allowing you the ghost comment of a chance, she said her company is good.

She was bored and you are like a fun big brother. I"m sorry but you have no chance to bang her short of drugs or alcohol and even then it"ll only happen once.


The Big Mod
Sharmai said:
Me: Why, something good on offer?

Xerxes: Um hello my company is good offer lol!

I dont"t know if I could have come up with a better example of being in the friend zone then this right here. A women who is into you would have taken this and ran with it. She would immediately started flirting and responded with "Oooh like what do you have in mind?", or "Ha! We aren"t even dating yet for what you are thinking!", or "Sure I have something on my mind. Want to hang out with me tonight instead?
only if she"s a whore, which she probably is, but still you"re jumping to conclusions.


Women always flirt with men they are interested in, it doesn"t make them whores. They are perfectly happy to go along with naughty and sexually alluding behavior if you make a pass at them. And while that does not mean they are going to drop their pants and bang you right on the spot it does mean they will be perfectly happy giving you a case of blueballs thinking it might happen.

Now in Emoers case she is in her 30"s making even more likely that she would accept or give out a direct sexual come on. Shes lived long enough and been through enough to likely have very little qualms and about going directly after what she wants even if that means straight to sex.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah the only bigger turnoff to make a chick"s pussy clamp up like the friendzone is driving the most faggot vehicle in the world, a Scion xB.


Tenks said:
Yeah the only bigger turnoff to make a chick"s pussy clamp up like the friendzone is driving the most faggot vehicle in the world, a Scion xB.
Yeah but it is absolutely fucking awesome when you are married and have two kids. One of the best packages you can get.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Sutekh said:
Am I the only one that thinks Avgeek is a fucking creeper? keyloggers on machines, snooping through spouses emails, calling federal buildings on info from her past ...
I definitely agree, but if it wasn"t for bad decisions being made by both the "girls who broke their heart" and the posters themselves, this thread would be pretty boring. So cheer him on!


Eomer when she says "my company isn"t good enough " she is fishing for attention. If u wanna fuck her just ignore her when she says that. Her mind will run thinking "is he busy " "does he think I"m not fun" etc. Or better yetjust say "no" bc its funnier.

Eomer you still fail ALL attention tests that girls give u. I"m convinced that"s 75% of any prob u have with girls.Don"t ever compliment a girl unless it is totally your idea. If the compliment starts from something she said, never never give it.You especially give it too much. "aren"t I fun? Kk" "YEA TOTALLY THE MOST FUN EVER" it is bad bc it looks like u are just tryin to make them like u. Whether you are or not, it looks like you are big time. Just ignore compliment fishing.

Multiple personality girl: doin all that is a bit nuts but it should be entertaining to foh so by all means do it and post it all here. Tits also required.

Sorry for retard typing


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dabamf said:
Eomer when she says "my company isn"t good enough " she is fishing for attention. If u wanna fuck her just ignore her when she says that. Her mind will run thinking "is he busy " "does he think I"m not fun" etc. Or better yetjust say "no" bc its funnier.
"No" has BY FAR gotten me the best possible reactions when a girl is fishing for attention like that. Because it both A) gives them the attention they crave, you aren"t actually ignoring them. B) makes you come off as both funny/humorous and higher value than her.

If you ignore her... she comes to her own conclusion and sometime that conclusion is "maybe he just doesn"t like me, I guess I should move on"... that"s not the response you want.

Girls LOVE to be called on their shit. Example:

"Does this shirt draw too much attention to my tits?" "yes, but I love big titties, so keep keep it on, unless you want to take it off for me, and I"d be even happier"

It"s not what you say, but how you say it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Sharmai said:
Me: Why, something good on offer?

Xerxes: Um hello my company is good offer lol!

I dont"t know if I could have come up with a better example of being in the friend zone then this right here. A women who is into you would have taken this and ran with it. She would immediately started flirting and responded with "Oooh like what do you have in mind?", or "Ha! We aren"t even dating yet for what you are thinking!", or "Sure I have something on my mind. Want to hang out with me tonight instead?"

But instead of flirting or even allowing you the ghost comment of a chance, she said her company is good.

She was bored and you are like a fun big brother. I"m sorry but you have no chance to bang her short of drugs or alcohol and even then it"ll only happen once.
Good advice if there hadnt already been a dating/humping phase in the past. She is waiting for him to make the move now. That is my take on it. I think if Eomer showed an once of real interest, her tune would change pretty damned quick.


Brad2770 said:
Good advice if there hadnt already been a dating/humping phase in the past. She is waiting for him to make the move now. That is my take on it. I think if Eomer showed an once of real interest, her tune would change pretty damned quick.
But all that happened at the end of High School right? Eomer"s had a ton of posts in this thread so it"s possible I missed more then a few but even so if he had managed to bang her for a couple of weeks several years after (even if more then a dozen years) after high school, it wouldn"t be uncommon. More then a few people do that and it"s usually a nostalgia fuck but that"s it.

Spoiler"d for length
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Look let me try and put this another way because I can just see some of you reading Eomers story and feeling some kinship to it which will lead you into several years of unnecessary pain as you chase the impossible.

When going after a women it shouldn"t take more then 3-4 months to be officially dating. It is possible it could take up to a year or two to start dating but that"s usually due to extraneous circumstances (like you met her when she was with a man who she is soon to break up with). If you meet a single emotionally stable women whose interested in you then3-4 months is more then plenty of time.

Now how much time has Eomer put into this girl? (high school + years later a couple of weeks + uncountable years offriendzoneship?)Shudder

The way a normal relationship starts off is usually the whirlwind kind.. You meet her...everything starts to click... she laughs at your jokes, corny 1-liners, ridiculousness bad stories.... she flirts...blushes...takes irrational risks for/with you and so on. Next thing you know you arekissing, always holding hands, always hanging out and having intense passionate.... well you get the idea. Then BAM you are dating.

If this has ever happened to you then you have thought you had found some secret to being really cool and attracted this women which would be totally false. When a women is interested in you, you could call her your happy little goat cheese face and she would think it was your cute nick name for her.

What this all translates into for you (meaning anyone who is in this situation and Eomer) is that if you have put 1-2+ years into courting a women and this hasn"t whirlwind happened then you need to cut your losses and move on.

Just remember that every minute, hour, day, week, month and year you spend on these lost causes is time you could have spent running the numbers. That if you went up to every cute women (whether they looked single or not) and asked them out there is a solid chance you would hit gold several times every week.

Darus Grey_foh

I honestly think you"re thinking of something/someone entirely different.

I don"t remember this being his high school sweetheart or anything(though I could be wrong too).