Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
Trexmussen said:
If I had a first (or any) date with Aamina and he told me his "unbiased story" I would immediately think,


and run for the fucking hills.
so you"re saying you would be interested in dating aanima as long as he didn"t talk about the lifetime original movie which is his life?


privileged excrementlord
Ser Kegkilla said:
so you"re saying you would be interested in dating aanima as long as he didn"t talk about the lifetime original movie which is his life?
Guess she didn"t have a chance to get that lesbian phase out of her system yet.


Queen Bee
I guess. But mostly I"m saying that if I had no idea about his LOM life, it"s a possibility I would be interested (in theory) but I have no idea why he would voluntarily throw that information out there. That"s seriously like begging for the girl to never speak to you again.

Don"t even get me started on the rest of his post. If I had been cheated on and my heart shat all over in my marriage (knock on wood) the last thing I would want is a bf who had the same experience. That would be the most insecure fucked up relationship in the history of all relationships.

Ps- love your sig, keg, baby


Queen Bee
On second thought fagmina, I would stick around after hearing your drama, make you fall in love with me, cheat on you, lie about it and break your heart JUST for the lulz.

Edit- and then I would totes tweet about it while sitting alone at a bar getting drunk off cosmos


Still a Music Elitist
Not a single car part, accessory or service has been repeated throughout all of these jokes. Very clever, FoH.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Aamina said:
HERP DERP I said I didn"t know where I was going with it. I went to pick up my stuff yesterday and she implied she would fuck me.
...right after you air up the tires and rotate them, amirite?


Potato del Grande
Kirun said:
We all know where you"reeventuallygoing with it. Straight to her taking a giant, bonzai dump on your chest, and you loving every fucking second of lapping it up. Just like the doormat that you are.
More like the floormat, amirite?


<Gold Donor>
How you people have not figured out that Aamina thrives on abuse is beyond me. He has been taking shit since he got here because he signed his own posts, and he continued doing that stupid shit for at least a few months. In all the time he has been here he has not once displayed anything but a desire for attention so strong that abuse is better than nothing. If I am not mistaken he said he wouldn"t be posting his personal life anymore and despite that he is still here taking shit because he likes the attention.

I"m not hating on you Aamina but you need to figure out your biggest personality flaws and fix your shit. You are never going to find real happiness with another person until you are happy with yourself (for the most part at least, everyone has stuff they can do better with). Lying to yourself and others doesn"t mean you"re happy either. it just means you"re in fucking denial. If you"re unable to fix your shit or you are simply truly happy when taking abuse find an emotional dominatrix or one of those women who likes dating grown men who act like babies and live happily ever after.