Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Wrathcaster said:
I"ve so stolen that "Who says I want to see you again?" line before and laugh every time it works, though I do sometimes worry that I"ll run up on a chick that"s a huge fan of The Departed and calls me on it.
It works even if they know where it comes from. Yeah it"s a line, but it"s not your usual goofy shit, and it"s confrontational in a way that they have to respond. I guess in some weird way it becomes a competition. "Oh, he doesn"t? We"ll see about that!", and suddenly her winning means seeing you again.


I wouldn"t buy the drink. the method could work (all "methods" are gambles) but at least cut your losses and only buy the lunch/dinner that the girl actually comes along for.

you can"t fault tyen too much for trying to protect how sheltered trex is. Sheltered/pampered attractive women are free from the burden of reality and it can be enjoyable to experience that through them.

been there whiteknite-bro. gl

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Going up to random chicks in starbucks and dropping unimaginative compliments while flashing wads of cash tots #works unless you"re:

But for reals, if you"re any of those things you"re undateable #trash anyway and should tots #suicide yourself, lolollllol, HOLLA!


Lithose said:
Man, I was genuinely curious if the meme applies. You"re defending her, but you are getting laid, too--I"m thinking that doesn"t count as a white knighting.
We have no proof of this. Just a pic with a fucked up toe.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Trexmussen said:
As a little confidence booster, I would in no shape or form say that you are at an "extreme disadvantage." I mean, I"m not an old woman on an internet dating site (like Ravvenn), but I happen to know for a fact that not only do women "not care if you"re bald," but some are SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY into it.

My girlfriends and I will talk about the little things that really attract us to men. For example.. I have this friend who is ONLY attracted to skinny white guys (not too odd). And some that are only attracted to guys with nice cars.. Some only jewish men.. Some only married men (jokes), some only men with receding hairlines (guilty as charged), and some only bald men. In fact I have this friend that LOVES short bald guys... i know...

It is a widely known fact to women that some guys start balding at age 15.. As long as you have confidence, it doesn"t matter.. Do you have good posture? Nothing screams confidence like good posture.

Here is what you need to do. Get off the internet dating sites, go to Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, Saks.. ANYWHERE! Embarrass a woman a teeny bit.. by telling her she"s beautiful (or something to that effect) while you"re standing behind her and then IMMEDIATELY ask her to join you for dinner. No woman worth anything will give you the time of day if you say the same thing to her 1,000 other guys have before. Put yourself out there and she"ll be flattered and will woe. And if not.. you"ll never see her again and do it to some other equally gorgeous girl.

Triple points if you"re dressed well and offer to buy what she"s purchasing. Luckily for you, sounds like that will be no problem. Report back!
Holy shit this is the worst advice I"ve ever read. Eomerdo not do this.


Ser Kegkilla said:
stop responding to her... you rage, you lose. trolling 101.
You should probably listen to the jedi master of trolling on this one.


I await the day when Tyen begins to write the saga of his break up with CrazyUglyFeet McGee. I only hope that Req, Rav, etc will provide the stuff he elects to leave out.


Queen Bee
MaulNutz said:
What are the odds on Trex being a huge Twilight fan?
False. Twilight is retarded. I tried to read one of the books once, just to see what all of the hype was about, and I couldn"t even finish it. The lady has no idea how to write. Around the 400th time Edward Cullen told Bella that he loved her but didn"t want to put her in danger, I put the book back on my bookshelf to never open it again.

I was complaining to Sexual Camel once (long before Tyen was my white knight) that the largest group of guys who were attracted to me enough to hit on me (not counting drunk losers at bars/parties) were fifty-year-old men. Flattering, but seriously, what would my family think if I brought home a boyfriend my dads age? #cut. Back to the point, Sexual Camel told me that those were actually just the only guys with enough balls to put themselves out on the line. I have NO idea why so many guys can not be confident.. It is so frEEEAking sexy. I also have a little theory that those men are equally submissive in bed. Yuck, and no thanks. Of course I"ll never be able to prove my theory and I"m sure at least three of you will scream at me about how wrong I am

Think Office Space, remember when they"re sitting having coffee and he is all hard for Jen and Samir is all, "maybe you should just ask her out" and Peter is all, "WTF?! I can"t just ask her out!" and then he finally does it and he is uber confident and she totally meets up with him him? Then, I forget how the movie goes, they sex, amirite? I bet Ron Livingston is great in bed.

This thread: I = Samir. Eomer = Peter. The rest of you fags = Peter"s initial reaction. Some sexy girl standing in line at your local Starbucks RIGHT NOW that can"t wait for a change of pace who is tired of ball-less men = Joanna. Tyen = someone who has seen office space. Kegkilla (Mr. That doesn"t play out in real life) Yes it does. It has. and that"s obviously just what you tell yourself. "potential humiliation" YOU ARE A BABY. Seriously. You are an infant child

Yutnopash- we"ll send you a wedding invite.

and to all you cheap asses who brag about how they"ve never bought a woman they weren"t banging a drink (claps, btw), it"s only triple points if you buy the drink, since you obvs can"t read.


"mostly old men hit on me.

thus young guys have no balls."

I like your way of thinking. no consideration that maybe you"re not as fabulous as you think you are.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Maybe these hot, confident young men don"t want to hit on you because you"re retarded?


The Big Mod
you"re responding to someone who just used office space to try to argue her point.

save your energy for the post super bowl giants victory troll fest.


Queen Bee
Largest group of guys who aren"t afraid to say something to a woman are men who actually understand that you have to approach a woman.

Most of them have to gain 10 years in order for them to not be afraid.

You guys


The Big Mod
Drinsic said:
Eli"s gonna choke, bro.
eli doesn"t choke, that"s a tom brady move.
