GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I figure either the Wildings and Snow and Company will march on Winterfell, lay siege to it, and the Vale soldiers show up to "save the day" when the siege starts sliding sideways or Ramsay and Company march on the Wall, lay siege to Snow and Company, and then the Vale soldiers show up and save the day.

One way or the other, the Vale was clearly being set up this episode to march on the North.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm inclined to think that since they put out the 2k vs 5k army numbers that there will be some rallying shenanigans going on. Did the letter imply that Jon was going to Winterfel or that Ramsay was coming to him like he originally planned to do in EP2?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The preview for next week shows Littlefinger talking to Sansa. It is reasonable to assume that Sansa isn't venturing far from Jon, so I imagine he will need to plan his Vale action in regards to Sansa and Jon's plan.


Ssraeszha Raider
I figure either the Wildings and Snow and Company will march on Winterfell, lay siege to it, and the Vale soldiers show up to "save the day" when the siege starts sliding sideways or Ramsay and Company march on the Wall, lay siege to Snow and Company, and then the Vale soldiers show up and save the day.

One way or the other, the Vale was clearly being set up this episode to march on the North.
Are people debating the? Robin specifically said he was going to send his soldiers to help Sansa


<Bronze Donator>
"She's my cousin, I think we should help her" was about what he said. he was paying more attention to the falcon than the conversation when he said it, easy miss.


Gunnar Durden
The kid is a fucking half wit, but he's sending his army lef by Lord Royce to fight for Sansa.

So he thinks.

Littlefinger has plans to take the north himself, but he didn't expect Sansa to man up and join with Jon and brienne.

I hope Davos sticks with John, but I could really see him taking over the nights watch.

Umbers are clearly not playing Bolton. They wouldn't risk rickon if they were really loyal. Would they just let the woman who kept their lords son alive be killed like that?they know Ramsay killed roose. They know who he is.


So we've had Melisandre titties, Dany titties, now all we need is Margaery's atonement titties for the perfect trifecta to get this season back on track.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
It would be a kinda awesome twist if The High Sparrow allows Loras to atone by fighting in Cersei's trial by combat. I really want Clegane bowl but not holding my breath.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It is reasonable to assume that Sansa isn't venturing far from Jon, so I imagine he will need to plan his Vale action in regards to Sansa and Jon's plan.
Does Littlefinger even know that Jon is no longer with the Watch at this point? He probably doesn't know about Rickon either, which is a fly in the ointment for him as much as it is for Ramsay.

I hope Davos sticks with John, but I could really see him taking over the nights watch.
His wife is still alive. I don't see why he'd give up being able to support her and his remaining children (provided the show version of Davos still has some living) for the sake of the Watch, to which he has no real ties.


Ssraeszha Raider
On one hand it sounds like Ramsey didn't even know Jon left the watch, but then again it's Littlefinger. Knowing what's going on is his thing


I don't think anyone outside of the Watch knows that Jon was killed by them and brought back by Melisandre. Hell, we don't even know for sure that he told Sansa (though it is implied).


Gunnar Durden
Does Littlefinger even know that Jon is no longer with the Watch at this point? He probably doesn't know about Rickon either, which is a fly in the ointment for him as much as it is for Ramsay.

His wife is still alive. I don't see why he'd give up being able to support her and his remaining children (provided the show version of Davos still has some living) for the sake of the Watch, to which he has no real ties.
Thats fair. Its been so long since hes mentioned them I forgot he has a family and some lands, though I doubt he still does with Stannis being done. Hes such a man of honor and duty at this point I cant imagine him just going home for good.

Who is running the Stormlands right now? Have we seen any of their houses outside of the Baratheons?


Mr. Poopybutthole
btw does anyone think cersei really intends to free margaery?
Uh, obviously yes? She may not be BFFs with the Tyrells, but she can't change the fact that Tommen and Margaery are married. The sparrows are a huge problem beyond just her personal humiliation. Now it's possible Cersei is stupid enough to try and arrange for Margaery to be killed during all the fighting, but either way, dismantling the sparrows is priority one.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm generally not a sharp kneeist but I don't understand the internet's obsession with Emilia Clarke. She's good looking but as far as actresses go nothing special. Her boobs aren't even anything to really write home about. But the internet (reddit esp) is going absolutely nuts that she showed her chest again. You can find better bitties on almost any NSFW sub.