Girls who broke your heart thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Awlbiste said:
Cut that out. She"s blaming you for her cheating? That"s just all kinds of fucked up.
This. If there aren"t any legal/financial things left to be finished up, then never talk to her again.

That said, it seems like you"re looking for some kind of quick fix. It"s going to take a while, therapy takes more than 4 sessions and it always sucks to talk about shitty things/events.

Keep on keepin" on bro.


Guarding the guardians
Awlbiste said:
Cut that out. She"s blaming you for her cheating? That"s just all kinds of fucked up. .
Was there ever a cheating woman who didn"t blame their man for the cheating in some way?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Well I figure I would come here and post the closing chapter of my little drama.

Been talking to Mel for the past 3 days. She finally told me why everything went to shit. She had been with her first husband for 12 years. I was the first man she cheated on her husband with. After we got married she cheated on me. She said that it drove her crazy because she wanted to tell me but was scared to, After a while she got tired fo feeling scared all the time and started to blame me for how she was feeling. She came to hate me because of this. She then decided that she must never have loved me since she cheated on me so quickly and she never did her first husband. She then decided that she hated me for taking her away from him. So she left me and went back to him and now hates everything about me.

I still love her and always will but I have to leave all this behind me I just don"t know how yet. I have been out with 1/2 a dozen women since then and had sex with 4 of them. Nothing seems to help. I had to stop drinking because every time I started I would get drunk. I have never been this way with another woman in my entire life. I talked to a shrink 4 times but talking about it doesn"t help it just hurts me even more. I have stopped going out on dates. I have decided I am going to go become a millionaire like my father and see if I can drown this pain in work. I no longer know what else to do.
Wait. You expected a girl who cheated on her husband with you to never cheat onyou?Are you naive? You married a girl who you met viacheating on her husband???Any girl (I had woman before but that conveys a certain level of maturity) who cheats on someone is a cheater. Cut and dry. Can never be trusted.


T3h update timez!

So, been on a bunch more dates, all people I met online. Mostly, I amverysuccessful at getting a girl, any girl, to say yes to a first date. We almost always have a good time, then it just fizzles out and they don"t want to go on a 2nd or I don"t. I know it is mostly because these women are pretty damaged at 24+ and being single, they generally have at least one ridiculously huge screw-up with one guy in the past.

Anyway I was getting to the point where I was pissy with the whole process, and decided to shoot for the moon with an 18 year old with a ridiculously hot body. I had seen her around my work a bunch but I always thought she was too young and WAY too hot. Just didn"t care that day, and asked her out, she looked pleased and said yes. Feelsgoodman.png. Or is it jpg? Anyway. She says let"s do something Thursday, gives me her number.

So Wednesday rolls around, and we"re texting and it turns out she plays guitar and sings. Which I love, so suggest that we totally have to do a duet or write a song, she says GREAT. Which surprised me, even the girls who liked singing were always too timid to do anything musical for whatever reason. Anyway I"m sitting there getting ready to do my errands on my day off, and she texts me "Screw it, let"s do something tonight if you"re free." Naturally my first instinct is to be all "Oh snap yes let me drop what I am doing," but I have spentway too much damn timeon 4chan and decide to be Alpha as hell and pretend I have some errands to run and that it MIGHT work.

Of course I "let it work," so we meet up, she looks amazing, we go out to eat, and the entire time I"m thinking, this chick is 18 and I am 26. When I was in high school she was 9. Like she just got out of high school and has some pretty typical 18-year-old thoughts and ideas. Stuff I"m sure I thought was okay to say when I was 18 was coming out of her mouth.

We end up back at her place, and the date is looking like it is over, but I go hey we were supposed to play guitar together. She goes and gets hers, we play on the porch. She kinda seemed like she wanted the date to end there, and I wasn"t going to push it. She sang a song and she has aphenomenalsinging voice. I mean, just perfect. Sexy as hell too. So I sing her a song myself, and she went from "I had a nice time, the date is over" to "Hey, come in to my place and cuddle the hell out of me." We listen to music, watch Futurama, and her body language is begging me to kiss her, legs all over me. Probably 10 or so good opportunities to kiss her that I let go. Turns out that I can"t act Alpha all the time...

She ended up falling asleep on me and basically rubbing her legs all over me, so I, after like an embarrassing hour of overthinking it, started reciprocating and touching her back which she really seemed to like. Anyway, it got to like 3 in the morning and she said "I"ll call you tomorrow," and I kissed her on the forehead. Which I"m sure people think is gay, but I know she thought it was sweet.

One thing with dating I"ve can always share the common stories of the hellish dating scene you"ve been involved in. I guess her story is that guys always want her for sex, from moment 1, and I treated her like a human being and she loved it. Still blows my mind that some other 18 year old can"t get it together and jump on this, but their loss is my gain.

Still, I am having difficulty reconciling our age difference. She likes these bands that I saw in concert 10 years ago when she was 8. Also I haven"t mentioned that I used to be married and that I have children. Decided today that I"ll share that when I"m good and ready. I mean, they don"t live with me much to my chagrin, but I can at least not tell people I have children as a result. Try to get something good out of the situation. I mean yes, it"s something worth telling, but I"ve realized it"s something bad that happened to me in my past and it"s mine to share when I want. Yeah I was married to a huge whore, and that was a problem.

Anyway she was super cool about pretty much everything. I had mentioned how something really bad had happened to me and I was just trying to come back, and she seemed to understand. She had some teenage cockup in her history that obviously was bothering her a little bit, so I didn"t press it. We had our secrets and it seemed to work out fine.

Driving home, I realized I hadn"t thought about my ex-wife even once the entire time. I mean, there"s a lot I don"t like about my life right now and I feel like I had no power to change a lot of it. And I hate how long it"s taken for even a moment of valuable physical contact to take place. But at the same time, I know that my ex is probably still sleeping around, still miserable, and even though I"m unhappy a lot, on the freeway tonight I had a smile on my face. Sometimes it takes a good thing, which I"m well aware may not last at all due to a lot of factors, to help heal you.


Aamina, congrats on starting to move on and all that.... it really is good that you"re not moping about the ex, but seriously, don"t turn into this -

The girl is 18, of course she"s going to go on a date with a 26 year old to at least experience it. While it sounds like she had a good time, just don"t go expecting for her to fall in love with you. Yea you"re excited, but your post kind of puts her up on the same pedestal as your wife with how much you"re talking about her knockout / perfect body and voice. In short..... follow what Brekk said.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Saladus said:
Aamina, congrats on starting to move on and all that.... it really is good that you"re not moping about the ex, but seriously, don"t turn into this -

The girl is 18, of course she"s going to go on a date with a 26 year old. While it sounds like she had a good time, just don"t go expecting for her to fall in love with you. Yea you"re excited, but your post kind of puts her up on the same pedestal as your wife with how much you"re talking about her knock / perfect body and voice. In short..... follow what Brekk said.
+1, she"s 18 and you"re 26. She wants to have fun. Have fun. Don"t overcomplicate it. She doesn"t need to know about your whorebag ex now.


Haast said:
+1, she"s 18 and you"re 26. She wants to have fun. Have fun. Don"t overcomplicate it. She doesn"t need to know about your whorebag ex now.
This as well. If I heard this from a 26 year old chick at 18 I"d run and never look back. So either A) Don"t tell her, have a chance of sex and likely be done after that, or B) Tell her, foreveralonefap that night and until the next girl.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
18 year old chicks also want to date an older guy because he should, ideally, be more confident and mature than an 18 year old counterpart. Aamina, on the other hand, is a complete pussy and passively aggressively demands sex.


The Big Mod
Aamina said:
T3h update timez!

So, been on a bunch more dates, all people I met online. Mostly, I amverysuccessful at getting a girl, any girl, to say yes to a first date. We almost always have a good time, then it just fizzles out and they don"t want to go on a 2nd or I don"t. I know it is mostly because these women are pretty damaged at 24+ and being single, they generally have at least one ridiculously huge screw-up with one guy in the past.

Anyway I was getting to the point where I was pissy with the whole process, and decided to shoot for the moon with an 18 year old with a ridiculously hot body. I had seen her around my work a bunch but I always thought she was too young and WAY too hot. Just didn"t care that day, and asked her out, she looked pleased and said yes. Feelsgoodman.png. Or is it jpg? Anyway. She says let"s do something Thursday, gives me her number.

So Wednesday rolls around, and we"re texting and it turns out she plays guitar and sings. Which I love, so suggest that we totally have to do a duet or write a song, she says GREAT. Which surprised me, even the girls who liked singing were always too timid to do anything musical for whatever reason. Anyway I"m sitting there getting ready to do my errands on my day off, and she texts me "Screw it, let"s do something tonight if you"re free." Naturally my first instinct is to be all "Oh snap yes let me drop what I am doing," but I have spentway too much damn timeon 4chan and decide to be Alpha as hell and pretend I have some errands to run and that it MIGHT work.

Of course I "let it work," so we meet up, she looks amazing, we go out to eat, and the entire time I"m thinking, this chick is 18 and I am 26. When I was in high school she was 9. Like she just got out of high school and has some pretty typical 18-year-old thoughts and ideas. Stuff I"m sure I thought was okay to say when I was 18 was coming out of her mouth.

We end up back at her place, and the date is looking like it is over, but I go hey we were supposed to play guitar together. She goes and gets hers, we play on the porch. She kinda seemed like she wanted the date to end there, and I wasn"t going to push it. She sang a song and she has aphenomenalsinging voice. I mean, just perfect. Sexy as hell too. So I sing her a song myself, and she went from "I had a nice time, the date is over" to "Hey, come in to my place and cuddle the hell out of me." We listen to music, watch Futurama, and her body language is begging me to kiss her, legs all over me. Probably 10 or so good opportunities to kiss her that I let go. Turns out that I can"t act Alpha all the time...

She ended up falling asleep on me and basically rubbing her legs all over me, so I, after like an embarrassing hour of overthinking it, started reciprocating and touching her back which she really seemed to like. Anyway, it got to like 3 in the morning and she said "I"ll call you tomorrow," and I kissed her on the forehead. Which I"m sure people think is gay, but I know she thought it was sweet.

One thing with dating I"ve can always share the common stories of the hellish dating scene you"ve been involved in. I guess her story is that guys always want her for sex, from moment 1, and I treated her like a human being and she loved it. Still blows my mind that some other 18 year old can"t get it together and jump on this, but their loss is my gain.

Still, I am having difficulty reconciling our age difference. She likes these bands that I saw in concert 10 years ago when she was 8. Also I haven"t mentioned that I used to be married and that I have children. Decided today that I"ll share that when I"m good and ready. I mean, they don"t live with me much to my chagrin, but I can at least not tell people I have children as a result. Try to get something good out of the situation. I mean yes, it"s something worth telling, but I"ve realized it"s something bad that happened to me in my past and it"s mine to share when I want. Yeah I was married to a huge whore, and that was a problem.

Anyway she was super cool about pretty much everything. I had mentioned how something really bad had happened to me and I was just trying to come back, and she seemed to understand. She had some teenage cockup in her history that obviously was bothering her a little bit, so I didn"t press it. We had our secrets and it seemed to work out fine.

Driving home, I realized I hadn"t thought about my ex-wife even once the entire time. I mean, there"s a lot I don"t like about my life right now and I feel like I had no power to change a lot of it. And I hate how long it"s taken for even a moment of valuable physical contact to take place. But at the same time, I know that my ex is probably still sleeping around, still miserable, and even though I"m unhappy a lot, on the freeway tonight I had a smile on my face. Sometimes it takes a good thing, which I"m well aware may not last at all due to a lot of factors, to help heal you.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Drill her Aamina. Just.. furiously.

haha j/k, grats. Don"t go too crazy, and yes don"t talk about your past unless it"s really relevant. Your age difference isnt bad, but 18 year olds have a much different mind. Don"t fall in love with her, for awhile, trust us.


Same trailer, different park
Under no circumstances (NONE) do you reveal to an 18 year old girl you wanna bang that you have kids and are divorced. Holy shit.


The cute 19 year old that I hooked up w/ a few months back was all, "I know you don"t want to date, but we can hook up sometimes" but kept implying that we should date. I told her at 19, she"s way too young for me to date. She didn"t get it. She was too young to know she"s too young. Like, if I got turned down by a 32 year old (I"m 26), I"d think I"m probably too immature for her. This chick refused to accept it.

Anyway, my female friend who knows both of us gave me a lot of shit for hooking up with a girl that young. I said how she was the one initiating everything, and the friend calmly explained that that doesn"t matter, because of how crazy she was at that age.

I was convinced it"s probably not right, mostly because the girl is not only 19 but has a lot of extra crazy. So I told her we can"t hook up anymore. She protested and even called me at midnight one weeknight asking if she could come over, I said no, and 10 min of arguing later she said, "I"m already here." Finally after the 3835th time telling her we aren"t hooking up anymore, she said that I was in love with her and was hiding from my feelings by using the age as an excuse.

In the end, I went from "we shouldn"t hook up because there"s a power imbalance and it"s not fair to you" to "I don"t want to ever talk again because you are fucking insane."

Moral of the story: 18/19 year olds be crazy. But don"t be such a vagina next time Aamina.


Awlbiste said:
I was with you up til this point. You have some messed up ideas about women.
Oh by no means am I applying that to all women, I should"ve been more specific. It is this area, there aren"t a lot of people, and the culture is very particular. The females that are 24+ are much more likely to have been married or been really messed up than when you live in a major metropolitan area like I used to.


The Big Mod
a lot of them prob have lingering emotional issues from being kissed on the head by creepy older men.