GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
All I kept thinking while watching the ending was "man...If we had great writing bringing us here, this would have been great". Absent Bran the Broken, everything in that ending would have been amazing if the road there made sense. The visuals, the nostalgia, the epilogue for the characters--all appealing. The only problem is a lot of it didn't make sense because the characters stopped feeling like they were real and became plot pieces 2 seasons ago.
I've felt that this entire season was wasting time.

It's the first time I've been so acutely aware of runtime thinking "This shit isn't going to get tied up because we have yet another 3 minute slow walk sad look scene". I couldn't enjoy the long 'poignant' scenes, because it felt like every minute was important in actually fucking delivering a satisfying conclusion.

GoT deserved better than this, it deserved another (preferably two) seasons, and it deserved a writing team who can treat these characters with the respect they deserve.

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<Gold Donor>




This makes LOST look like Goodfellas. I feel ripped off, disappointed and angry. That, coupled with the relief that I’m “done” with this silly fucking faggot high fantasy nonsense has turned me into a drunk tonight. Hello Glenmorangie my old friend
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Most serious fans figured out this was shit at the start of last season. The signs were apparent to me even before that, but I was 100% given up before last season ended.

I knew this season was just the for the memes before it even started.
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
I'm assuming GRRM has given D&D the cliff notes saying that Bran will eventually end up on the throne and Arya will kill the night king.

Then they decided to play connect the dots like a couple of visually impaired cunt trumpets.

I'm so fucking mad
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The highlight of this season is knowing that right now dozens of blue hairs are mashing out angry articles for shitty web pages about how white men saved the world from women and scary people of color and how problematic that is.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Based on what he said after Long Night, they were down to half their strength, which was 4,000 men. I'm sure they lost a couple more at KL although likely not many. While they are Unsullied, the entirety of Westeros should have more than enough to take care of that shit.

at this point, the entirety of dany's strength lied solely in her dragons. the unsullied are worth probably 10 times a single soldier, but they are a dwindling, non-recreatable force. the dothraki had been shown to be outmatched by westerosi armored knights in one of the first few episodes when jorah let a dothraki get his sword all caught up in his armor. they are a cavalry, but... well, let's be honest... they were born and bred in the desert. they aren't in the desert. they are so far away from hometown advantage that it's a wonder they didn't just start dying all by themselves in winterfell.

meanwhile, the entirety of the seven kingdoms are barreling down on king's landing wanting answers and they absolutely do not recognize any authority of dany's forces.


Millie's Staff Member
I've felt that this entire season was wasting time.

It's the first time I've been so acutely aware of runtime thinking "This shit isn't going to get tied up because we have yet another 3 minute slow walk sad look scene". I couldn't enjoy the long 'poignant' scenes, because it felt like every minute was important in actually fucking delivering a satisfying conclusion.

GoT deserved better than this, it deserved another (preferably two) seasons, and it deserved a writing team who can treat these characters with the respect they deserve.

its already been said, D&D were offered as many seasons as they wanted and no budget restrictions on ending this. they were going to work on Star Wars and they are in charge of the series, so instead of handing it off to somebody else. they decided to rush the ending so they could go suck Disney cock. its the smart business move. Disney owns most of everything. HBO GO is a competitor with Disney +. they fucked HBO over for the Mouse. very crafty.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
meanwhile, the entirety of the seven kingdoms

wat? Dorne and the Iron Islands are clearly still aligned with the Unsullied. Gendry's loyalty isn't clearly stated but it could go either way since he's friendly with the northerners but Dany is the one who legitimized him and gave him the Stormlands. Either way I doubt he had the time to raise any bannermen, nor is it likely that Edmure would have been able to raise any forces from the shambles that the Riverlands are in. The Westerlands and the Reach are completely leaderless, and it's unlikely that the aforementioned Dorne and the Iron Islands have recovered enough from their civil disorder to muster a serious force. So it's really just northerners + miscellaneous vs whatever is left of the unsullied and dothraki.
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Molten Core Raider
My favorite was Jon murderstabbing Dany and then Drogon flying off with the evidence.
But wait, good guy Jon admits to killing her? The fuck are you smoking Jon.
"Where is our queen?"
"I dunno bro she just took off with Drogon and left me in charge til she gets back."
End season.
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Got something right about marriage
wat? Dorne and the Iron Islands are clearly still aligned with the Unsullied. Gendry's loyalty isn't clearly stated but it could go either way since he's friendly with the northerners but Dany is the one who legitimized him and gave him the Stormlands. Either way I doubt he had the time to raise any bannermen, nor is it likely that Edmure would have been able to raise any forces from the shambles that the Riverlands are in. The Westerlands and the Reach are completely leaderless, and it's unlikely that the aforementioned Dorne and the Iron Islands have recovered enough from their civil disorder to muster a serious force. So it's really just northerners + miscellaneous vs whatever is left of the unsullied and dothraki.

You're trying to use logic to make sense of a show in which the armies at Winterfell were shown to have been completely overrun by the NK's army on screen, only to miraculously have recovered enough to march on KL in the very next episode.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Also, you can tell the writers only half understood or just abandoned the Azor Azhai thing halfway. Drogon should have bowed to Jon. In that scene, Jon became Azor Azhai, he killed the one he loved in order to crystallize the power needed to defeat the Others.

And that power should have been the Dragons. While Martin talks about scouring the shire, I wonder if the original story was supposed to be Jon helping Dany in King's Landing first in order to secure her aid to go north. They win, but Dany suffers major losses. She still goes north, as per the deal--but then the Golden Company swoop's in and occupy King's Landing. The people, angry at the losses during the battle, pledge to the false Targ and Dany loses it, turns her army around and burns King Landing down. Jon knows he needs the dragons, but sees Dany is insane and is going to burn out the rest of the lords who just betrayed her and so kills her, and is able to wrestle control of the dragons in order to go north and kill the Others.

Anyway, probably holes in the above. But its pretty clear at some point Martin is going to make Azor Azhai play out with Dany and Jon. That piece got into the writing, even if they fucked it up.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You know what's the best is the entire shit about Jon being a Targ had pretty much no bearing on how this shit show turned out. In fact it made zero difference.

The prince who was promised.... LOL


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Silver Baronet of the Realm
wat? Dorne and the Iron Islands are clearly still aligned with the Unsullied. Gendry's loyalty isn't clearly stated but it could go either way since he's friendly with the northerners but Dany is the one who legitimized him and gave him the Stormlands. Either way I doubt he had the time to raise any bannermen, nor is it likely that Edmure would have been able to raise any forces from the shambles that the Riverlands are in. The Westerlands and the Reach are completely leaderless, and it's unlikely that the aforementioned Dorne and the Iron Islands have recovered enough from their civil disorder to muster a serious force. So it's really just northerners + miscellaneous vs whatever is left of the unsullied and dothraki.

they were aligned with dany, and then dany went and murdered a million non-combatants who just surrendered. i think it's fair to assume that they would want answers and they aren't going to listen to grey worm whining about "justice"


All labs matter!
My favorite was Jon murderstabbing Dany and then Drogon flying off with the evidence.
But wait, good guy Jon admits to killing her? The fuck are you smoking Jon.
"Where is our queen?"
"I dunno bro she just took off with Drogon and left me in charge til she gets back."
End season.

Lol I thought this too.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
they were aligned with dany, and then dany went and murdered a million people non-combatants who just surrendered. i think it's fair to assume that they would want answers and they aren't going to listen to grey worm whining about "justice"

Were you even watching? Yara flat out says they pledged to Daenerys, and the Dornish guy is sitting right next to her.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
That also frustrates me is no one made Dany explain why the fuck she burnt civilians after the bells rang. They just danced around it the whole time. No, ask her like she’s five, why the fuck did you do it when the bells rang?
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Were you even watching? Yara flat out says they pledged to Daenerys, and the Dornish guy is sitting right next to her.

you're missing my point. i'm not saying they were turning on the unsullied. i'm saying that would want answers. grey worm was the one being antagonistic.

honestly, i don't want to get into it because we are arguing about a show built on political intrigue that stopped understanding what politics even are.


Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
Also, you can tell the writers only half understood or just abandoned the Azor Azhai thing halfway. Drogon should have bowed to Jon. In that scene, Jon became Azor Azhai, he killed the one he loved in order to crystallize the power needed to defeat the Others.

And that power should have been the Dragons. While Martin talks about scouring the shire, I wonder if the original story was supposed to be Jon helping Dany in King's Landing first in order to secure her aid to go north. They win, but Dany suffers major losses. She still goes north, as per the deal--but then the Golden Company swoop's in and occupy King's Landing. The people, angry at the losses during the battle, pledge to the false Targ and Dany loses it, turns her army around and burns King Landing down. Jon knows he needs the dragons, but sees Dany is insane and is going to burn out the rest of the lords who just betrayed her and so kills her, and is able to wrestle control of the dragons in order to go north and kill the Others.

Anyway, probably holes in the above. But its pretty clear at some point Martin is going to make Azor Azhai play out with Dany and Jon. That piece got into the writing, even if they fucked it up.

You can tell D&D were given the notes on what is going to happen in ASoIaF but decided to write it out in the most retarded way possible.

Dany being insane makes sense, when there's actually a build up toward it.

Jon loving Dany actually makes sense, when there's enough time to deliver it.
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FPS noob
so is the central premise to game of thrones is that you need walls? big, 500 feet ice walls to keep out wildings?
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
That also frustrates me is no one made Dany explain why the fuck she burnt civilians after the bells rang. They just danced around it the whole time. No, ask her like she’s five, why the fuck did you do it when the bells rang?

I was talking about that with my friends, and they think her weird PTSD shit, is just her being disappointed she didn't get to murder people due to them standing down.

Then she murdered them anyway because LOL WE ONLY HAVE 2 EPISODES TO SORT THIS SHIT OUT