Girls who broke your heart thread


Queen Bee
Sutekh said:
lolz! you are absolutely ridiculous. I love your skull smiley gif, btdubs. But why are you mad, though? Is it because your english skills are so dem bad?

your is not slang (and is always an absolute embarrassment) for you"re.. bro.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Trexmussen said:
lolz! you are absolutely ridiculous. I love your skull smiley gif, btdubs. But why are you mad, though? Is it because your english skills are so dem bad?

your is not slang (and is always an absolute embarrassment) for you"re.. bro.


It"s way too crazy in here, right now. Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls + people ignoring it all. It would take Jerle"s redefining skills to make sense of this mess.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Tyen said:
I forget if it was you or a_skeleton_03...

But did you have that GF who played on P99 named Crow? She was a total bitch and I"m glad I trolled her.

Just some random 2 cents since I"m harvesting mad lulz.

P.S. You and Zehn are faggots for chasing off Alcestsis.
Big Salty trying to whiteknight?


I'm Amod too!
Trexmussen said:
If you think Big Salty would say that shit about his pride and joy craft project, than you are dumber than I thought you were.
Can you pull Tyen away from G+ long enough to have sex or does he continue to macro up more fake friends for his profile while he grunts away?


Tyen just told Trex to keep acting retarded and then people would think she"s trolling instead of just being retarded. All the btdubs shit and totes and all that was her trying to be cool, then decided since everyone hated her that she could just continue to say it and convince others as well as herself that she was not being serious all along.

Unfortunately trolling does not consist of saying stupid shit and then proclaiming, "LOL YOU GOT TROLLED." I"m telling you now this thin veil you"re wearing is gonna shatter soon when you keep getting hate and it eventually overwhelms you, because you do actually care. It"s shown in your trying so hard to be clever in response to every single post. Just act like a normal person and we can at least pretend you"re not awful. Otherwise I"m calling it now this chick has a public Jerle/aychamo-like breakdown within 2 weeks.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Dabamf said:
Tyen just told Trex to keep acting retarded and then people would think she"s trolling instead of just being retarded. All the btdubs shit and totes and all that was her trying to be cool, then decided since everyone hated her that she could just continue to say it and convince others as well as herself that she was not being serious all along.
21yr old girls talk differently than 30yr old virgin Dabamf.

Dabamf said:
saying stupid shit and then proclaiming, "LOL YOU GOT TROLLED."
You made this up in your head.

Dabamf said:
Otherwise I"m calling it now this chick has a public Jerle/aychamo-like breakdown within 2 weeks.
We have said meaner shit to Trex in RL than you ever could in your life.

Every day for a year we called her fat, so give her your worst.

I don"t have to white knight shit when you can"t even lob an insult. Quite embarrassing to be upset without even jabbing back hard enough to make a substantial impact.


I don"t understand why you would violate the sacred bro-trust and allow your girlfriend to post on this forum (assuming its not a Tyenco alt). Does my wife know this forum exists? Yes. Does my wife know about the PGT, the FSR and the GWBYH? Fuck no.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Phoenix said:
Big Salty trying to whiteknight?
I Trolled Sutekh"s woman so hard that she couldn"t stop talking about me in a Ventrilo staff meeting on Eqemu.

Sutekh couldn"t make Trex upset to even get her to mention his posts in RL.

Pretty much everything posted has already been said to her in RL. "You"re dumb because of your words, You"re dumb because your a woman, You"re dumb because you"re fat."

I would think you guys could come up with something better. Apparently not~



Bronze Squire
Tyen said:
21yr old girls talk differently than 30yr old virgin Dabamf. You made this up in your head.

We have said meaner shit to Trex in RL than you ever could in your life.

Every day for a year we called her fat, so give her your worst.
You are totally in love. That"s sweet.


fucking hell, i can not find a thread on the board that isnt being shitted up by this twat. every fucking thread i have checked this morning is her being a retard and people hating on her.

can someone share some new heartbreak and try to get this shit back on the rails?


Queen Bee
Bronyaur said:
I don"t understand why you would violate the sacred bro-trust and allow your girlfriend to post on this forum (assuming its not a Tyenco alt). Does my wife know this forum exists? Yes. Does my wife know about the PGT, the FSR and the GWBYH? Fuck no.
Well you see, I knew about all of this before we actually got together, so it"s not like now he can pretend it doesn"t exist anymore. FOH is a hot topic in the TyEequiem household. Love the PGT.

Facebook is lame and I wanted to argue on the internet with "pros," I haven"t run into any of these pros yet, though. Where you at?