GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Toe Sucker
Someone after last week's mentioned the Mountain fighting Oberyn based on a clip from a preview/trailer type thing.
The only real indicator i can think of is the fact that The Mountain is tywins go to guy, which means cersei would use him as well due to the fact that he's virtually "unbeatable" from his size.
Then the entire premise of oberyn being there is because he wants vengeance for his sister, whom was murdered by the mountain.

Put those together and you can figure out who it would be...

I'm not convinced at all that non-book readers would know from the spinny flippy 1 second clip you see in their trailers that the spear wielder is Oberyn. There is no comment or indication that Oberyn is a fighter, he has only been portrayed to show that he is a bi-curious prince from dorne whom is familiar with poisons. Not a seasoned, badass spear wielding Wakandan.


Also, it's a real shame that he has to go though. He's a very likable character thats just starting to really develop and shine. It'll be worth it though lol


Musty Nester
They do mention that Oberyn is a fearsome badass a couple of times. But no, I don't think you'd even think that it was a trial-by-combat-by-proxy.

The most obvious thing that I would think is that they clear the room, one of the kings guard steps up with two swords, hands one to the imp, and then unceremoniously murders him.

I mean... that's kinda how that should go. He's accused of killing the king. KINGS guard. Trial by combat.

You'd think there wouldn't be this super involved choose your pokemon ritual involved.


FPS noob
So remind me why again Tywin doesn't just have two of his men fight each other for Tyrion and have Tyrion's champion win? Tyrion survives (and doesn't have to take the black even) and Jaime abandons the kingsguard. Seems like a win/win for Tywin.
since Cersei is the accuser I think she is the only one who gets to be involved in the trial by combat, and she is the only one who would call upon Sir Gregor (viewed as "undefeatable in single combat") as her champion. Tywin is the one who manipulated Shae into testifying, to guarantee a guilty victory. he knew Jaime would sacrifice his Kings Guard spot if Tywin spares Tyrion, the whole trial has been his manipulation into getting Jaime back as his true heir.

Basically Tyrion's little speech at the end has made things spiral out of Tywin's control, it will be interesting to see how Oberyn becomes Tyrion's champion. I assume right after Cersei declares Gregor her champion, with her father raging at her, Oberyn instantly declares he will champion Tyrion. The other option is Cersei declares her champion, and Oberyn visits Tyrion to talk about it.

Oberyn really has been fantastically cast by the way, his little viper-ish ways and his talks with Varys and questioning during the trial were awesome. I think the dude isn't even a pro actor.


Molten Core Raider
The scene with Oberyn and Varys seemed to cement my theory that Varys is indeed a Targ.


Toe Sucker
Well, you already get the jist of what trial by combat is from Tyrion's first trial at the Eyrie. The initial thought that most would probably assume is what i assumed in the book, he's going to choose Bronn again who fought for him originally. People will think it'll be Bronn vs a kingsguard of some sort, or possibly the mountain but i'm not convinced people would realize this without already spoiling it themselves through one median or another.

I had a family member asking me yesterday who the 6'9 300 pound dude is that is joining the show and they had no idea who the mountain even was when i tried to explain it. He's a pretty minor character in the show that was absent from the last season completely lol

Oberyn definitely won't step up immediately... Bronn showing his true sellsword side to Tyrion is a pretty crucial scenario. Bronn being his only real "friend", it shows how hopeless he is. I'd go with Oberyn will come to him afterwards like he does in the book (he would just do it afterwards instead of before.)


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
So remind me why again Tywin doesn't just have two of his men fight each other for Tyrion and have Tyrion's champion win? Tyrion survives (and doesn't have to take the black even) and Jaime abandons the kingsguard. Seems like a win/win for Tywin.

Tywin could even have Bronn be Tyrion's champion and fight Meryn fucking Trant and make it pretty much legit.

Or does Cersei fuck that plan up immediately after Tyrion asks for trial by combat?
Honestly the show completely fucked it up and have since changed Tywins motivation. In the books I got the feeling that Tywin was pushing this to remove Tyrion from the line of succession for Casterly Rock. We know Tywin absolutely refuses to let Tyrion get his hands on it. He also plans to send Tyrion to the wall because he would never let a Lannister be executed.

So by Jaime willing to leave and take his mantle as heir there is literally no reason not to have a show trial by combat with some badass fighting for Tyrion and the worst member of the kingsguard for Joffrey/Cersei. I think they screwed the pooch some personally. That being said I am still looking forward to it.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
i havent read the book but ithink something like this may happen.
So Tyrion beat his father at his own game. Tywin's end game was having Jamie continue the family name, and now Tyrion may choose him as a champion, or Jamie can be the champion of the queen, avenging his son/nephew death. However it would be hilarious if Tyrion fights Jamie. That is the worst scenario for their father and it would completely destroy Jamie having to kill his own brother. So that scenario has to be avoided by Tywin, or even worst, having Jamie fight as tyrion champion and die, and then Tywin is executed. Leaving Tywin with zero heirs.

Which is why i think, he would kill two birds with one stone. Select the mountain as the fighter, one of the best fighter on the lanister side, and now as tyrion's champion, Oberyn is selected or volunteers as tyrion knows he would really kill the mountain to avenge his sister.


Trakanon Raider
Seemed a bit strange seeing Varys explicitly suggest he was after the throne to Oberon whom he just met. A bit out of character. Enjoyed the scene none the less.


Molten Core Raider
Seemed a bit strange seeing Varys explicitly suggest he was after the throne to Oberon whom he just met. A bit out of character. Enjoyed the scene none the less.
They are just giving TV viewers more insight to his motivations before introducing Griff. He isn't the guy who wants to sit on the throne, he's the guy that will be ruling through the kid. There's no Varys dynasty to be had. That went up in smoke with his dick.


<Prior Amod>
Oh i agree with you, i'm just giving a fair warning to the dudes that decide to go into the lions den for a simple question like that haha
LoL, gotcha.

I'm basing my prediction off of what's happened in the show as well as previews we've seen so I will spoil it for those that don't watch the previews.

I think Tywin will choose the mountain as the crowns champion, I think Prince Oberyn will step in on behalf of Tyrion (we've seen him jump into combat in a preview in what looked to be a small arena setting). I think he will kill the mountain, I don't know if he lives...I hope he does...if he does I think he will kill Tywin as he's wanted to do so all along and he didn't buy Tywins story of having nothing to do or not knowing about his sisters death.

Mind you, I've never read the books. I just started book one which many can attest to so if I got any of that right, don't rage and start quoting it.


I feel like the board ,and the mods have done a great job of keeping the thread spoiler free for the people that just want to watch the TV series.

They just had to get rid of Itlan..


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If anyone has any questions about what happened in the books but doesn't want to risk getting spoiled they can PM me. Please don't ask or answer the questions here.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LoL, gotcha.

I'm basing my prediction off of what's happened in the show as well as previews we've seen so I will spoil it for those that don't watch the previews.

I think Tywin will choose the mountain as the crowns champion, I think Prince Oberyn will step in on behalf of Tyrion (we've seen him jump into combat in a preview in what looked to be a small arena setting). I think he will kill the mountain, I don't know if he lives...I hope he does...if he does I think he will kill Tywin as he's wanted to do so all along and he didn't buy Tywins story of having nothing to do or not knowing about his sisters death.

Mind you, I've never read the books. I just started book one which many can attest to so if I got any of that right, don't rage and start quoting it.
Good theory. I was thinking Tyrion would choose his brother and the crown would pick Bronn. So many different ways this can play out that can bring an oh shit moment. Can't wait.


Toe Sucker
If anyone has any questions about what happened in the books but doesn't want to risk getting spoiled they can PM me. Please don't ask or answer the questions here.
This was actually going to be my suggestion too. Instead of going into the spoiler filled book thread, people-if they really want to know something-can ask somebody to PM them with a non-spoilerific answer. (Unless they want to be spoiled).


Vyemm Raider
Again, it's out of Tywin's hands now because it's Cercei who gets to name her champion. And she sure as shit isn't going along with any plan to spare Tyrion.

The ultimate fan service would be having Tywin outright state that he doesn't believe Tyrion had anything to do with killing Joff, and he's going along with the whole farce just to solve his legacy problem. It's just something I always assumed was the case, but didn't have any real evidence other than Tywin being Tywin.

And hopefully they have Lord Bronn show up at Tyrion's cell wearing his new fine clothes so Tyrion immediately recognizes how fucked he is, heh.


FPS noob
My wife asked why only one gem was missing from Sansa's necklace. It confused me to no end, any ideas?
last episode queen of thorns (marge's grandma) basically revealed she poisoned joffrey to marge ("I would never let you marry that monster" etc, it also basically reveals marge didn't know)
in Joffrey's murder episode Thornie fondled sansa's necklace early in the day and close analysis revealed she "took" one gem and draped sansas hair over the missing socket
littlefinger gave ser dontos the necklace to give to sansa (littlefinger tells sansa this, LF also made the necklace it wasn't Dontos moms necklace)
grand maester pycelle says in the last episode that traces of the strangler poison were found in the missing gems "socket", and that the strangler poison was missing from his stores and tyrion plundered his stores after jailing him
as viewers we have to assume littlefinger deliberately left dontos dead on a boat with necklace on him, he could have dumped the necklace and dontos into the water to never be found but chose not to

so basically littlefinger and Grandma Thorn worked together to kill Joffrey, using Dontos as a delivery/rescue/fall guy. we don't know who else was involved and how exactly LF/Grandma worked up their plan, but it was done to put the frame job onto Sansa at the least, which more or less implicates Tyrion too as he is her husband.


Toe Sucker
Yeah.. i'm not sure where people get the assumption that Tywin has any choice in regards of whom the champion is. It's in cersei's hands-she was the accuser.. which is why tyrion is fucked to begin with. Yes Tywin is head of the house and can control Cersei, but I really, really don't see him controlling her in this case as he benefits from tyrion regardless of being found guilty or not guilty as his entire motive is to get Jaime to be his heir.


Vyemm Raider
There should be two missing - the one that was used to poison Joff, and the one Littlefinger crushed to demonstrate for Sansa.

If she's saying only one was missing then it means someone grabbed the wrong prop.