Girls who broke your heart thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Lol you"re unemployed and still have to pay her money?

Even though she was the one sleeping around? Boggles me.


I"m not backing up Aamina"s temper tantrum. I think he"s being a whiny little bitch about this. Our trolls are trolls, big whoopie. This is about boobs, her boobs have nothing to do with his giant sandy vagina.

The "challenge" he made was moronic.


Wait who said I was unemployed? I work like 48 hours a week. I have my own car and my own place, and a fulltime job with so-so benefits including a 401k.

As for challenging, when someone goes "which you won"t get btw" that"s a challenge in and of itself. I"ll do it again...banbet for another set fohss"d in a set amount of time.

Let"s review, I said, should I dip back into this to FoHSS her? Some people said yes. Sounded like a good time. Keg got his panties all waddedthat"s creepyand decided to...I guess go back through my post history and put in his signature a post about assisted suicide and Terry Pratchett (way over the line by the way). Distilled e-faggotry.


Watch the documentary in its entirety and don"t cry at the end. Go do that and come tell us how you had an erection instead, watching a man die in the arms of his spouse, while a man with alzheimer"s looks on and weeps.


Not addressing anything? Check. Being a cunt for no reason? Check. Talking about something totally unrelated that actually led up to sex and and tagging and pretend that this is somehow bad? Check. Adding to signature an emotional moment about a great author"s potential assisted suicide? Check.

If you"re so much better than me, find some time between your trolls of every thread you"re in to show us your life, how much pussy you slay, and how fabulously successful you are. How mainstream and non-creepy you are.

You"ve handed out cunt advice and said cunt things, so we know you"re that, but what else are you?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ravvenn said:
That"s what"s annoying me. Payment or not, those plate sized nips were gross and you guys applauded them and ripped on these...WHAT? I am not one to attack appearance, but since we"re comparing the two....I"d personally rather motorboat the set Aamina posted and I wouldn"t even flick those other ones.

Fat? I don"t agree. I"d say she looks pear shaped with a fat, albeit flat ass. Her collarbone isn"t covered by lard or anything. I don"t know, she doesn"t look enormous to me. I personally like the look of natural breasts and I"d trade in my falsies for some that hang an inch lower in a heartbeat (I"d get a lift, haha, who am I kidding?!).

For real, I know for a fact some of you critical shitheads couldn"t bag a roofied 5 (and that"s a very generous 5). You"d fall over yourselves to suckle on one of those teats.

After so long, you guys really make yourselves stand out as being full of crap. Maybe you"re here, maybe you"re single...because your standards are too high. How about a new rule?

How about you don"t get to knock titties unless you provide a picture of branded titties your-damn-self?


Consider it done. I"m letting the moderators know to start checkin" some foo"s AND I am adding a new infraction.

"Did not provide titties before bitching about titties"

It won"t expire until you (wait for it) provide titties.

KNOCK IT OFF.Jesus, Kuriin is gay and even appreciates tits more than you fuckheads.What has gotten into you guys???

Edit: Botched boob jobs are fair game.
Clicked into this thread and saw this post quoted, had to find the original for relevancyncycyacy...

Kuriin is gay?

That explains so much.


Holy shit, Aamina. You can"t really be serious. Maybe you need to step back and see how silly you"re acting right now. There will be no "banbet". He challenged you, you delivered - instead of making a goddamn scene just show the goods and shut up. You"d have "won" (the challenge, if you will) had you not got into a cock-joust during and after you posted pics.

Ipersonallydon"t agree with someone your age DATING someone of any age that ends with "teen", but that"s just me. If you want to lay one and brag, super. But on the topic at hand, this back and forth is ridiculous. Really....

Also, I hate to excite anyone but the Titty Bitch Rule would be a moderation nightmare and I doubt any of the guys want to oversee such shenanigans. But you really shouldn"t bitch when you get free titties, it"s ungrateful and could risk some people being hesitant to share branded boobs in the future. Just think about it, at least.

PS: Correction: Kuriin ismy gay!


Still a Music Elitist
arkk123 said:
Clicked into this thread and saw this post quoted, had to find the original for relevancyncycyacy...

Kuriin is gay?

That explains so much.
He lives in San Francisco, brah. Ain"t nothin" but queers up in dis bitch.