"Good" games, that you hate.


<Gold Donor>
Bioware games post Knights of the Old Republic. Never before was I so interested to see what a studio would come out with next and been so disappointed at them 'Madden'ing their first good idea. Add to that being semi interested in Dragon Age and finding out that two years after release I was still forced to console cheat to pass certain quests because their code was so poor and then the obligatory 'Their strength lies in their masterful storytelling' argument made me stop giving them a chance just around the point where they managed to kill off any goodwill that they had acquired with two giant bombs and completely mucking up the end of ME3.


RE4 is a game design masterpiece... unless you expect it to be what it is not. It is not a shooter (no strafing, no jumping, no crouching, no cover taking), it is an hybrid between an action game and a survival horror. The genius of it is two-fold. First, the somewhat restricted movement allows for a much more controlled evolution through the levels making the actions of the character closer to the action/horror films canons. Second, the levels themselves are designed to allow a lot of different paths, of wowing moments, of neat contextual actions. Note these actions are not over the top to the point of making you feel like you are no longer playing the game, they make sense (break down door, kick down ladder, jump across chasm, jump through window, etc). As a result you feel like the hero of an action movie that is being written as you act in it.
100% this. RE4 also had an amazing atmosphere and is easily the pinnacle of Resident Evil games. I still enjoyed RE5/6 for what they were, but man, I can't believe that they went from themasterpiecethat was RE4 to those two games.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Final Fantasy VII - I've played the shit out of every FF, but I can never get through this one for some reason.
Minecraft - Just not for me.
GTAIV - Less features as SA, less of a game overall.
WoW - Always hated it since day 1, it destroyed the MMO genre for me by turning it mainstream and feeding into shitty gamers play styles.
Walking Dead - Most linear piece of shit I've ever played IMO
Mass Effect - Just feels like KOTOR without the awesomeness of Star Wars. I turn it on, then I turn it off and play KOTOR.
All of the modern FPS games, Halo, CoD, and BF etc.
Borderlands - This is similar to ME for me, I just feel like I am playing a shittier version of Fallout.
All of the Wii stuff
Dragon Age - Felt so sloppy


Oblivion ,Mass Effect titles, Counterstrike were all games raved about and i just couldn't stand playing them, you can also include the 2 Portal games as well


Well it looks like I'm gonna start off in the hole for rep on this site...

Ocarina of Time.

I don't really know where to start. Hunting fucking spiders or holes in the ground with the "rumble pack" feature. Simplistic combat. Rolling around anywhere I didn't have my horse, praying it would make me get somewhere faster. THAT ANNOYING FUCKING FAIRY. This game was the grail for some players of the era and I just never got it.

I dunno, I guess the music was pretty amazing. Partly I think my opinion of the game was tainted from the very start. Wait wait wait, you want this pimp ass mother fucker to be some woodland fairy child? I'm not cool with that.
Agreed Link to the past was epic.


Time for negs!

Every turn based game ever - all Final Fantasies, Secret of Mana, the Pokemons, etc. I just can't get into turn based games.

The Assassins Creed series is also pretty terrible. Fun gameplay for a few hours but then it gets very repetitive and boring.
Secret of Mana was not turn based, it was awesome based. Negs earned!


Trump's Staff
Fallout 3
Dragon Age 1/2
Journey, I enjoyed but it doesn't deserve the kind of gushy praise it gets
All of you who said Skyrim, you give me hope for the future.

I couldn't get into Arkham Asylum. I didn't like how fixed the control scheme was. I think my breaking point was in the room where they introduce you to jumping and traveling on gargoyles. It's been a while but I remember wanting to kill bad dudes in a free form way by gliding toward them and annihilating them. Instead all I could do is sit with my thumb up my ass until the UI told me to hit the 'go' button and Batman did the rest of the work. I hate it when games do the heavy lifting for me in gameplay.
ZOMG NO! The fighting is great in that game. The going up to the gargs is so you don't get over run by the half dozen dudes who show up all at once. But once you are up there you can just do whatever you want. You could jump down and start running up to them and punching them if you want, the problem is that they have rifles so the others will possibly just shoot you. Under the suit you are just Bruce Wayne remember, not Superman. But if you are quick you can totally run up to one guy and beat shit out of him, then swoop up to one of the gargs before the other guys come and gun you down. Then wait for them to spread out and repeat the process.

Or you do what the game 'wants' you to do, which is to get above a lone guy, and swoop down on him and kick his ass.

I HIGHLY recommend you get ArkhamCityanyway. It's a totally free roaming city where you fly around the town and get in to whatever battles you want, and escape if things don't look good. The combat works in a similar way but there's more depth to it and freedom in how you approach the fights. You really have to stick with it because at first it just seems button mashy, but later on the enemies get harder, but you also learn how to do the moves properly. The 'fuck which button do I press' thing goes away because you will end up instinctively knowing which buttons to press to do all kinds of acrobatics and ass kicking, and you will end up wiping the floor with 10 guys in one go. It's really really cool...

And I should make it clear that all of this I played on PC which is of course the only way to play any game worth playing. You really should get it, and if you still aren't sure, at least pirate it first just to see. I would hate you to miss out because the first game gave a bad impression.

p.s. And I say this as an old grump who hates all modern action games. This one just happened to be pretty good.


And now my Watch has ended...
My bad, I meant Chrono Trigger. Should've done some fact checking beforehand. It's been years since I played some of those games. Chrono Trigger is OK, but I still can't get into that combat system.

Lol, anyways, the most recent one off the top of my head is D3. The game was fun at first, but got ruined pretty damn quickly for me : /

Edit: I just remembered that I have been disappointed by FF 10 and on... And 8 was pretty shitty in my book, too.


Molten Core Raider
The Halo Campaigns
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age
Baldur's Gate 2 (I loved Baldur's Gate and Icewind dale)


Diablo 3? Is that considered good by the people?

I missed the final fantasy/Chrono trigger while it was hot back then. Just did not have the right console for it I guess. I recently tried Chrono Trigger. Could not get into it yet. I never played any Final Fantasy or CT before. Got it on my old iTouch. I really WANT to get into one of the FF (or CT since I hear they're similar). I am having a really hard time getting past the first 5 minutes of the game. Sprite-based town exploring on an iPad or iTouch is tough. I wanna kill shit, get levels and choose skills - not find and talk to random NPCs hoping one of them might have something important to say. Also having a hard time with the part of the game that lets you play "hero" that actually is a kid that can't get out of bed in the morning without his mommy waking him up...

Definitely not on my shit list in any way. I want to like it. I need to get past this. Maybe I need to read spoilers that will let me skip into some action quicker?


<Gold Donor>
Halo 4
Borderlands 1 and 2
Guild Wars 2
God of War 3
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Dragon Age 1 and 2
Dark Souls
Fallout 3
Gears of War
Assassins Creed
Zelda Twilight Princess
Diablo 3, beat it never touched it again.
Arkham Asylum, Arkham City
Any FF single player RPG. Except 13, which I've somehow put 13 hours in which is a new record for me anymore.

The list goes on and on. I'm beginning to think I just don't like games anymore.


Call of Duty/Battlefield. Realistic shooters just don't grab me for some reason. I love Halo, and my teenage years were spent playing shit tons of goldeneye and perfect dark, though all of those games have a healthy dose of unrealistic situations and a smattering of aliens to boot. So yea, COD.



Bronze Squire
Minecraft confuses the fuck out of me how it is so popular. I personally cannot stand any game that doesn't look amazing graphic wise....and yet this piece of shit defies all my logic....I hate it.


League of Legends for me, too. I'm a huge fan of DOTA.. and possibly I'm biased, but I just never had any fun at all in that game.

Another game is Far Cry. I haven't tried the third one, but the first two were supposed to be amazing and "get a feeling of immersion" and then I just found myself driving for 70% of the game.