Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
projectoffset said:
It"s an OKC profile. Doesn"t show how long she"s had it, only when the last time she logged in was.

That said, regardless of how many other dudes she"s is banging, or how many she WILL bang, or what my purpose would be - I don"t like helping her cheat, or being used by her for sex. Yeah, I know, fucked up of me, and the majority of you will probably label me as retarded, but that"s that. I"m already trying to split up the 3 days I have in San Francisco each week among 3 chicks I"m seeing, and it"s only going to become more difficult in the future since I"ll grow to 5-6 girls.

I"m just going to tell her and wish At least you guys got a few nudies out of it?

edit: I"m sure you"ll get a kick out of the irony, but now I feel like I"ve failed you guys instead of myself. Hm. Step up at least.
I was late to thread


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
my bullshit detector is going crazy on projectoffset every time the dude posts
Says the guy who was drowning in so much asian tang he had to stop lest he risk there being no girls left in the country to bang.


projectoffset said:
I"m asking if there"s a possibility of it being something else. My thoughts on the matter were in the original post.
I was actually hoping you"d go and then we"d get a cool story about you waking up in a bathtub full of ice missing a kidney...


Zehn - Vhex said:
Says the guy who was drowning in so much asian tang he had to stop lest he risk there being no girls left in the country to bang.
And who claims to think Asians are more attractive than other races but then praises the non-Asian characteristics of the people he dates.


Kuriin said:
Rofl. Sorry project man...I had to quit D&D on all three games (Mutants and Masterminds and two Pathfinder campaigns) due to school, work (just got a job at Genentech, wewt), and volunteering.

@Ravvenn, that fucker. You know if it were me, I"d make sure you were good to go. TBH, he was too gay for me. I"m more of a Daddy person. ;p Got any? aha.
Um, my former makeup guy but he"s heavy into the gay scene (so hot though). I told them I"d start being a fag-hag/wing-woman at a few of the classier gay clubs in LA (is there such a thing?), so I"ll keep an eye out for you.

I only know one daddy type and he"s over 50 and not really worth it because he has fifty times my baggage. I saw lots of gays on CL looking for a hag (I want a better title ), I"ll look for an older one!

Can we make babies in the meantime? They"d be so pretty and stylish!


Zehn - Vhex said:
Says the guy who was drowning in so much asian tang he had to stop lest he risk there being no girls left in the country to bang.
Are you suggesting I made up the stories in my previous posts?


Riddle me this...
Zehn do you declare shenanigans on Dabamf?
and Dabamf do you accept this decree of shenanigans?


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
This thread other than an occasional gem does nothing but break sacred rules.

#2 - Tits or GTFO.

#3 - If any thread is started regarding a girl, pics shall be provided before any advice is given by the FOH members.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Churchill said:
And who claims to think Asians are more attractive than other races but then praises the non-Asian characteristics of the people he dates.
I know you would think this is the internet or something.


Just a Nurse
Ravv, we need to get a picture together to post on here to show our fabulousness. (Feel free to send me a picture of your dude. I don"t mind older guys as long as they"re in shape...)

in the meantime, I"m obsessed with this song because I miss my ex husband:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I kind of feel like this right now...except this is a picture of the ex playing as the daughter from Godfather in Palermo, Sicily.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:


Lord Nagafen Raider
Gaz said:
I support any movement in this direction so Dabamf can Peter Coffin himself.
I"d forgotten about Peter Coffin, thanks for reminding me of that story so I could lol once again.


Random question: When a girl gets home on a sunday night at 12:30am (well technically that"s monday) is there any possible explanation as to why other than she has a boyfriend?

Long long story short, I recently moved, live in a gigantic complex, know the girl that lives directly above me, she typically gets home later at night/early morning -- for instance, sunday @ 12:30am. I know this because she comes home in heels, or something really loud and either wakes me up or I can hear it very clearly. Maybe it"s just her shoes.. I don"t really know but it"s loud.

The issue is... I"ve been in texts, been friendly in person, and we"re about to start "dating". Though, I feel like this could be a gigantic problem, forming a relationship with a girl who lives directly above you... One being.... her getting home at 12:30am and you thinking she"s a call girl, escort, or has a boyfriend and wants dualies.

Am I blowing this out of proportion? What am I doing wrong here? Am I just being an over analytical jealous cunt that needs a shanking?