Girls who broke your heart thread

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Haast said:
Despite the devolution into gibberish, I think I have what you request:
I distinctly remember not giving a fuck when I typed that out. Surprised that I made it that many words in before it went to shit.

But your link doesn"t seem to work for me.


Camerous Valde Unus said:
Don"t forget compassionate, trust worthy, and loyal. And always mistreated. *shakes head*
Jesus christ could you suck her dick any more? Can"t we say similar things about Kegkilla, who has been proven scientifically to be Jesus"s illegitimate father, the greatest poster ever, and he even looks like that guy from Entourage? Oh but he"s a guy, so sucking his dick makes you gay, but you suck Ravenn"s dick no problem. But what if you suck Jerle"s dick, does that make you gay? What if you virtually suck it after he has/had surgery? These are the questions that keep me up at night.


Lord Nagafen Raider
General Antony said:
I distinctly remember not giving a fuck when I typed that out. Surprised that I made it that many words in before it went to shit.

But your link doesn"t seem to work for me.
*EDIT* link using the Zehn method.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Vvoid said:
This is Ravvenn (the blonde). I know there was a picture or two of Alcestis from at least the neck down somewhere (and she looked damn fine to me), and I want to say it was in a thread where Tenks was defending skinny jeans, but I could be wrong. As far as Zehn, no idea if his pics have been posted.
You sure it wasn"t just me because I look damn fine in my skinny jeans


Molten Core Raider
Soygen said:
Can someone please post real-life pictures of all those involved in this drama? Only then I can I really formulate an opinion on who I will side with.
Based on the posts from the last few pages, I believe this is me:



Molten Core Raider
General Antony said:
But your link doesn"t seem to work for me.
Permalink only works if you have the same page view setup. They need to click on the post number and paste that link to that.


Dabamf said:
Jesus christ could you suck her dick any more? Can"t we say similar things about Kegkilla, who has been proven scientifically to be Jesus"s illegitimate father, the greatest poster ever, and he even looks like that guy from Entourage? Oh but he"s a guy, so sucking his dick makes you gay, but you suck Ravenn"s dick no problem. But what if you suck Jerle"s dick, does that make you gay? What if you virtually suck it after he has/had surgery? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
What in the world crawled up your vagina and bit your cervix?

I"m about to blow your mind here, but some of these people are my friends OFF of this website. I know, it"s a crazy concept to grasp.

Cam makes bad decisions and leads with his heart/penis; I"m not decided on which one is the problem starter at this point in time. But hey, at least he tries. Granted, he tries with all of the wrong people and I believe we need to introduce some form of application process of his bitches (and cunts, for the "Mel" types).

If I picked my friends based off of their dating mistakes, I wouldn"t have any. There"s no goddamn way they"d be friends with me. Know why and how I am able to give all of my friends advice? Because I have made countless mistakes, as have the people I"ve dated. As have you, as a matter o" fact.

He comes here with some fucked up stories, you should all be happy you"re getting the entertainment for free. Because it"s been at a cost for him every time. I"m sorry I don"t necessarily take as much enjoyment in someone being hurt? I"m sure I said something to cramp your ass at some point, but I don"t recall making sure anytime someone agrees with you to challenge them for no goddamn reason.

If you were a friend of mine, I"d say the same thing about you that I"d say about Cam (I mean in regards to letting people know he has another side to him). Despite his catastrophic dating mistakes, he"s one of the nicest people I know. He takes the abuse from you all yet still comes back and shares things. I"m not sure I"d be quite as willing. That"s the same way as he is about dating. That and he should be writing those motivational quote things, no shit. He"s said some pretty deep stuff off of this website and through other outlets that actually changed my entire mood that day in a positive way. He"s a bright guy.

Even Sutekh, who happens to be one of the bigget cocksuckers you"ll encounter online. Offline, he"s a pretty stand-up guy. He"s fucked up before and turned it around and while I"m totally airing his business right here and that"s shitty, it was awesome. I got to see the reunion with him and his woman (who is hot, so whoever insinuated she isn"t is very wrong - she"s got me by at least 3 points easy) and it made me cry. It was beautiful and shit. I hate his e-persona, but I am happy for him. I"m even happy for Zehn, assuming he"s nice to his wife and stuff.

I get we"re online and it"s all about out-witting one another and being dicks and clever and what-the-fuck-ever. But sometimes, you guys need to realize there are lines that shouldn"t be crossed, even virtual lines.

I RARELY fly off the handle and it"s very rare I get personal. Zehn and a few others know why I did. He knows which button turns me into a raging lunatic, and he knows I"m very defensive of certain people in my life. He went for that and suffered the consequences.

You, however, are just being a shithead. You"re trying to be the guy standing outside of the box. Well, you picked a stupid fucking time to do it. Pick a time when I"m not right, perhaps, so you don"t look like a douchebag. It"s like Gryeyez or whatever. Do you know he would literally go around giving negs and leaving nasty comments only on the females rep? I mean making an effort to go hit up old posts. You have done this before, too, and it makes no sense (I mean shit like this, not leaving negs for women). I don"t pick people randomly to go off on, it"s always with a reason and always justified (not just justified in my crazy hormonal mind, but in all minds).

If people were only posting about my looks or who I know or something meaningless (to me), your angst might make sense. But it"s my friends talking about things they know about me. My friends come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. They range from runway models to agoraphobics. Maybe if you weren"t such a BUTTHOLE you could have me as a friend, too.

You don"t look cool, you look like a jerk....because that"s exactly what you"re being.

PS: And yes, Alcestis is gorgeous. FoH has some pretty sexy womens. I"m not posting her face without her permission. She"s posted her body before, so I"m just posting it in a lovely Banana Republic dress I gave her and those bangin" heels I"m pissed didn"t come in my size. -- Yes, they"re real and I"m jealous.
PPS: Zehn"s pic was posted, he"s in a hat somewhere.


Can I get a recap on the drama that was the impetus for Ravv"s novel of a post? I always miss the best stuff


Agonizing said:
I meant sex
You couldn"t handle me.

Wrathcaster said:
Can I get a recap on the drama that was the impetus for Ravv"s novel of a post? I always miss the best stuff
Zehn met girl online
Zehn met girl IRL, no mutual connection was there
Girl was a bit passive but finally told him [It should have been said sooner]
Zehn was mad, took anger out on Ravvenn [this includes things said that were personal and evil, Ravvenn held grudge]
Girl met and dated a friend of Ravvenn"s
Zehn blamed Ravvenn
Girl was IM roleplay sexting her ex
That led to break-up between girl and friend of Ravvenn"s and Ravvenn unfriended girl (morals)
Zehn kept making shitty comments to bait Ravvenn in guildchat and on forums, as well as being a dick to females in guild
Ravvenn finally took bait and went the fuck off
Everyone decided to let shit go
The end


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous.

There simply aren"t enough words to describe that swimming pool and backyard. I"m at a loss for words here. That had to have taken a lot of time and effort; is there a lounge area with a grill somewhere that I cant see?


privileged excrementlord
Look at the fence. Such elegant construction. I"d take that fence on a date and even pay for the first round of drinks (no doubles, unless they"re cheaper per oz of liquor).


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The texturing and color on the rocks are starting to fade, but I wouldn"t say no to taking a swim in it. For a pool of that age, it still has what it takes. Pools half that age are probably jealous.


privileged excrementlord
Yeah, but that pool looks like it"s had professional work done. You know, some of my friends say that if it feels like a pool, it"s good enough for them, but I only stick with natural bodies of water on principal.