GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah, the whole episode was great and the final scene was definitely the best of the season so far. Too bad that's the last cool thing she does for a while (unless they change it up from the books).
That was the last cool thing she ever does. The next best thing is when she stops being a whiny bitch and goes looking for her dragon at the end of B5.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Agree with the masses. This episode was superb.

My non-book friends think that Dany is basically on her way to Westeros now to fuck shit up... sorry guys!


<Gold Donor>
Little do they know that story thread will soon degrade into a Twilight-esque love story for 3 seasons. Some of them will probably love it to be fair.


Molten Core Raider
I enjoyed seeing Ser Friendzone and Ser Barristan's looks when the Unsullied stuff went down. They both realized that she is a goddamn queen, not some idiot girl to be scolded.
This is one of the few areas I like the TV show better than the book. They both worship her for very different reasons. Barristan knows now his loyalty should have always been with the Targs, and she clearly is a Targ cut from the same cloth as Rhaegar. Jorah is smiling because the girl he loves is gaining power and is going to be a badass which he always hoped for. Two very different reasons for serving.

So instead of Barristan being a bitch and saying Jorah's a traitor who wanted to murder you, they're going to drag it out and slowly but surely Barristan will realize why Jorah needs to go, his loyalties change too quickly and for the WRONG reasons. Whereas Barristan's loyalties changed for the right ones. At least from his point of view.


Musty Nester
We can hope that due to time and budget constraints GRRM uses the opportunity to retcon his own stupid shit and makes the dany story not descend into suck. We can hope.

The only thing that struck me about this episode, and it wasn't particular to this episode, was I don't understand why that half crow / half wildling dude beyond the wall with the village of daughter-wives was supposedly "untouchable". He was kind of a way station for rangers, I guess? I didn't understand that to begin with... so the mutiny and killing him was more of a "what took you dipshits so long?" shock than a "they've forsworn their oaths!" shock. Stupid Babykiller forgot to put on his Plot Coif and got stabbed!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
We can hope that due to time and budget constraints GRRM uses the opportunity to retcon his own stupid shit and makes the dany story not descend into suck. We can hope.

The only thing that struck me about this episode, and it wasn't particular to this episode, was I don't understand why that half crow / half wildling dude beyond the wall with the village of daughter-wives was supposedly "untouchable". He was kind of a way station for rangers, I guess? I didn't understand that to begin with... so the mutiny and killing him was more of a "what took you dipshits so long?" shock than a "they've forsworn their oaths!" shock. Stupid Babykiller forgot to put on his Plot Coif and got stabbed!
Yes, he was a waystation who had helped many Rangers in the past and therefore Commander Mormont gave him a pass(even though it's quite clear even Mormont couldn't stand him). If they killed him, they would have lost that "station" since no crow was going to stick around and keep it going. I guess getting your shit pushed in by white walkers gives you a bit of a different perspective on the walk home. Poor Mormont.


Did the chap who was in the early days of Torchwood turn up just for this episode? He was the one who started the fight but I don't recall seeing him amongst the Night Watch before.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, I think last week was his first appearance on-screen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I forgot that Mormont got killed at the same time Craster did so it was a nice surprise... felt like a non-book reader.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah Burn Gorman kinda stands out. Remember seeing him in the Dark Knight Rises and thinking wtf.


Molten Core Raider
They're just showing stuff that was spoken about in the past tense during the latest book. It's mainly so they don't have to put the actor on the shelf for a while.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Any of that greyjoy stuff happen in the books? Hoping not or I somehow missed a ton of stuff.
No, we only relive what happened through Theon's memory in the later books. There were no POV chapters during all of the Theon's torture though.


That guy
I enjoyed seeing Ser Friendzone and Ser Barristan's looks when the Unsullied stuff went down. They both realized that she is a goddamn queen, not some idiot girl to be scolded.
Especially after last episode when she straight up went crazy on them for second guessing her decision. Then she went and did that... the "holy shit" look they gave says it all.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pretty much. The book talked about what happened to Theon, but not as it actually happened. This will actually be pretty interesting if they do it right, because not only does it demonstrate Theon's degeneration, but it also allows them to slowly build up one of the major post-Joffrey villains.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh Jozu...

Did they mention the dudes name who cut Jamies hand off? I got banned like 748365387563478 times already in this thread so I wont get into it much further just kind of wondering why he was sent to bring back Jamie etc. I thought that was Boltons Bastard at first but he seems too old. Plus the guys in the woods said "You...bastard!" before he dies to the kid with Theon so....