GMO, Monsanto, organic dreadlocked nonsense?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok, so I have a number of FB friends who are of the hippie, new age, vegetarian sorts of variety. They post these links all the fucking time about GMO and Monsanto being some big corporate evil entity straight out of a dystopian sci fi future. It would seem we are slowly being poisoned by GMO foods or some shit and I should be very angry about this. Of course I'm too lazy to read these links and I never see anyone posting contradictory links to support GMO tech.

These are the same type of folks who believe in the healing power of crystals, reflexology, herbal medicine and all sorts of other bologna. So I'm obviously hesitant to accept this sensationalism at face value.

I figured that this being FoHRolled I could get some opinions that might actually have some scientific backing to them. Maybe some links to a good summary of both sides of the controversy. So what's the deal? What's being done to our, uh....corn and stuff (?) exactly that I should or shouldn't be worried about?

Of course there will probably also be some posters who are convinced that Monsanto is out to destroy the human race for power and profit, so flame away!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Most of what Monsanto gets blamed for is directly related to terrible patenting laws regarding gene research, and things it did at the behest of the US government, like production of DDT and its role in developing Agent Orange for the US government in the Vietnam/Cold War era.

GMOs are fine, though the FDA could do more in the realm of regulatory control merely for the sake of assuring the public that GMOs are safe, but they've been consumed for decades around the world with no statistically significant linkages to negative health effects.

Pretty much every study that the anti GMO crowd throws around trying to prove GMOs are dangerous have been refuted outright by later research, or were so flawed as to be unworthy of publication in most cases.

A recent example is the assertion that GMO fed rats developed tumors. This was promoted by Natural and other sources as proof positive GMOs are causing cancer around the globe. But when the scientific community began to review the research, they found numerous flaws, and eventually the article was pulled from the journal it was originally published in. Here's a couple of decent links to a run down on what happened in regards to that case.

Anyway, if a hippy is telling you that Monsanto is trying to poison them with GMOs, and you know for a fact they smoke cigarettes regularly (pretty common occurrance with my hippy friends who do the same exact shit you're describing) just laugh at how dumb and contradictory they are, and carry on with your daily life.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I feel completely uneducated on what the FDA regulation of 'organic' means and what promises are made when something is labeled organic.

Are there a bunch of beaurocrats who make a bunch of dumb laws that food producers skirt around to provide a legal but not-much-better organic food?
Is the penalty for labeling food organic so weak and unenforced that it's impossible to trust that something labeled organic actually meets the requirements?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I feel completely uneducated on what the FDA regulation of 'organic' means and what promises are made when something is labeled organic.

Are there a bunch of beaurocrats who make a bunch of dumb laws that food producers skirt around to provide a legal but not-much-better organic food?
Is the penalty for labeling food organic so weak and unenforced that it's impossible to trust that something labeled organic actually meets the requirements?
Just consider organic to be a marketing gimmick, that's really all it is.

Here's the FDA's pdf on organic versus natural

And another FDA link on the subject, seems to have a lot of information there.

Organic is, as far as I'm concerned, basically just as you describe, a bureaucratically defined justification for charging more for a product which spoils days earlier.

If you want to eat "natural" and "healthy" you just need to be buying locally, basically. Like instead of purchasing meat at the grocery like beef, we bought half a cow from a local grower and filled a freezer with it. If you're buying it from a store, you're almost certainly just paying more for the labeling.

Organic is like putting the Apple sign on a piece of food. Suddenly you can charge extra just because of the label.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There have been several studies done on the health benefits of organic food over non organic food. Essentially there has been no substantial proof that organics are "healthier" than non organic food. The only benefits the studies reveal is organics typically have less traces of pestisides. If people think that's worth paying the extra premium for food that is almost the same but spoils much faster, more power to them. I personally think organics are counter productive to what the world needs today, both in quantity and price.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Stanford study finds the health benefits of "organic" overblown, basically a marketing gimmick

There's a link inside this article to the New York Times article on the stanford study as well, but I'm hitting the paywall when I try to access it so whatever. You might be able to access it if you haven't exceeded 10 articles this month

And a counter argument from Huffington Post


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyway, if a hippy is telling you that Monsanto is trying to poison them with GMOs, and you know for a fact they smoke cigarettes regularly (pretty common occurrance with my hippy friends who do the same exact shit you're describing) just laugh at how dumb and contradictory they are, and carry on with your daily life.
Yeah, my personal take is that smoking and being overweight are by far the two most damaging health concerns that are directly and unquestionably linked to health problems. Obviously, you're better eating fruits and veggies than fucking twinkies and hot dogs or something, but getting your panties in a wad over which fruits and veggies are actually good for you seems bizarre. There's no point arguing about it with them, its like arguing religion or politics. I just wanted some less biased thoughts on the matter, so thanks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Most of what Monsanto gets blamed for is directly related to terrible patenting laws regarding gene research, and things it did at the behest of the US government, like production of DDT and its role in developing Agent Orange for the US government in the Vietnam/Cold War era.
Pretty much this. Monsanto sucks ass because they've patented genetic material (which is legal, and where my biggest issue is) and lock farmers into exclusivity agreements with what they can do with their crops and seeds. Mostly, they're not allowed to reseed with what they've planted. It's all fucking ridiculous.

They've currently got a case going against a farmer who bought seed from a seed farm that was predominately Monsanto seed and used roundup on it. They're claiming it violates some non-sense, despite the fact that he's not under contract with Monsanto. Monsanto is the MPAA/RIAA of farming.


Trakanon Raider
heh, I continually have to self-censor myself on Facebook, because I have a dozen or so friends who are hippy idiots posting shit about how chemotherapy will kill you, cancer is caused by GMO food, and the world could feed itself better if everyone had a garden in their backyard etc. Then again, there's about the same number of people who post inane shit like global warming being a hoax and that if we cut taxes in half suddenly all economic problems would magically vanish. So I guess it cuts both ways. Thankfully though, there's a silent majority that probably thinks the idiots at the fringes are, well, idiots.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Organic unto itself may not be healthier by virtue of being organic, but organic produce more often than not tends to be fresher at the places that sell it. Fresher food is healthier, regardless as to whether it's organically grown or not.

And ya, I have to deal with the "OMG GMO R EVIL!" on my Facebook feed as well. Look I'm sure there are questionable GMOs out there, just like there is any questionable product in a field (like pharma), but throwing the baby out with the bathwater is idiotic. I always point out that in order to support a growing population, we need food sources that can match said growth (esp in developing countries). Unless they are advocating mass sterilization or famine, they're just going to have to deal with it.


Fresher food *is not* healthier by default.

Tastier? Absolutely. Science gives no fucks about tastier though really (other than how it influences diet of course) and the human body sure as hell doesn't care when it is busy breaking that stuff down for fuel.

GMO is just a ridiculous label. We've genetically modified almost everything we eat. Now that we can do so with a little more science and planning it is a bad thing? Fuck that, billions more would be starving without us messing around with our food supply.

Now, eating organic or even Organic is all well and good. I completely support sustainable farming and ranching but I do it for ethical reasons and because often the end products taste better. I sure as hell don't do it because it is magically better food in terms of health though.
Most people I know don't give a shit if food is genetically modified or not.

As long as the food isn't glowing green with radiation I'll eat it.


We'd be fucked if our food wasn't gmo. Gmo is one of the greatest advances in science ever. We can feed so many more people with less land.

Organic just means no pesticides or antibiotics. That is a good thing and reason enough to eat organic if that is important to you. But the big organic farms are factory farms with all the other same problems as giant nonorganic farms. They still house animals in enclosures and feed then corn.

If you want to eat sustainable, you should be looking for free range meat, grass fed beef, and buy everything possible at local markets. That has way more of an effect than organic.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
that doesn't mean anything that just means people are complacent and like the taste of high fructose corn syrup, even while it gives you diabetes.

and let's not pretend like selective breeding and gene insertion are the same thing, I have a hard time believing selective breeding would eventually make a goat make spider silk.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
that doesn't mean anything that just means people are complacent and like the taste of high fructose corn syrup, even while it gives you diabetes.

and let's not pretend like selective breeding and gene insertion are the same thing, I have a hard time believing selective breeding would eventually make a goat make spider silk.
I thought he was making it up, but holy shit:


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Monsanto is the closest thing you'll find in this world to an actual "Big Evil Corporation of by and for Evil."

That doesn't change the fact that people who flip their shit over genetically-modified crops are generally fruit loops who don't understand that almost every edible product has been genetically modified for centuries. Farmers just did it the slow way. If you're angry that Monsanto produces crops that REQUIRE Monsanto products to be raised, that's a legitimate "ZOMG EBIL GMO" thing. Thinking that there's mind-control juices in your food, isn't.

The High Fructose Corn Syrup thing is largely a result of warped economics, not some evil scheme to debase human nutrition. They get paid money to grow as much corn as they can, so they looked for a way to put that corn to use in everything.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
When you make claims about gene insertion being different (read: more dangerous or unnatural) as opposed to random mutation, the argument you are making is essentially that random mutation is safer than specifically selected mutation. Its not. Its just a much longer process, which isn't a good thing. The reason the goat can make spider silk is because the genetic code of the planet functions as interchangably as it does. The same gene that makes you grow arms and legs, with only minor modification, codes for virtually all limbs in all creatures, for instance. There's nothing "unnatural" or dangerous about it, this type of genetic modification is carried out in laboratories to gain a better understanding of the science, not for mainstream production and these animals are typically sterile. The compatability of the genetic code is so amazing because you can take a gene from one species, put it in another, it will code for a protein or amino acid that is readable by that organism's body. Its fantastic, and not something to fear.

But check this out, this is the plant that eventually became corn radical changes in the morphology and the genetic code of that species to become maize and then to become the modern day corn. The only thing is it took 10,000 years to get there, which is way too slow, especially to meet the demands of modern human society.

Selective breeding and gene insertion are for all intents and purposes the same thing, except one of them gets to be very highly controlled, and therefore, in many ways, it is far safer.

And corn syrup doesn't give you diabetes. Having excessively high levels of any sugar in your blood consistently over years gives you diabetes because it leads to your isles of langerhans malfunctioning. If you drink too much apple juice you can develop diabetes. Too much ice cream? Diabetes. Too much sugar of any type combined with obesity will lead to diabetes. There is nothing unique about HFCS in this regards. HFCS simply packs a lot of molecular energy into a small space, which contributes to obesity, because its a lot easier to drink the calories than it is to eat them. If you're burning the calories as they come in through exercise, HFCS is no more good or bad for you than plain old regular sugar in your coffee.


Fresher food *is not* healthier by default.

Tastier? Absolutely. Science gives no fucks about tastier though really (other than how it influences diet of course) and the human body sure as hell doesn't care when it is busy breaking that stuff down for fuel.
Eating is not just about energy though, it's also about raw material. Some we need in bulk, but some we need in small quantities like vitamins, stuff we can't synthesize on our own (that's actually the definition of a vitamin oddly enough). Some are pretty frail, meaning freezing/unfreezing, conservation treatment, light exposure or simply time degrades them, making the food less healthy.

Aychamo BanBan

Fresher food *is not* healthier by default.

Tastier? Absolutely. Science gives no fucks about tastier though really (other than how it influences diet of course) and the human body sure as hell doesn't care when it is busy breaking that stuff down for fuel.

GMO is just a ridiculous label. We've genetically modified almost everything we eat. Now that we can do so with a little more science and planning it is a bad thing? Fuck that, billions more would be starving without us messing around with our food supply.

Now, eating organic or even Organic is all well and good. I completely support sustainable farming and ranching but I do it for ethical reasons and because often the end products taste better. I sure as hell don't do it because it is magically better food in terms of health though.
I agree fresher foods taste better, bet would challenge your on your generalization that organic food taste better.


Looks like we mostly all agree about hippies pushing their expensive organic foods. Someone mentioned pesticides, I believe organic foods use "organic" pesticides that suck compared to synthetic so they end up using more and losing more crop, thus the higher price. Is that correct? Another thing that makes me groan is the hormones in cow milk supposedly causing precocious puberty... Until you look at other countries experiencing the same phenomenon that don't use any hormones!

My mom is a nut about this, and she always sends me links to Natural News, Joe Mercola, Andrew Weil, Dr. Oz, and all the other psychotic quacks out there. I just delete. It's caused family fights because I'm hardcore with practicing science based medicine.