Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
jim told me that whenever he hears this song he cries like a school girl on the last day of summer camp.

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Ser Kegkilla said:
you do realize that every one who has "ice burned" one of your posts has done so sarcastically.... right?

Ser Kegkilla getting out kegged by Cancerous itt.

One more stay in the RRP and Cancerous will be an ice burning machine.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Tuco said:

Ser Kegkilla getting out kegged by Cancerous itt.

One more stay in the RRP and Cancerous will be an ice burning machine.
Machine you say?

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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there a person on the planet who lists riding their bike as a hobby that isn"t a massive homo?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Tenks said:
Is there a person on the planet who lists riding their bike as a hobby that isn"t a massive homo?
Cyclists on this forum: ham n eggs, Kuriin.... I think you may be on to something here, bro.


Hey American Inventors I came back for a special story. One because my complete lack of stories the past few months puts me in debt to you all, and second because god dammit I must redeem myself.

It started on phi phi island in Thailand. That"s the one where the beach movie was filmed. Well the place is a total shithole. It"s gorgeous, but the entire town is a never-ending frat party. The beach bars are like shitty clubs and half the island is "employed" foreigners who "work" at a bar alcohol. That"s their payment. The other 45% are other whites, and MAYBE 5% Thai.

Anyway it was my last day there and go out for a beer with my buddy I met earlier. It was our last night to hang out before parting ways. Well 4 big Changs at 6.4% can be potent so we go to the biggest club/bar. Irony is that you can just buy booze at 7/11 and walk it in, so these people arent even saving much money by "working."

We start dancing, kinda drunk, and I notice this Thai girl dancing nearby. That"s odd because there are like 2 1/2 Thais on the entire island. Well I go up dancing next to her and she responds, and we start getting closer. She"s a tiny girl at hardly 5 feet and rail thin. No worries on age though because she"s clearly about 30.

Competition is fierce because she"s the only Thai chick in sight, but I"m doing my stupid jumping/feet shuffle retarded dance that I do when I"m drunk and I"m sure it looks ridiculous, but it"s different and she digs it. After an hour or so I start thinking, "ok whats the catch here? There are almost NO Thais here and why is she dancing with a million foreigners? Is she gonna rob me? Is it a man? Well something has to go wrong, so fuck it just dance and have a good time and go home alone."

1 hour turns to 2 which turns to 3. We"re exhausted, my 2 1/2 year old wonderful sandals are broken, people have been staring at us ALL night, prob thinking she"s a hooker. We leave the dance area and start making out on the beach. Mm good kisser. Is she down? Impossible.

She asks where my room is. Uh oh. I"m staying in a 20 person dorm room. WTF do I do now? I can"t explain this because she knows maybe 20 words of English. Ok well my dorm room also has bungalows nearby, so I can just bring her close, have her wait (I"m worried shell be embarrassed or it"ll look stupid lookin for a room) and ask.

"no room" the guy says. Aw fuck. But I sensed something. "I"ll give you 1000baht for a bungalow for 3 hours." (normally 700 there. Phiphi is expensive). He hesitates. MONEY. He gets on the phone to call someone. I run back to find my girl is walking home. She got weirder out waitin there alone. I convinced her back and she waited again. Back to the guy and he agrees. I give him all sorts of thank yous and Thai bow like a retard and thank fucking Christ the curse is over.

Unfortunately I planned for a chill night so I didn"t bring camera. She woulda been down for pics I think. Forgive me foh. The next day all the employees were giggling at me. Im sure they heard the story. One woman couldn"t stop laughing, because the bungalow they gave me was the one my buddy rented for the next day. I paid 1000baht to borrow a room when I coulda just asked him to ask to move a day early had I know.


Erronius said:
Machine you say?

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I am somewhat skeptical of that picture. My small amount of science knowledge tells me that to get water molecules at less than minus 32 degrees to glow one would need to heat them to a temperature in the hundred of degrees. This would cause them to fly apart. That cube of ice should explode before it starts to glow. I think that "demonstration" is a trick. Plus what is it that is causing the flames? What fuel is being burned? Are we looking at a reflection in the ice from the surrounding red hot metal? I think that may be what is actually happening. Ergo the presentation is just an illusion.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dabamf"s yellow fever is 100% incurrable. In a club full of presumably attractive white chicks he locks in on the only Asian. It is admirable, really.

Dabamf you"ll be happy to know Jason has been dating some half-Japanese girl for a while now so you can talk about your mutual love for the East.


Sutekh said:

Boom, head exploded.
By definition, since ice is merely frozen water, a non water made ice cube seems to be a circular contradiction and likely an impossibility.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is true, however things can be frozen in to blocks that aren"t water and we"ll still call them ice cubes.


<Bronze Donator>
Did you not click on the Youtube link? It"s explained right in there:

Induction heating affects metals, not ice. There is a piece of metal in the ice which is being heated. The red glow is? not coming from the ice itself but from the metal. The ice is merely refracting the light.


Molten Core Raider
Update! Amy went back to her husband tonight! She was just using me for my money and a place to live apparently! I love life.. it"s so fucking fun! Maybe next time I won"t go after a married chick.. nope cause I"m a fucking retard and I never learn!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Update! Amy went back to her husband tonight! She was just using me for my money and a place to live apparently! I love life.. it"s so fucking fun! Maybe next time I won"t go after a married chick.. nope cause I"m a fucking retard and I never learn!


Molten Core Raider
Thanks man. I am just so tired fo losing. WHy can"t I ever be fucking happy. why is it I always have to lose every thing? Why can"t I win for opnce? I just don"t even fucking know any more. I am sure someone willl come on here in amin and point out it"s all my fault and how stipid UI am and how if I made better choices I wouldn"t be so fucking miserable buit damn AI am just trying to follow my heart... you know? I have always followed my brain and uit fuckws me every time and when I follow my heart it fucks me.. so what the fuck do I do? I am so tired of all of this.. life.. love.. relationships.. *sighs*