Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
I have no clue why the shrink wants to talk to me. Apparently she is pretty hot from what Melissa says but *shrugs*


Maybe those texts were to her shrink and she wanted to be honest with this lady or it was some other dude. Either one makes sense really.


Kilivek said:
I like to sorta mushroom cloud it out into the sociopsychology of human behavior and how society affects it every now and then.

Don"t you wanna know why stupid bitches be stupid?
Ah, yes. Evolutionary psychology aka evopsych. Do you post on reddit too?

Awlbiste said:
This can"t possibly be the case (I hope) but this thread comes across as a bunch of dudes pseudo-philosophizing about dating instead of actually going out and dating.

hence the "hahahaha" :3


The Big Mod
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Damn it... you"ve been busy and I didn"t want to add to it. Forgive me? Hey at least I got rid of her... but now her shrink wants to talk to me and is calling me tonight at 8? <-- is still confused.

If you would just move out here and take me in hand all our problems would be solved. *nods sagely*
why wouldn"t you ditch her as soon as you found out she thinks you"re a chunky loser and is only using you for a place to stay?


The Big Mod
Yutnopash said:
Maybe those texts were to her shrink and she wanted to be honest with this lady or it was some other dude. Either one makes sense really.
no, there would be no reason to tell your shrink you "just want to be honest with them."

and who the fuck texts their shrink?
Erronius said:
How did I know that Jerle was going to get summoned up into this motherfucker...

Can"t wait for it"s insight.
dude you practically said its name 3 times. you brought up misogyny!

this is clearly all your fault.

now we have to listen to it talk about what its like to be a man trying to be a be a woman who has a penis but doesnt want to be known as a tranny that knows more about being a woman than women while laughing at men who get more ass than he ever would even if he signed up to be an uncredited glory hole on chicks with dick porn because his massive jaw would swallow whatever wall they tried to put him behind and would insta kill all boners on set. no amount of fluffing by the hottest girl on the planets going to cure that shit.

fuck you erronius. fuck you.


Lightning Lord Rule said:
That could even be it"s own thread! With a poll!

"Who should take over decision-making/brain-function for Camerous? (since his own brain is clearly not getting the job done)"
  • Ravvenn
  • Zehn
  • Aamina
  • Kegkilla
  • Foler
  • Phoenix
  • Galiem
  • Dabamf
  • Etoille
  • Tyen
  • Lefazz
  • Sutekh
Zehn, I have no idea what you did to get yourself on that list, but I congratulate you on it. Or was that forum account sold on Ebay?


The Big Mod
Camerous Valde Unus said:
oh nice... pretty funny that her shrink wants to talk to you... i would like to try to find myself a shrink who will personally attempt to smooth over things i did to piss people off.


Molten Core Raider
Wow.. so just got off the phone with the shrink... she wants me to let Melissa move in with me, as friends, and help them build up her self worth and help Melissa get out of this self destructive cycle she is in... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... wtf...

I said ok... *sighs*
are you kidding me?

seriously can I have 10k? I really need it.

ok dude ask yourself this question - why is her shrink calling you on the phone? what shrink does that?

It was one of her friends.

her shrink. someone who ostensibly knows she"s fucked in the head, called you to help you sue him for malpractice I mean "help her break her cycle"

seriously you are completely fucking worse than amina retarded.


Molten Core Raider
For the sake of the continuing awesomeness that is this thread I am all for Cam"s terrible decision.

For the sake of humanity however.

Dude, don"t.

Seriously, it"s that simple. Don"t do it. Who cares if she commits suicide or ends up becoming a hooker. Just do yourself a favor and wash your hands clean of this right now.