GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


My friend did the same thing while reading the books. He first championed Ned Stark, then later Robb Stark, while I chuckled behind my hand. He is the type that plays a lawful good paladin in every freaking game. He threw his book across the room after the Red Wedding and I think he stopped reading. I do think he is watching the show know though.

I just hope HBO doesn't spoil it themselves by advertising it like they did the battle for blackwater

My brother in law bought season 1 and 2 on my advice, and while he was reluctant at first, he bought them and lo and behold, watched the seasons in a matter of 2 days. Now he and my sister in law watch season 3 episodes every monday at my place.

Me and my wife read the books and we can't help but chuckle every time they speak so highly of Robb great a leader he is, how they see him march into king's landing and avenge his father.

I didn't spoil anything about the red wedding because in a few weeks i will see his and my sister in law's ideas of Robb crash and burn. I honestly cannot wait to see their faces as the red wedding occurs....their expressions after beric's 96% rezz were absolutely golden...when they saw Ned Starks head tumble down they were yelling in outrage! Called me right after they saw it yelling "wtf man! What the hell! That was one of the good guys! What kind of show are we fucking watching here!?!?" After i was done laughing i told them that if tat shocked them, they better stop watching....but of course the show already had them in a tight grip. I am fairly sure they will lose all hope for the other characters' survival in the upcoming seasons. It is going to be awesome!


Robb started so promising though



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't quite get what was going on with Stannis' daughter with the scales in her face, what was the deal with that? Don't spoil anything beyond this episode obviously, but that scene and character just came out of left field for me.


privileged excrementlord
My friend did the same thing while reading the books. He first championed Ned Stark, then later Robb Stark, while I chuckled behind my hand. He is the type that plays a lawful good paladin in every freaking game. He threw his book across the room after the Red Wedding and I think he stopped reading. I do think he is watching the show know though.
You chuckle behind your hand? Did you champion Renly and Loras while reading the books?


I'm female so it's ok for me to laugh at him behind my hand, he always does this shit. No I never thought any of this was gonna end well. I could see it going dark after Ned.


Unelected Mod
I think the tv show fans know that Robb is in a bad situation but I really don't think they will expect a total slaughter of Catelyn, Robb, all their guests and possibly Talisa. Even if you were directly spoiled that Robb was going to die in the episode, you would most likely be expecting poison during the marriage or something like that. So I think it will definitely be a huge shock, even for spoilered fans, let alone fans who won't be expecting anything.


I think the tv show fans know that Robb is in a bad situation but I really don't think they will expect a total slaughter of Catelyn, Robb, all their guests and possibly Talisa. Even if you were directly spoiled that Robb was going to die in the episode, you would most likely be expecting poison during the marriage or something like that. So I think it will definitely be a huge shock, even for spoilered fans, let alone fans who won't be expecting anything.
Completely. I read tons of books/media and I tend to figure things out. Sometimes I guess what's gonna happen. RW is one of those things no one can see coming. I laugh at my friend cause he literally wants a tralala paladin (not cleric or mage) sword/board (male) hero always wins happily ever after story. No one writes these, so he always rages.

BTW I also think the gay sex scenes are gratuitous, they literally show more of those than the hetero ones and a bit of it to show Renly/Loras' relationship I can see for the TV viewers. Now they are just laying it on thick.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
BTW I also think the gay sex scenes are gratuitous, they literally show more of those than the hetero ones and a bit of it to show Renly/Loras' relationship I can see for the TV viewers. Now they are just laying it on thick.
you're trolling right? this is the first gay sex scene of the season isn't it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the tv show fans know that Robb is in a bad situation but I really don't think they will expect a total slaughter of Catelyn, Robb, all their guests and possibly Talisa. Even if you were directly spoiled that Robb was going to die in the episode, you would most likely be expecting poison during the marriage or something like that. So I think it will definitely be a huge shock, even for spoilered fans, let alone fans who won't be expecting anything.
Unfortunately I don't think my wife is going to freak out that much over Robb... she doesn't seem to care about him as much as some other things, like the size of Ygritte's nipples.

Then again she didn't seem to care about Ned that much and was still completely shocked when he died.


The Scientific Shitlord
BTW I also think the gay sex scenes are gratuitous, they literally show more of those than the hetero ones and a bit of it to show Renly/Loras' relationship I can see for the TV viewers. Now they are just laying it on thick.
On or in?


Lulz. The sex scenes don't bother me, at all, this is really just one of my favorite IPs, and we are already fighting for screen time. Sometimes even just the stupid dialogues ad lib'd with Shae people referenced earlier they threw in, while taking out other scenes - I'm not sold those were good choices yet. Ultimately we won't know until a few years have passed and we can review the whole series. I am still glad though people who wouldn't read the books are getting exposed to it and amazed at the intricate details and some of the casting choices though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm interested in how they do the RW. If Talisia joins Robb there, she's doomed ;p. I think that is very likely, because what purpose does the character serve afterwards? Her not being a Westeros native also means the house loyalty angle vanishes. Vegas odds says she dies. My guess: Robb dies, Tal runs to him and she gets offed, then Cat does her insane bit and dies. Cut to credits. Non-spoiled people flip out.


Unelected Mod
Pray tell, what decisions does he make because of the fact that he slept with her?
It heavily influences his opinion on the Wildlings. A large part of his motivation to ally with them and help save them is because of the relationship he had with Ygritte. Now granted, could that have been done without the sex scene? Maybe. However, with limited screen time on the show, a nice sex scene can demonstrate in a short scene the huge affection and love he had for her in the books.