Godzilla (2014)


I can't think of a single redeeming quality aside from the climactic heat breath scene.

If you're gonna make a character-driven movie, at least try to make the human element captivating. I don't need two hours of large-scale destruction to hold my interest, but Godzilla's characters are somehow more stupid and insipid than those in the deliberately campy Pacific Rim.

I won't spoil the movie, but I grew tired of Cranston's Walter White-like intensity and Watanabe's wide-eyed stupor rather quickly. Oh, and the character they focused on the most (that dude from Kick-Ass) was easily the least interesting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I won't spoil the movie, but I grew tired of Cranston's Walter White-like intensity and Watanabe's wide-eyed stupor rather quickly. Oh, and the character they focused on the most (that dude from Kick-Ass) was easily the least interesting.
I gotta admit, those were exactly the expectations I had of the shitty human element from earlier trailers. Its not the pacing/build-up aspect that worries me per se, its that the execution of it from the actors will be shittastic.

I thought this was out today for some reason, can't do a midnight and I'm leaving to go camping for three nights in the morning so I might not even bother seeing this if I can't see it first day.


Millie's Staff Member
supertouch is my astrocreep


So so far you disliked:

Pacific Rim

John Carter

Am I supposed to praise those movies because a bunch of schmucks are easily amused? Some acclaimed movies I like and others I don't.

Pacific Rim is Transformers with Guillermo Del Toro's name attached. Nolan took an interesting premise and turned Inception into one of the dullest sci-fi movies of all time. The use of exposition is reason alone to lambast that movie. Godzilla's titular character is absent for the first hour and there's no solid human drama to support the rest of the movie.


Am I supposed to praise those movies because a bunch of schmucks are easily amused? Some acclaimed movies I like and others I don't.

Pacific Rim is Transformers with Guillermo Del Toro's name attached. Nolan took an interesting premise and turned Inception into one of the dullest sci-fi movies of all time. The use of exposition is reason alone to lambast that movie. Godzilla's titular character is absent for the first hour and there's no solid human drama to support the rest of the movie.
I see the problem, you actually haven't seen these movies, just offering a negative review to troll us. Gotcha. Astrocreep lite indeed.


FPS noob
i'm pretty easy going when it comes to movies and TV, I will watch almost anything (no rom coms or horror) and usually like it. i loved inception, dark knight, gravity, Her, Wolf of Wall Street, Riddick, Hobbit 1 & 2, This is The End. I liked Star Trek (reboot), Pacific Rim, Hunger Games. I didn't like American Hustle or Star Trek 2 or any of the Transformer movies (and yeah I saw em all). I like big budget action movies, don't watch too much indie stuff.

I thought Prometheus was just "ok", not horrible but not good. Same with Godzilla, its ok but could have been a lot better.


Yeah, totally trolling because I disagree with your assessment of these movies.
No because if you thought Pacific Rim was "Transformers with Del Toro directing" you did not see it and just read a shit review of it from somewhere (probably Slate).

By the way you must have really hated Jurassic Park since you never got to see a dinosaur till pretty much 45 minutes into the movie except for glimpses etc. Not to mention you didn't see the T-Rex for like an hour, but hey it had AMAZING acting if I recall

i'm pretty easy going when it comes to movies and TV, I will watch almost anything (no rom coms or horror) and usually like it. i loved inception, dark knight, gravity, Her, Wolf of Wall Street, Riddick, Hobbit 1 & 2, This is The End. I liked Star Trek (reboot), Pacific Rim, Hunger Games. I didn't like American Hustle or Star Trek 2 or any of the Transformer movies (and yeah I saw em all). I like big budget action movies, don't watch too much indie stuff.

I thought Prometheus was just "ok", not horrible but not good. Same with Godzilla, its ok but could have been a lot better.
Hey anyone is allowed to like or dislike whatever they want, I go into movies with a set of expectations, and if they meet them I generally enjoy myself. Expecting this Godzilla remake to be anything other then a "going back to its roots" was silly because that is what it set out to do, and they told everyone exactly that, and it nailed it. Pacific RIm was supposed to be a fun movie that Del Toro would have loved as a kid " OMG GIANT ROBOT VS GODZILLA" but he couldn't use Godzilla. He nailed it. Prometheus failed to meet the expectations of what it tried to set out to do: Origin of life crap with Aliens tied in. It ended up being a confusing mess and I don;t blame people for hating it. I loved the cinematography, setting, visuals etc, but I found the movie boring outside of Faasbender. Its like ragging on Evil Dead 2 for bad acting, now that was bad acting outside of Bruce (and lets face it he can be bad and hes awesome cause he is), its not meant to be a god damn Oscar piece like Dallas Buyers Club it was supposed to be a Horror Comedy and it was probably the best one ever made.

Saying this is bad because you only see glimpses of Godzilla as shit is getting wrecked for the first hour is silly. Ignore the damn actors, how was the atmosphere? Did it build up tension? How did it look visually? Was the use sound and music appropriate? Were you thinking wow some serious shit is going to go down? And then it did and it was awesome. Yes the acting could have been better, but as I said this film succeeded in SPITE of its bad acting , and that is saying something.


LOL you think that I claim to dislike movies I've never seen? Pacific Rim is full of shallow archetypal characters and the novelty of the robot/kaiju battles wears off pretty quickly. I can appreciate the technical elements but movies like that just don't entertain me.

It's been years since I've seen Jurassic Park, but I imagine the dialogue was satisfactory.


Millie's Staff Member
12 years and 20,000 posts in and im still considered an outsider around here. im fine with that. nothing new.