GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Silver Knight of the Realm
And to add on to my last post, I think they are a good intro to GRRM's writing style and within the same realm of GoT - so if you were thinking about picking up the books but didn't want to spend the money or possibly sour or spoil the stuff you've already watched this is perfect.

- pdf's of these are easily found on the net. google it up bros


Avatar of War Slayer
I read about the theory comicbookgirl talked about for Jon a while ago- but there is also...

I am going to spoiler this... I suppose we are on a maybe mode here because its all "past" history etc...

one thing she does not mention is that when Ned ran to the tower of joy, it was guarded by gold cloaks... this lead some to theory that it was Roberts son she gold cloaks only guard the king and the heir- not the queen etc.. if she even did had a kid... as stated the description is vague but, no one in that situation would have gone up there and killed her, so almost everyone does believe it was birth complications... There is other stuff mentioned that one side says does not matter and the others say points more to it being Roberts son etc etc... and his hair is pure fucking black..


A Mod Real Quick
I've already made my speculation on Jon's mother being Ned's sister and his father being Robert or Rhaegar(I can't decide). This is based purely on me wanting that to be true and him having black hair(in Robert's case at least). I don't know if in the current books he answers this yet (don't tell me either way), but I hope he does reveal it to us at some point.


Avatar of War Slayer
I've already made my speculation on Jon's mother being Ned's sister and his father being Robert or Aegon(I can't decide). This is based purely on me wanting that to be true and him having black hair(in Robert's case at least). I don't know if in the current books he answers this yet (don't tell me either way), but I hope he does reveal it to us at some point.
There was stuff in the show, mostly S1 that made me wonder- and that lead me finding things... some evidences are only in the show in some cases. But to me, as a show watcher- all the "black of hair" stuff made me look at the stark kids and was like "Brown brown dark brown brown ginger" hurrmmm

Also as this was discussed prior in the thread, Joff does still think he is Baratheon and obviously does not belive the "rumors" and I doubt his mother would tell him if asked- during his "While MY FATHER fought the battle of the trident you sat cowering under castlely rock!" again he places himself as Roberts son...


A Mod Real Quick
I'm no genealogist but the truth could also be less glorious and his mother could be a hooker with black hair. I still entertain that idea, given how this show likes to punch you in the nutsack repeatedly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've been rewatching S1 and it all makes a lot more sense now that I know who everyone is etc. The amount of foreshadowing is amusing, so much stuff I missed the first time.

Some speculation from my side on Jon Snow's mother in the spoiler, I partly agree with punk girl. I have a fairly strong feeling I'm right so don't look if you want to figure it out for yourself. Or maybe I'll have egg on my face in a decade, I'll wear it with a smile.

Cersei says her first child was a dark haired boy that was sick and taken away. Could this have been a true son of Robert, possibly conceived on their wedding night? She mentions having had (bad) sex that night. There is also a scene between Robert and Ned where Robert mentions never having seen Ned's bastard's mother (Walla or Valla or whatever) so she may not exist at all. Ned is big on honor so actually fathering a bastard would be against his character, but swearing to protect a child by pretending it was his is not. The architect behind all this would most likely be Varys, since he is the "protector of the realm" and a true son of the houses that won the war (Baratheon and Lannister) would be the natural successor. Ned dislikes the Lannisters so it's realistic that Varys could convince him to keep the boy safe to prevent the Lannisters from gaining absolute power.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If your theory is true wouldn't Varys immediately pull Jon away from the Night's Watch once he got a sniff that the dead were walking again in the North?


A Mod Real Quick
It's a good theory, but I guess it depends on the timeline of Ned returning. I'll spoiler my thoughts in case:

I guess this theory relies on Ned staying in the capital for at least 9 months after the war ended. It doesn't seem reasonable to me. Tywin forced Cersei to marry Robert, so we can assume there was no intimacy prior to their wedding, which would mean that the child would be conceived on the wedding night or after. If Ned were to father a child from a prosty, then we could say perhaps he did it somewhere during the rebellion but we aren't exactly sure when. I don't know if they've said much about how long he stayed after Robert became king, but I could only imagine he'd return immediately.

Additionally, Varys may be the protector of the realm, he never does anything that doesn't benefit him in some way. If the child was the true heir to the throne, Varys would play that hand to his benefit nearly immediately. We haven't seen him move in at all yet, so there's still time I guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Varys certainly cannot afford to move against the Lannisters at this point, he can only keep his position (and his life probably) by being useful to them. The "Stark blood" bit does point towards Punk Girl's theory somewhat but it could also be a lie since that is what has kept him safe in the other case.

I just rewatched episode 9 and there is a scene there between Jon and Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch (the blind one) where it is revealed the Maester is a Targaryen. He does seem to suggest to Jon that he should leave the Night's watch, it feels like there is a deeper meaning beyond friendly advice but I can't quite piece it together yet.
Interesting side note is that Egg is none other than Aemon Targaryen, or Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch, who is the brother of the Mad King Aerys who started the entire war. Hence his talk with Jon about how he knows how hard it is to adhere to your vows despite knowing your family's going through some shit.


<WoW Guild Officer>
spoilers and I'm too lazy to move -tuco

edit mybad. Biggest reason I don't post here. Sorry.