GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Cersei storyline is great. She was really the only good part of whichever book it was that sucked and 75% of it was Brianne romping around the Riverlands.


Musty Nester
She is more interesting than Jaime. And in the books, because of the ability to deliver an inner monologue, I suspect she's probably more interesting still.

But in the show she's just not that great. She's kind of a dumber version of Hillary. I don't really blame them. They're on a time budget and it's the best she can do. She's had a few pretty good monologues that go into explaining her characterization and motives. It's just all in all I'd rather watch something else. She's mundane. IknowCersi's. Well, except for the queen mother part.

Hillary has never been paraded naked through the streets!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hillary has never been paraded naked through the streets!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Tormund will die Sunday without ever tasting the sweet nectar of The Gap of Tarth.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Mostly for me it's 2 things.

I don't care about Cersi/Jaime. I never have. I care less about the sparrow. That means half of every episode I just don't care. I know they've tried to make me care... but Jaime is just a dipshit Lancelot clone and Cersi is worse. And they fuck each other. Shocking. Edgy. Don't care. And the Arya story fizzled out. It was building up to be really interesting, in a punky-brewster murders the world sort of way... and then she just parkours through a city, kills one assassin, and splits.

The other parts of this season I have enjoyed. The Jon / Sansa stuff... hell, I even like Sam's story. Dany's bits are more high fantasy than the rest, but they're pretty decent too -- if you accept that her bits are High Fantasy as opposed to this pseudo-realistic political drama fantasy that the rest of the show is. If you expect Dany to fit the mold of the rest of the show... she blows.
Jamie is undergoing a transformation into his father. If Tommen dies he becomes a contender for the throne no one really expected.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Wun Wun is effectively the last of the giants? Assuming nothing alive is beyond the Wall anymore. Can't have that! They don't really have the time to shit on the main character's and their armies so much anymore. If they end up killing off all the "good" armies and shit for Dany to swoop in with her barbarian horde it would just be weird. Foreigners fighting for Westeros because the majority of the Westerosi houses spent the past 7 years killing eachother off?

@Siddar. I don't think Jaime will become like Tywin. That would eclipse the entire point of Tyrion being like Tywin. Jaime will become a better knight and more true to his oaths and earn a page on the White Book. That's what he will end up doing.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Jamie is undergoing a transformation into his father. If Tommen dies he becomes a contender for the throne no one really expected.
I'm pretty sure whether Tommen lives or dies, he's the last of the Lannisters to sit the throne.


Trump's Staff
Wun Wun is effectively the last of the giants? Assuming nothing alive is beyond the Wall anymore. Can't have that!
In the book I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of giants mounted on mammoths that get sent to Eastwatch by the Sea because they can't fit through the wall main gate.

In the show unfortunately it seems giants will be going extinct due to CGI budget, like the dire wolves.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I hope the Boltons win. I'm also not sure why the Bolton forces are engaging the wildlings in open combat. I know he did it to Stannis but that was basically to just deliver the killing blow and the weather delivered most of the damage.
Ramsay gonna Ramsay - if he sets one foot out of that castle (and we see that he does) that is a massive tactical mistake. I am going to guess that Jon or Sansa goads him into bringing his force out on the field instead of just sitting tight and laughing as a tiny undisciplined force tries to mount a siege, or maybe in his arrogance he just thinks he will sweep them aside easily.


Millie's Staff Member
Ramsay gonna Ramsay - if he sets one foot out of that castle (and we see that he does) that is a massive tactical mistake. I am going to guess that Jon or Sansa goads him into bringing his force out on the field instead of just sitting tight and laughing as a tiny undisciplined force tries to mount a siege, or maybe in his arrogance he just thinks he will sweep them aside easily.
ramsay will die by canine, either his hounds or by Ghost. it is known.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hopefully not, I would like Jon to show off his combat skills and take Ramsay out himself.