Girls who broke your heart thread

Well, cool story. She didn"t bring it up, so I guess she wasn"t that interested in it.

As for the Killer groupie chick, I probably would have hit that already if it wasn"t for the fact that she has huge orgies and sleeps with like...50 year old multi millionaires down to random fucking bums off the street like every week.

The Ancient_sl

projectoffset said:
But regardless, I"ve already backed away from that. I"m not really a guy who would go after something just so I can later say "Yeah, I"ve actually tapped that."
Wait so you posted the nudesandpassed on a crazy chick? You sir have graduated this thread, congratulations.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>

What the fuck man?

This chick is 100% guaranteed to be pretty fucking awesome in the sack. You are not the first, she is not a dead fish, and she knows exactly what she wants. This is a prime opportunity to learn a few things. Everyone wishes they had a woman this forward in their lives. Wrap your dick and let her have her way with you every 2 weeks until you get into a serious relationship. I can"t believe I even had to type that last line, it should have been obvious.



Molten Core Raider
I don"t know any straight guys who has 6 female friends he regularly visits but doesn"t stick his penis in a single one of them.

Then to turn down free poon when you"re otherwise not attached?

I think we"re being trolled.


What the heck does DM stand for? I have checked my gay slang page (as a gay hoarder, knowing slang really helps) and found nothing!

Kuriin best not be cheating on me! Oh, Kuriin, I take back anything nice I said about Adam. He"s the worst gay ever! He totally bailed on me and left me with no ride when I went to return my loaner and get my car from the collision repair place. Then he lied, said he was in traffic (and if you saw, posted about his cheating twink (++) making him dinner drunk). I was stuck in a parking lot for two hours, hungry, cold, and I had to pee really bad. He told Haley, "I feel bad, I"ll get her Starbucks".

I cooked a killer veal curry and let that fag take credit to woo a man, I"ve actually done the same favor for him (took him to pick up his car after his accident), and other nice things and he ditched me and thinks Starbucks fixes it? Fuck that. So don"t talk to him! If I"m mad, you have to be mad too (because you"re my #1). That and you"re too good for him. Are you straight yet?

One day...I"m flipping you. Mark my words.


projectoffset said:
It"s possible. Not sure how possible with her living inMontrealand not San Francisco. But regardless, I"ve already backed away from that. I"m not really a guy who would go after something just so I can later say "Yeah, I"ve actually tapped that."
Hmm... Montreal eh? I thought this chick looked familiar...


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
Isn"t he the gay that thought you owed him because he bought you Starbucks or bummed you a cigarette once? Or this another gay who tried to freeload off you.


Trakanon Raider
Zehn - Vhex said:
I don"t know any straight guys who has 6 female friends he regularly visits but doesn"t stick his penis in a single one of them.

Then to turn down free poon when you"re otherwise not attached?

I think we"re being trolled.
Project does live in San Fran... Best place to hide is in plain sight.


Zehn - Vhex said:
Isn"t he the gay that thought you owed him because he bought you Starbucks or bummed you a cigarette once? Or this another gay who tried to freeload off you.
That"s him but you"re mixing it a bit. He"d always wander off when we ordered so I"d be stuck with his tab. He never bought mine until I called him out on being a giant mooch, which is probably why he thinks getting me a coffee will make up for him being such a douchebag.
I lol"d.

The DM thing had nothing to do with Kuriin"s sexuality. I was referencing playing D&D with him. (Now you"re welcome to use this one to troll insead )

As for the girls, I mentioned half of them aren"t least to me. Naturally, they"re the ones who would probably go for sex. It doesn"t matter though, they"re all pretty good friends of mine and I probably wouldn"t touch them.

If we"re talking straight sex or FWB...I"m meeting 2 next Saturday and I"m pretty sure I"m going to end up boning at least one of them. One is this tiny asian chick who loves nerdy guys and the other is her friend who I know little about - aside for the amazing ass. I told the the asian how I haven"t had a lay in about 1 and a half weeks and she immediately mention this friend of hers who thought I was hot, or something. So now she"s bringing her. Asian is bisexual...pretty sure the friend is too - shoot for threesome? Or would that somehow end the possibility of a relationship with either of them?

Otherwise, met a chick last night who"s dtf. Set up a date with her for next sunday. Tang is endless here.


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
will make up for him being such a douchebag.
Hah. At least I got you flowers. ^_^

projectoffset said:
Set up a date with her for next sunday. Tang is endless here.
Pics with FoH stamped on the titties or it didn"t happen.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I think this thread is my favorite on FOH. Just when you think it might start to be losing steam and getting boring, something new and entertaining happens. And then the cycle repeats. So awesome.


Molten Core Raider
This is the thread that never ends. It goes on and on my friend. Some people started posting just for kicks and everyone else checks it out for the tits because this is the thread that never ends...


Just a Nurse
Rofl. Sorry project man...I had to quit D&D on all three games (Mutants and Masterminds and two Pathfinder campaigns) due to school, work (just got a job at Genentech, wewt), and volunteering.

@Ravvenn, that fucker. You know if it were me, I"d make sure you were good to go. TBH, he was too gay for me. I"m more of a Daddy person. ;p Got any? aha.


projectoffset said:
It"s an OKC profile. Doesn"t show how long she"s had it, only when the last time she logged in was.

That said, regardless of how many other dudes she"s is banging, or how many she WILL bang, or what my purpose would be - I don"t like helping her cheat, or being used by her for sex. Yeah, I know, fucked up of me, and the majority of you will probably label me as retarded, but that"s that. I"m already trying to split up the 3 days I have in San Francisco each week among 3 chicks I"m seeing, and it"s only going to become more difficult in the future since I"ll grow to 5-6 girls.

I"m just going to tell her and wish her luck. At least you guys got a few nudies out of it?

edit: I"m sure you"ll get a kick out of the irony, but now I feel like I"ve failed you guys instead of myself. Hm. Step up at least.
I label you as a stand up guy with good morals and sense of ethics. You still suck for not letting us watch the potential disaster though when her husband finds all of this out.

Ravvenn said:
One day...I"m flipping you. Mark my words.
I would go gay, become your #1, just to let you "flip me" I think.