Girls who broke your heart thread

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
Alcestis looks uncannily like my best friend, just with smaller breasts. I take it Alcestis is Greek or has Greek parents? My friend was born there, lives in Illinois now, and hates the US.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Grayson Carlyle said:
Alcestis looks uncannily like my best friend, just with smaller breasts. I take it Alcestis is Greek or has Greek parents? My friend was born there, lives in Illinois now, and hates the US.
Well tell her gyro eating ass to pack it up and go back.


<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
I just asked her for a invite and a month later we"re calling eachother and it spiraled from there.
Fuck, this coulda been me! I got a invite from her just about this time too. I need to improve my PM"ing skills I guess if I wanna get hot internet chicks.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Have you not been paying attention? You dodged a bullet.


<Gold Donor>
Soygen said:
Have you not been paying attention? You dodged a bullet.
Yeah, but everyone thinks it would have turned out differently if they were the one involved, right?

And as far as the Master, I am master of very little, unfortunately


Stratos said:
this seems to have been passed up and might be forgotten, but never fear for I am here.

please dont hate on dabamf too much. his heart is in the right place. it"s an incredibly common phenomenon for girls online to be bombarded with niceties and offers of support from guys online who think a "gamer" or "tech" girl is special.

the lines that come out of such guys" mouths are almost always disgusting and seem fake as fuck to any observing guy who doesn"t feel the same automatic adoration for online women.

it"s like their eyes glaze over when they perceive there to be an online girl, and they get it in their heads that women online are pioneers and they must be treated delicately and with love (an unsettling kind of love) in order to keep them online and perhaps lure more.

in a way, dabamf is fighting for the equality of women. however it"s a tough fight because a large number of the women who come online are ones that come online for the attention (and don"t get it offline). in the end when someone like dabamf tries to publicly chastize a man for devolving into such disgusting behavior he only manages to spark an argument over the relevant girl. (and the girl loooves being the center of an argument amongst men, even if they are nearly anonymous nerdy men)

then the girl can then call dabamf a big meanie, complain why dabamf doesnt like her, and whiteknights will rush to put down dabamf so as to diminish the weight of his opinions while simultaneously spamming the girl with niceties and support.

it seems to me you aren"t this kind of pathetic attention seeking girl, which can make it all the more lame when you"re perceived to receive auto-matic-girl-adoration type praise rather than any praise you might actually be due.

why is it annoying to an observer? not exactly sure. at the very least, people like dabamf (which includes me) just feel sick (literally it"s disgusting) reading those lines, so we"re going to try and reduce the number of those lines. I personally gave up that crusade a long time ago, but I relate to dabamf. Hell, there are countless MMO guilds out there with girls who are flattered incessantly, ran through instances, etc, all because she giggles and needs help. whatever makes those involved happy I guess.

he quoted Cam. and it"s true cam revealed that he knows you so his soppy love is cool. but look at who cam quoted. to the outside observer, it doesnt seem like that dude knows you, and his post disgusts me. it"s like asking a rhetorical question of :how is this girl so perfect? while within a few feet of her. yet you"re online, have had no real interaction with this girl, have no real knowledge of this girl, and you say that? it means the man is pretty pathetic.

and these kinds of guys are like weeds. they"re unfortunately everywhere.
Try living in Seattle. OH gawd the dating scene here makes me fear for mankind.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Simas said:
Pretty sure Tigole is the master seeing as how he named his EQ rogue after her.
Oh shit if this is true this thread just took another turn for the fantastic


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Tenks said:
Oh shit if this is true this thread just took another turn for the fantastic
I"m fairly certain he was joking. Tigole Bitties.


Ravvenn said:
What in the world crawled up your vagina and bit your cervix?
I don"t want you to misunderstand my intention. Believe it or not I like you as a poster. If there was a way to make my previous post with a setting to prevent you from seeing it, I"d 100% have done so, because my beef has nothing to do with you, only with the extent to which people kiss your ass. In the hypothetical opposite scenario where people are picking you apart undeservedly, I"d be the first to your defense just as I am a lot of people here. Stratos summarized it absolutely perfectly.

Stratos said:
the lines that come out of such guys" mouths are almost always disgusting and seem fake as fuck
You probably don"t understand it (rav), but I actually feel revolted when I read lines like what MaulNutz said. I wanna scream in the guy"s face, "where"s your self respect?" That line is so fucking WEIRD to say. Maybe you"re used to it being on the internet for a long time, but it"s ACTUALLY weird and sad. A proper line is, "oh shit Rav is hot"; "wait I thought all girls on the internet sit on an ever-shrinking chair made of cheeseburgers" (where"s Etoille lately, anyway?); or something to that extent. Shit even, "oh rav looks cute, but aren"t all cute girls supposed to be crazy? Does not compute" is ok, but it is really close to that line of creepiness in complimenting a chick you"ve never met.

Even if you have met the girl and you"re really good friends, that kind of praise is excessive most of the time. When Cam licks your butthole, it doesn"t bother me in the slightest. I don"t know why, I guess it just seems legit. But when someone else says it, I feel that revulsion.

Stratos said:
it seems to me you aren"t this kind of pathetic attention seeking girl, which can make it all the more lame when you"re perceived to receive auto-matic-girl-adoration type praise rather than any praise you might actually be due.
This x100000000. Again my criticism has nothing to do with you (rav), it"s with excessive, unearned praise. In a way, it is a disservice to you to be praised by people who don"t know you, because it cheapens that from people who do know you. For example, living in this country, people sometimes praise me for my language ability just WAY disproportionately to what I deserve, while they themselves are fucking fluent in English. I"m always polite and grateful, but inside I just feel kind of disgusted because I"m only getting that praise because I"m white and seemingly stand above most other white retards who live here 3 years and can"t fuckin read the easiest alphabet on the planet. In almost all cases, the speaker has worked 10x harder than me in learning English than I have learning Korean, but they"re singing my praises for no other reason than I"m white. One day last year I was tryin to hook up my Korean-American guy friend. I told this girl that we were in the same class, but his Korean ability is way better than mine. She says, "of course, he"s Korean-American." I told her he was adopted and thus never learned absolutely anything from home. She didn"t care. In her mind, I would forever be more impressive than him, and the only possible reason is because I"m white, and he"s her color. I"ll remember that the rest of my life. It pissed me off to no extent.

It"s THAT that I"m fighting. I apologize for implying anything negative toward you, it"s not my intention.

P.S. I really hate you because you"re not Asian.