GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Here's how I would have done it if I'd been writing the Tower of Joy. Aside from better fight choreography and no dual wielding, Dayne would survive the fight, although Howland would still save Ned's life, making that part of the story true. Ned goes up into the tower, scene ends. Then, at the end of the episode, Ned comes down out of the tower, sun is close to setting (so you plebs know that time has passed) and he just walks right up and murders Dayne in cold blood.

I think it would be shocking enough to suggest that perhaps something more complex than Jon being the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar, and make people start wondering. But it is as simple as R+L=J, Ned just snaps when he realizes that his father and brother were burned alive and the country went through a civil war simply because his kid sister eloped with a prince.
That sounds terrible. Talk about character breaks.

Also, while the rebellion might have started from Robert's rage, it seems pretty clear that the rule of the Mad King was not a good one and was worthy of being overthrown. A civil war involving the seven kingdoms would not have happened without widespread discontent.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's better than most of the writing so far this season.
The only thing wrong with this season is there are too many storylines going at once so there is no real progress on any of them. As for the season itself. I don't see anything wrong with the writing. But then I'm not a book Natzi.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The only thing wrong with this season is there are too many storylines going at once so there is no real progress on any of them. As for the season itself. I don't see anything wrong with the writing. But then I'm not a book Natzi.
Gav also hates on the writing in the books, yet here he is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Gav also hates on the writing in the books, yet here he is.
Ok well it's better than the Dorne writing at least. Aim low!

But seriously, the writing in the books was great until book 4. I still don't like the setup for the Red Wedding, but I've come to realize that it wasn't Robb being stupid, it was Catelyn, and you can't really blame a dude too much for taking bad advice from mom. The collapse of House Stark is pretty much entirely her fault, if you take a look back at all the shit she did leading up to her death, even Sansa wasn't as dumb as Catelyn.


Molten Core Raider
I view her about as favorably as I do Cersei. Probably why I never liked the whole lady stoneheart angle, I had little sympathy for her.

I'm having trouble figuring out the whole Dothraki angle in this. If they come to westeros it'll be a disaster for the people Dany wants to rule. They're ruthless savages. Seems like they'd work for bringing the slaver cities back under heel and staying put but bringing them across the sea to rape the shit out of the seven kingdoms is a bad idea. If I had to guess she will eventually end up ruling in Essos with her new Dothraki army after all is said and done since she's basically a fish out of water inWesteros and slavers bay will continue to go on as normal without her ruling directly. She's got to bring the dragons over so she's for sure coming but we all know who will eventually end up on the iron throne anyway and it's not her.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I view her about as favorably as I do Cersei. Probably why I never liked the whole lady stoneheart angle, I had little sympathy for her.

I'm having trouble figuring out the whole Dothraki angle in this. If they come to westeros it'll be a disaster for the people Dany wants to rule. They're ruthless savages. Seems like they'd work for bringing the slaver cities back under heel and staying put but bringing them across the sea to rape the shit out of the seven kingdoms is a bad idea. If I had to guess she will eventually end up ruling in Essos with her new Dothraki army after all is said and done since she's basically a fish out of water inWesteros and slavers bay will continue to go on as normal without her ruling directly. She's got to bring the dragons over so she's for sure coming but we all know who will eventually end up on the iron throne anyway and it's not her.
King Snow?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Robb not marrying a woman to cement an alliance is a pretty major gaffe. Also, Robb trusted Theon while Catelyn told Robb not to trust Theon. Again, Robb made the wrong call, not Catelyn. Catelyn didn't help with some of her other decisions/counsel but let's not pretend Robb was blameless (please tell me this is not a gender thing). If Robb had chosen differently on those two decision he's probably be King. Equating Catelyn with Cersei is ridiculous.


Millie's Staff Member
Does dany have any memory of anything in westeros? Cuz yeah, her and her army of rapist horsemen and eunuch footsoldiers are gonna have a tough time over there.


Log Wizard
Does dany have any memory of anything in westeros? Cuz yeah, her and her army of rapist horsemen and eunuch footsoldiers are gonna have a tough time over there.
You forget she has the possibly greatest military and ruling mind in the world at her side?

Talkin' bout Tha Dinklage.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You forget she has the possibly greatest military and ruling mind in the world at her side?

Talkin' bout Tha Dinklage.
This will probably also help



Millie's Staff Member
I dunno if dothrakis, unsullied and dragons will sit still on a boat ride to KL and then do as That Dink commands them


Vyemm Raider
I thought he had only really been in two battles and one was with shagger of the hill folk. He is a smart dude no question, but what military Victory has he has outside of blackwater bay?