GMO, Monsanto, organic dreadlocked nonsense?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pretty sure there was one of those late night infomercials about some product that cleaned out your colon or intestines and they held up this big model of crap and were all like, "everyone has about 15 lbs of toxins stuck in their system, take this and shit it all out, you'll feel better than ever."
That shit is bentonite clay, I believe, and it absorbs all the water and mucus as it passes through you IIRC. When it comes out its this impressive rope of tacky gunky shit that obviously is evidence you've been cleansed of the nebulous toxins that western medicine and Monsanto has been poisoning you with.
Jesus, don't get me started. I walked through Costco last week and one of the free sample stations was a "detox" drink. The guy giving away the samples is just a lowly Costco employee told what to say, I get it, so I can't blame him, but every other sentence was about how it would clean out all the toxins. Most of the people walking up to him would straight up ask, "So this helps get rid of the toxins?" I had to restrain myself from asking which toxins it gets rid of, because like I said, just an employee. The more interesting thing though was that he constantly told people specifically that it was not a weight-loss product of any type. I guess they were worried that someone might sue them if they bought it and didn't lose weight, but they weren't worried about all the removing toxins bullshit.
Not Costco employees. Hired by third parties to hand out the samples... sometimes they're people that are more knowledgeable and others are pulled off of the short bus.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That shit is bentonite clay, I believe, and it absorbs all the water and mucus as it passes through you IIRC. When it comes out its this impressive rope of tacky gunky shit that obviously is evidence you've been cleansed of the nebulous toxins that western medicine and Monsanto has been poisoning you with.
I use Bentonite to clarify wine. I can't imagine ingesting it under any circumstances.


Molten Core Raider
bro david avacado wolfe has the answer for you

Dont forget to make sure you water has the right spin.
You know it's legit because @2:15 there is a 'hypertonic' that is packaged in glass vials that you actually have tobreak. It's just too much super concentrated plankton for practical packaging to contain.
The pads were an impulse buy in CVS... I had heard about them on a show I worked on.

The Master Cleanse I learned about back in 2004 from one of my bosses. I thought it was total crap at the time.
After working in LA for years, getting in a car accident and starting to put on some weight from being unable to physically do
anything I found it hard to bounce back. I tried the cleanse and... it was hard as hell. And then it wasn't so bad. I actually felt
really good after doing it. Lots more energy. It's super dangerous though and if done wrong can be fatal.
Do not recommend.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
That shit is bentonite clay, I believe, and it absorbs all the water and mucus as it passes through you IIRC. When it comes out its this impressive rope of tacky gunky shit that obviously is evidence you've been cleansed of the nebulous toxins that western medicine and Monsanto has been poisoning you with.
This is my favorite scam. I almost want to buy some of those just to see horrific black ropes of shit in my toilet. BTW I use bentonite to plug up leaking water tanks.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The pads were an impulse buy in CVS... I had heard about them on a show I worked on.

The Master Cleanse I learned about back in 2004 from one of my bosses. I thought it was total crap at the time.
After working in LA for years, getting in a car accident and starting to put on some weight from being unable to physically do
anything I found it hard to bounce back. I tried the cleanse and... it was hard as hell. And then it wasn't so bad. I actually felt
really good after doing it. Lots more energy. It's super dangerous though and if done wrong can be fatal.
Do not recommend.
I think that there is one benefit to stuff like this. Maybe not the master cleanse, but those one week eat only this stuff diets do get all the sugar out of your system which seems to make you crave it less. I have done the "cabbage soup diet" a couple times which involves making a big ass pot of soup that is all vegetables and then eating as much of it as you can for a week along with prescribed amounts of protein. The soup is actually pretty tasty at first but after eating 3 or 4 bowls of it a day for a week it is nearly vomit inducing by the end. I think it was kind of silly but of course you do lose weight because the soup has pretty much no calories and it does get you off of sugar and carbs and makes it easier to eat less of them when you are done. Maybe I am falling victim to bullshit as well, but I feel like if you can go a week or so with zero sugar or carbs, you will have a lot less craving for them than normal.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, that's just a trick. You can go without them through willpower alone. Which is essentially what you're doing when you choose to "cleanse" you just weaned yourself off the wrong foods in a different way.


This is my favorite scam. I almost want to buy some of those just to see horrific black ropes of shit in my toilet. BTW I use bentonite to plug up leaking water tanks.
This is my favorite scam too. It's just brilliant. "SEE what just came out of you? It clearly works!" So clever


Golden Knight of the Realm
"The Hawaiian islands are a popular testing ground for biotech crops for many companies due to a favorable year-round climate."

"If the companies are forced to disclose the location of their biotech crop fields, they face increased risk of "commercial espionage, vandalism, and theft," they said in the lawsuit. "

Yes yes citizen, GMOs ARE safe ( which they are ) and so are the companies that make them! ( heh ). We NEED this land, it's CRUCIAL. But no, you may NOT see the farmland or testing center, and NO you may NOT know where it is, goddamnit!' Hm that seems legit to me!

Who can blame those Hawaiian counties for not wanting 'Argochem' facilities near them? I live near Kodak and those cunts scream until they're blue in the face that their waste removal practices are safe, except when they pump dioxin into the air or drain methylene chloride all over the city atmillionsof times the regulated tolerances. Why, from 1987 to 2000 it made this city numero uno nationwide in carcinogenic emissions released, yay.

GMO foods good, their producers, usually bad. GMO manufacturers are like pedos in rape vans with candy, the lollipop they give to the kid is not the danger.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well he also says the same shit is already regulated under State and Federal law. Not sure what is regulated, or how, and I'm not saying government regulatory agencies are at all perfect. But that's the thrust of the suit, that the county has no jurisdiction to do this. The other thing is, from the sound of the other NYT article the anti-GMO zealots really wanted more than just what this bill ended up being and had to settle for the current form. Seems like both sides would take a mile after being given an inch if you let them so its a bit of a clusterfuck in both directions.

I get the impression they started out levying all sorts of fucked up claims about GMO food and they've ended up having to hang their hat only on pesticide use (really herbicide seems to be the big concern for the anti Monsanto sentiment, but I see the word pesticide constantly interchanged wrongly in articles about it) instead of the underlying nonsense about "franken-food". Which is completely absurd to me, farming operations everywhere are using insect and weed killers,even the so-called organic ones!!!The whole thing is just surrounded by so much hype and misinformation it makes me want to bang my head against a wall. Yes, the big ag corps seem pretty shady but so is every big corp in very similar ways. People are all worked up because its "our food" and "the earth" but there's all manner of fucked up shit going on at every level already that most of us are blissfully ignorant about.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, I know. But then how would I find out about all these fruitcake conspiracy theories? Its fine entertainment, though enraging.


Musty Nester
I see snow maybe twice a year. Maybe. This snow was a very, very fine snow. Tiny dry flakes. It sparkled in the floodlights when it fell.

I was thinking it was just a highly compact peculiar crystal form. I wasn't even thinking along the lines of nano-cameras. I was not even dimly aware that the NSA is using snow as a weapon now, but it makes sense.

Thanks, Obummer.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I felt like looking up clay medical studies because of the clay talk, seems to have some real use for intestinal problems.

Evaluation of the medicinal use of clay minerals as antibacterial agents

The ingestion of dried clay minerals or a clay suspension is commonly used as a source of dietary elements, as a detoxifying agent, and as an allopathic treatment of gastrointestinal illnesses and acute and chronic diarrhea (Carretero, 2002). For example in Ghana, the iron, copper, calcium, zinc, and manganese consumed in clays were in the range of 2 to 15 percent of recommended dietary allowances (Hunter, 1973) and it was concluded that moderate ingestion of clays lacking high cation-exchange capacities could serve as a nutritional supplement for these essential elements. In the acidic environment of the stomach, the clay minerals could bind to positively charged toxins and serve as detoxifying agents to reduce bioavailability interfering with gastrointestinal absorption of the toxin (Hladik and Gueguen, 1974; Johns and Duquette, 1991; Mahaney et al., 1996; Phillips, 1999; Phillips et al., 1995). Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals that originally contained kaolinite, attapulgite, or clay-like substances (i.e. Kaopectate?) represent classic examples of the use of clay minerals by human populations to treat diarrhea and intestinal illnesses (Vermeer and Ferrell, 1985) and soothe gastrointestinal ailments. (Note: Kaopectate was reformulated in 2002 and now contains bismuth subsalicylate instead of kaolinite or attapugite.) Kaolinite has many medically beneficial attributes primarily related to its ability to adsorb lipids, proteins, bacteria, and viruses (Adamis and Timar, 1980; Lipson and Stotzky, 1983; Schiffenbauer and Stotzky, 1982; Steel and Anderson, 1972; Wallace et al., 1975).