GMO, Monsanto, organic dreadlocked nonsense?


Molten Core Raider
So I bought some organic bananas recently since they were cheaper than regular ones. They taste exactly the same. I feel lied to by the organic misinformation crew.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
One of the more pervasive myths i've heard is that estrogen in milk causes girls to enter puberty early. I've read articles like this a few times, that actually early puberty in girls is caused by childrens average weight increasing and not estrogen in milk like alot of people believe

Weight gain triggers early puberty in girls


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
People forget to pay attention to amounts. The fact that 35,000 ng a day of estrogen will make a woman sterile doesn't meant that 5 ng a day will make you a little sterile or make you grow boobs or anything else. If you drink 5 gallons of water in an hour you will die. That doesn't mean that drinking half a gallon a day is doing any damage to you. People worry about hormones and pesticides without considering how tiny the amounts that they are getting is.

They also demand proof of a negative. "WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SCIENCE" and all that bullshit. The fact is that you can't "prove" that something is safe, but if millions of people around the world are exposed to it on a daily basis, there is no plausible mechanism of harm, and no evidence of harm, then that has to be good enough and doing more studies is a waste of time and money. I heard somebody doing the same thing with RF radiation talking about a baby onesie with a wifi device on it at CES. OMG we don't know what the RFs are doing to my baby!! Yes we do. Millions of people are sitting next to billions of wifi devices all day every day and not getting tumors and science has no credible theory about how that level of RF could be harmful (obviously if you put your baby in the microwave that would not be good but once again it's back to levels). Your baby isn't going to be cooked by a wifi thingy. As a super expert in everything I say that with extreme confidence.


Mr. Poopybutthole
We only care if it's convenient. Why is the female sex hormone legal and prescribed for stupid crap like clearing up skin, but the male sex hormone is completely banned?

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
So if Organic food only accounts for 5% of the total supply to grocery stores... What are some of you guys whining about again?

For the record I buy based off what's cheap - not anything else. So quit trying to lump me into a category that is a meme.


<Bronze Donator>
Because misinformation leads to bad legislation and decisions. See corn and ethanol. Or just about any corn subsidy. I'm betting the corn ethanol subsidy would go away if the public image of ethanol(it's green!) was more accurate.

The daycare I pay almost $1k a month for serves all organic food. I'm paying for someone else's misinformed decision.

Combo breaker!!!

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Because misinformation leads to bad legislation. See corn and ethanol. Or just about any corn subsidy. I'm betting the corn ethanol subsidy would go away if the public image of ethanol(it's green!) was more accurate.
I appreciate the response. That is a good point that I guess I didn't consider.

If the poster child though for "GMOs ARE BAD" is dreadlocks though, again, I don't think any of us have much to worry about.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Unfortunately it's not just dreadlocked hippies. I have people on Facebook posting this shit every day. One of them is a bit of a dreadlocked type, but most of them are college educated and normally intelligent people who just can't stop going full retard when they start talking about food.

My cousin who is a sophomore in college was telling me over new year's how she can't eat milk. She then told me that she thought she was over it because she ate ice cream every day for a couple of months but then she felt sick so she knew that it had "built up on her". She is also a no refined sugar, no gluten, blah blah blah etc. I asked her what her symptoms were when she ate that stuff and she was just like "I just don't feel that good, kind of blah". Sure, whatever sweetheart.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Unfortunately it's not just dreadlocked hippies. I have people on Facebook posting this shit every day. One of them is a bit of a dreadlocked type, but most of them are college educated and normally intelligent people who just can't stop going full retard when they start talking about food.

My cousin who is a sophomore in college was telling me over new year's how she can't eat milk. She then told me that she thought she was over it because she ate ice cream every day for a couple of months but then she felt sick so she knew that it had "built up on her". She is also a no refined sugar, no gluten, blah blah blah etc. I asked her what her symptoms were when she ate that stuff and she was just like "I just don't feel that good, kind of blah". Sure, whatever sweetheart.
Yeah you're absolutely right, it is becoming more rampant. Speaking as somebody who EASILY could have been one of those (had it not been for lots of good influences in my life), I'm going to let you know now the only garlic-cure ((pun / joke intended, RIP WH)) isn't cold logic or hard science.

The master of debate isn't successful just in being factually correct or by having a sound argument, cause a fool won't be able to understand either of those (important) parts of debate. Thus, I'd say a true master of debate would, in addition, be successful deliverance of their argument. If you sound aggressive or even mean, more often then not people are going to naturally go against the message. That will create the kind of polarity observed in this thread when there isn't actual dialogue going on.


Molten Core Raider
Unfortunately it's not just dreadlocked hippies. I have people on Facebook posting this shit every day. One of them is a bit of a dreadlocked type, but most of them are college educated and normally intelligent people who just can't stop going full retard when they start talking about food.

My cousin who is a sophomore in college was telling me over new year's how she can't eat milk. She then told me that she thought she was over it because she ate ice cream every day for a couple of months but then she felt sick so she knew that it had "built up on her". She is also a no refined sugar, no gluten, blah blah blah etc. I asked her what her symptoms were when she ate that stuff and she was just like "I just don't feel that good, kind of blah". Sure, whatever sweetheart.
Yo bro, she just needs to detox. Like, all the toxins in GMO ice cream are like, building up in her like, colon right? So like, you need to tell her to drink this $90 tea for like a month, but like nothing else, bro. Like literally, like all she is allowed to eat or drink for a month is this $90 tea.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Yo bro, she just needs to detox. Like, all the toxins in GMO ice cream are like, building up in her like, colon right? So like, you need to tell her to drink this $90 tea for like a month, but like nothing else, bro. Like literally, like all she is allowed to eat or drink for a month is this $90 tea.
You sound like a faggot.


<Gold Donor>
Yo bro, she just needs to detox. Like, all the toxins in GMO ice cream are like, building up in her like, colon right? So like, you need to tell her to drink this $90 tea for like a month, but like nothing else, bro. Like literally, like all she is allowed to eat or drink for a month is this $90 tea.
Jesus, don't get me started. I walked through Costco last week and one of the free sample stations was a "detox" drink. The guy giving away the samples is just a lowly Costco employee told what to say, I get it, so I can't blame him, but every other sentence was about how it would clean out all the toxins. Most of the people walking up to him would straight up ask, "So this helps get rid of the toxins?" I had to restrain myself from asking which toxins it gets rid of, because like I said, just an employee. The more interesting thing though was that he constantly told people specifically that it was not a weight-loss product of any type. I guess they were worried that someone might sue them if they bought it and didn't lose weight, but they weren't worried about all the removing toxins bullshit.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Jesus, don't get me started. I walked through Costco last week and one of the free sample stations was a "detox" drink. The guy giving away the samples is just a lowly Costco employee told what to say, I get it, so I can't blame him, but every other sentence was about how it would clean out all the toxins. Most of the people walking up to him would straight up ask, "So this helps get rid of the toxins?" I had to restrain myself from asking which toxins it gets rid of, because like I said, just an employee. The more interesting thing though was that he constantly told people specifically that it was not a weight-loss product of any type. I guess they were worried that someone might sue them if they bought it and didn't lose weight, but they weren't worried about all the removing toxins bullshit.
bro david avacado wolfe has the answer for you

Dont forget to make sure you water has the right spin.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All you need are those pads for the bottom of your feet, they draw the toxins out through your pores, and they get dirty as hell so you can see its working. You know its the real deal since they were developed by some little old man on a mountain in Asia, not by greedy western "doctors". Those and a Himalayan salt lamp should fix up his cousin's problems with the GMO dairy build up in her chakra.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure there was one of those late night infomercials about some product that cleaned out your colon or intestines and they held up this big model of crap and were all like, "everyone has about 15 lbs of toxins stuck in their system, take this and shit it all out, you'll feel better than ever."


Unelected Mod
Holy shit BP, I just watched those videos. The amount of pseudoscientific bullshit that guy spews ever 30 seconds is mindblowing. People actually believe that shit, it is scary.