GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Oh shit I forgot about little Mormont, I hope she has a big part in the episode. I need to go watch her scene again


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In that second pic, a YouTube commenter said that could be the White Walkers in the distance, but it's more likely to be Sansa, Melisandre, and Li'l Mormont.
I'd doubt its WW. They can't exactly flank since they drop the temperature to 100 below wherever they go.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My impression was that Varys was grooming Aegon but then decided to scrap that idea when someone better (Dany) came along, although I don't think we quite reached that point in the books.
He knew all about Dany and was behind the scenes helping her - Jorah's reports went to Varys, after all. Book Varys just wants a Targaryen on the throne I think; perhaps he will help both Aegon AND Dany, expecting them to marry in the Targ West Virginia fashion. He is loyal to the Targaryens, Varys is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Alot of bad unexpected shit can still happen that leave both Jon and Sansa still alive; Littlefinger can totally kill both armies, toss Jon in a dungeon and forcibly marry Sansa, setting himself up in control of half of Westeros. Something bad almost has to happen, too much 'good' stuff happened last week - the Hound's revenge, Arya winning, Cersei getting totally fucked over - that a big downer has to be coming.
Yeah I think there is going to be some blow back in Sansa hiding from Jon her meeting and sending a raven to Peter. They brought a lot of attention to it, both when it happened and the scene Brienne questioned Sansa about it, I don't think they showed those things for nothing, but then again...this season....But yeah, makes perfect sense the vale wipes out both the boltons and wildlings.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Sansa should die, I dislike her even more so than Ramsay which means she lives.


privileged excrementlord
Ship burning still irks me. "We want Daenerys gone!" "Lets burn her only way of leaving here." "Brilliant!"
Because plot.


Got something right about marriage
I think they might be more interested in killing her than letting her escape

Plus she has dragons


Log Wizard
Only for the premise of a TV show does Daenarys need those ships ASAP. In the actual story she could just burn the fuck out of all them, wipe out the Masters' army and the Masters themselves and then she would be able to control the three cities again. There she could just get to trade and normal city shit and work on trading or building ships. She doesn't need to be in Westeros by Monday in the story, just for the purposes of a show with two seasons left.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Only for the premise of a TV show does Daenarys need those ships ASAP. In the actual story she could just burn the fuck out of all them, wipe out the Masters' army and the Masters themselves and then she would be able to control the three cities again. There she could just get to trade and normal city shit and work on trading or building ships. She doesn't need to be in Westeros by Monday in the story, just for the purposes of a show with two seasons left.
It is another instance of Martin scratching the '5 year gap' that has left many storylines in very strange places. What you describe is exactly what Dany was supposed to be doing - learning to rule in Slaver's Bay while building her forces to assault Westeros. Now everything is rushed to all hell, both in the book and on TV, though it looks much sloppier on TV.


Trump's Staff
Ep 9 is gonna be a massacre. I expect at least Rickon, Wun Wun and Ramsay to die.

The shots of Jon looking down/sad will be after he's retaken Winterfell, and he's just gonna be looking down at the carnage. Could be wrong there though, he'll probably be much bloodier after fighting the battle.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Don't get all the hate for this season. Yeah, some of this stuff has felt rushed, but can totally forgive that with how plodding along the plot has been at times for certain areas/characters. Hoping Dany can finally get to Westeros with the dragons by the end of the season, Arya plot finally done. Been dealing with the Sparrows and Cersei situation for almost 2 seasons now, all the Dorne bullshit last year. We're finally getting to the end game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I hope the Boltons win. I'm also not sure why the Bolton forces are engaging the wildlings in open combat. I know he did it to Stannis but that was basically to just deliver the killing blow and the weather delivered most of the damage.


Musty Nester
Don't get all the hate for this season. Yeah, some of this stuff has felt rushed, but can totally forgive that with how plodding along the plot has been at times for certain areas/characters. Hoping Dany can finally get to Westeros with the dragons by the end of the season, Arya plot finally done. Been dealing with the Sparrows and Cersei situation for almost 2 seasons now, all the Dorne bullshit last year. We're finally getting to the end game.
Mostly for me it's 2 things.

I don't care about Cersi/Jaime. I never have. I care less about the sparrow. That means half of every episode I just don't care. I know they've tried to make me care... but Jaime is just a dipshit Lancelot clone and Cersi is worse. And they fuck each other. Shocking. Edgy. Don't care. And the Arya story fizzled out. It was building up to be really interesting, in a punky-brewster murders the world sort of way... and then she just parkours through a city, kills one assassin, and splits.

The other parts of this season I have enjoyed. The Jon / Sansa stuff... hell, I even like Sam's story. Dany's bits are more high fantasy than the rest, but they're pretty decent too -- if you accept that her bits are High Fantasy as opposed to this pseudo-realistic political drama fantasy that the rest of the show is. If you expect Dany to fit the mold of the rest of the show... she blows.