Glass (2019)


<Gold Donor>
How can I unread that...

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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The hack fuck strikes again. What a horrible fucking plot, it's amazing he is still getting director roles but fuck of Uwe Boll can make a living taking fat dumps on audiences I guess Shamalamadingdong can too.
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Musty Nester
The hack fuck strikes again. What a horrible fucking plot, it's amazing he is still getting director roles but fuck of Uwe Boll can make a living taking fat dumps on audiences I guess Shamalamadingdong can too.

I've heard it said about directors that all you have to do is make money once in hollywood and you have career security.

Doesn't apply to actors.

But if that blurb is to be believed then Shama actually turned down money in order to have more creative control of the product. Thinking about it, maybe that's a large part of why 6th/Unbreakable were his good movies. With Bruce Willis attached and them being his first movies he probably had some people looking over his shoulder and keeping him from going too far off the rails. Which doesn't mean he's bad, it means he's better in collaboration. Most people are. George Lucas was like that. Since then he's been making exactly the movies he wants to make. I haven't seen Split. Yall say it's a good one too. Seems like it would break that theory.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've heard it said about directors that all you have to do is make money once in hollywood and you have career security.

Doesn't apply to actors.

But if that blurb is to be believed then Shama actually turned down money in order to have more creative control of the product. Thinking about it, maybe that's a large part of why 6th/Unbreakable were his good movies. With Bruce Willis attached and them being his first movies he probably had some people looking over his shoulder and keeping him from going too far off the rails. Which doesn't mean he's bad, it means he's better in collaboration. Most people are. George Lucas was like that. Since then he's been making exactly the movies he wants to make. I haven't seen Split. Yall say it's a good one too. Seems like it would break that theory.

split is hokey and by itself is pretty bleh. james macavoy single handedly elevates the film to an amazing experience
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On a side note The 6th Sense is not Shyamalan's first movie, it's his 3rd. He first did Praying With Anger (in which he also plays the lead) and then Wide Awake (a comedy). Never seen those though, and I doubt many people did. By the way, there is something that I suspect is pretty rare in Hollywood: for better or worse, he wrote all the movies he directed! He also wrote the adaptation of Stuart Little for some reason.


Ssraeszha Raider
split is hokey and by itself is pretty bleh. james macavoy single handedly elevates the film to an amazing experience

Not sure that's a fair knock on Sham. Split is the type of movie that's designed to live and die based on that 1 character.

This Glass movie, though, wtf

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
In your lists you guys are forgetting the somewhat recent The Visit (2015). Not a great film, but at least a decent one, unlike The Last Airbender (2010). I guess it can be considered the starting point of Shyamalan's return to form.

Also missing from the lists, probably because it's better to forget it even exists: After Earth (2013). This Will & Jaden Smith SF adventure is supposedly extremely dumb, pretty terrible and, even worse, some sort of scientology inspired thing... That's one of the only three Shyamalan directed movies I have not seen, the other two being Praying with Anger and Wide Awake, the movies he made before The 6th Sense.

Also, while we complain about the quality of MNS' movies, the guy remained a pretty safe bet through his career. Let's look at budget and domestic box office for his movies:

The 6th Sense: $40m -> $293m

Unbreakable: $75m -> $95m

Signs: $72m -> $228m

The Village: $60m -> $114m

Lady in the Water: $70m -> $42m OUPS! Probably still in the red even with the foreign box office.

The Happening: $48m -> $64m

The Last Airbender: $150m -> $131m OUPS! Probably in the green thanks to foreign box office ($188m). Also, by far his highest budget film and he got to helm it after two film that did not inspire confidence!

Devil: $10m -> $33m Not directed by MNS, but produced by him and based on one of his stories.

After Earth: $130m -> $60m OUPS! Probably not saved by the $183m of foreign box office.

The Visit: $5m -> $65m That's some serious return on investment!

Split: $9m -> $138m Not only is that some tremendous return on investment, that's the third highest domestic grossing film of MNS' career!
I was a big MNS fan back in the 90's. Everything up to, but not including Lady in the Water. His productions obviously jumped off a massive cliff from there. Similarly to the Wachowski trannies who other than the Matrix and Sense8 have created a bunch of shit undeserving of any credence even after their blockbuster hits.

If you watch Signs as an alien movie, even with the crop circles, you're an idiot. The priesthood and religious angle is so heavily portrayed that it's amusing to me that the alien misdirect is taken so readily.

Then The Happening, uh happened, and completely shunted any good will. Then the Bender travesty. I completely shut off any consideration for his films.

I only watched Split last weekend, and like all of his good films, were carried by an amazing actor (Bruce Willis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Jackson, etc), then The Happening with Mark fucking Wahlberg. OK, Michael Bay. Split was actually quite awesome. Don't remember how it ended, even having just watched it. I just recall his performance being unsettlingly amazing. An actor's pipe dream of portraying multiple characters in the same film, and doing so with such gravitas.

Like Luc Besson with The 5th Element vs Valerian and how we create a beautifully shit movie. Sometimes your heroes shit on things.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not sure that's a fair knock on Sham. Split is the type of movie that's designed to live and die based on that 1 character.

This Glass movie, though, wtf
you're absolutely right. it was a perfect vehicle for james macavoy to show off his acting chops and creativity. i really enjoyed the film but after i got some distance from it the shine started to wear off. i'm fine with nonsense plot devices as long as they are internally consistent, and split had that. a lot of the stuff doesn't REALLY make sense under a microscope, but it needed to happen in order to let macavoy do his thing.

the issue is that everything BESIDES macavoy was boring, drap, dull. the acting and directing were so distinctly "shyamalan." dialogue is clunky, storyline was cludgy.

it's not that the whole movie lives and dies on a single character... it lives and dies on a single actor being able to elevate mediocrity


Trakanon Raider
Saw this tonight without having read any spoilers. It started out better than expected, had some good moments along the way, and I almost believed it was going to be good. But fuck me, the ending ruins what could have been a damn fine wrap-up. The wasted potential hurts more than anything else.

M. Knight still trying to force in a twist, when at this point it would be a twist for him NOT to. The acting was pretty good, and the characters played off of each other nicely.

The psychiatrist actually makes you start to question the characters as she rationalizes their 'abilities', and David seems somewhat convinced himself. This would have survived just great had they left it there (in a similar vein to Sucker Punch). My preference would have been to have the psychiatrist talking to the family and the patients differently. This epic battle happens and everyone is killed, but you're left to wonder if the double-speak and grandeur of the 'superhero' fight was all in their heads.

Instead in typical M. Knight fashion you get a signature twist that nobody saw coming because it's too fucking dumb to actually be put in this movie. It completely disregards the narratives of the other two movies. Honestly, believing in superheroes in real life would be more realistic than the ending where everyone suddenly believes these shitty videos on the Internet.


I think the "twist" would've been ok (not great), if they'd cut the 10 or so minutes of exposition at the end explaining it.
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<Silver Donator>
Yup- I did it. I went to see "Glass" in the "Ultra XD" movie experience (big seats, curved huge screen, tons of speakers, recliner chair).

What can I say? I'm not an M. Knight fanboy but I have seen most of his films in theaters since "The Sixth Sense." I also think "Unbreakable" is his best movie by FAR (maybe not as carefully constructed as a film as "6th Sense" or "Signs." "Signs," which is not really all that good, is a meticulous film. Shit, I will even admit that I liked "Lady in Water." And I laughed out loud at the twist at the end of "The Visit." (A significantly under-appreciated M. Night film)

I was not a huge fan of "Split," solely for the reason that, at it's heart, it's a torture-porn movie of teenage girls (what can I say, that bugs me enough to not like it).

Now on to my minimalist review of "Glass:"

1) It's bad. Really, really bad.
2) It's too long.
3) It's Stupid.

Imagine the subtle metaphor of "Unbreakable" and wrap it ever so gently around an aluminum baseball bat. Now bludgeon your audience with that metaphor a thousand times with the most pretentious and repetitious swings! Get it? It's a comic book movie! Really, truly! Let me explain it to you over and over and over again throughout the movie!


It was painful. I would watch "Lady in Water" 10x before I would sit through this piece of crap again.

But I will go see his next movie too... He's like the Patriots in the last 2 minutes of the playoffs. You just have to watch (even though you think you know what is going to happen, you may get pleasantly surprised).


A Mod Real Quick
It was ok. I mean that's all I can say.

Beginning set the pace wrong because the middle was a drag. The end was definitely lame as fuck.

Alien chick has some weird eyes but she has some great titties
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