GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, this Mountain was disappointing, Mongo in Blazing Saddles was more intimidating. this guy just looks like an oversized goon. should have just skipped that whole scene and then brought him in later for the duel with him in full armor and helm and no talking, just action. the rest of the show was pretty damned good, it was mostly set up, but it was good set up. Sansa is looking fine as hell.

oh and lol, what the fuck was arya going to do with that burning stick? set fire to Sandor on the left side of his face? she could have heated up a rock and done the same thing to his wound without coming at him like an angry peasant in a frankenstein movie.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm good with Biter causing the Hound to die instead of the Inn fight. Will be simple to have Brienne fight some other random goons and have Gendry show up. And they were never going to mangle her face as badly as Biter does in the book anyways.

The "Only Cat" change is meaningless, but there was also no reason to change it. They set the scene up earlier with Petyr telling Sansa how much he loved her mom, there's no one out there that would be confused about who he was referring to if he said "Only Cat".

Agree on the Mountain scene, it was pretty weak and didn't really fit.

Tyrion scenes were all great, of course. Jaime considering dying to the Mountain just to spite Tywin was great.


Musty Nester
Buddy Cop Adventure Time with Ayra and The Hound.

I would watch the shit out of that. Best part of every episode this season.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Great episode, Littlefinger had some great moments. That ending was killer, I'll imagine we get a quick view of booby boy going for a flight as the opening shot next week.

The Hound and Anya (sp?) had a good few segments. When she asked the guy's name, then immediately killed him. And Hound looked pleased that she's learning.

There was also some good character moments with good acting. Oberyn's story combined with Tyrion's reacting as he listened. There was also the hound telling the story of when he was burnt.

So yeah a really good episode, gotta wait 2 weeks for the next one. Groan/


<Prior Amod>
Oberon seems like he won't be done after the mountain tho. He specifically tells Tyrion that all the people he wants to kill are in the same place.
Since he really doesn't need Tywins deal anymore, could Tywin be the next to fall?

Also both the road crews are awesome to me. I'd like a separate series with the Hound/Arya, and Brienne/Podrick please
This is assuming he even lives of course, which I'm not 100% confident he will. I dont trust GRRM when it comes to this shit. Lol


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think Robyn won't need pushed out of the moon door. I'm guessing he'll willingly jump out to go fly with mommy!....crazy fucker


There was also the hound telling the story of when he was burnt.
Part acting, part costume (no armor), part scene construction (sitting almost hunched) and subject (injured, both physically and morally), but that scene impressed me because the Hound looked frail in it, which is not exactly the word that springs to mind when we think about him.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The Arya / Hound interaction is one of the story arcs that I enjoy watching the most. I wish it had a bit more screen time. The Hound going from a bastard to a sympathetic character, yet still a bastard is a good shift.

Peter Dinklage should just get more awards thrown at him. I am dreading the next few episodes because I can't decide if I think he is going to pull through or not. I really want him to make it and continue to be awesome, but when I feel like something should keep happening it usually gets cut short and I wouldn't put it past Martin to just axe Tyrion and Oberyn because he is crazy like that.

I was also disappointed to see Bronn turn, his interactions with Tyrion were some of the best. Perhaps he will come around once Tyrion makes it through.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I have to give Prince Oberyn respect not only does he haave the best nick name "Red Viper" but he is probably one of the only men in the 7 Kingdoms not afraid of the Mountain.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Disappointed that they didn't even try to explain how tywin would be OK with mountain vIII being the champion! Him making meryn fucking grant the champ makes much more sense.


Buzzfeed Editor
Given what we know the only explanation that would even reasonably make sense is that Tyrion's speech just infuriated Tywin to the point that he was done. But if you look at how badly this goes for Tywin, even without the gutshot, it really sucks not to have more behind the scenes stuff about how and why he allowed all of this to happen.


Musty Nester
I'm good with Biter causing the Hound to die instead of the Inn fight. Will be simple to have Brienne fight some other random goons and have Gendry show up. And they were never going to mangle her face as badly as Biter does in the book anyways.

The "Only Cat" change is meaningless, but there was also no reason to change it. They set the scene up earlier with Petyr telling Sansa how much he loved her mom, there's no one out there that would be confused about who he was referring to if he said "Only Cat".

Agree on the Mountain scene, it was pretty weak and didn't really fit.

Tyrion scenes were all great, of course. Jaime considering dying to the Mountain just to spite Tywin was great.
Considering the previous scene he was mackin all over Cats daughter, and he had JUST called her Cat and even if you have only been half-ass paying attention to the story like I do you KNOW that Littlefinger is utterly obsessed with the Lady Katelyn Stark. It's a defining motivation for him in a couple of his appearances, and he goes into some detail about how much he wanted to bone her and never did. I think it would have been perfectly fine to say "Only Cat". Plus the line would have sounded better finishing with, "Only Cat" rather than "Your Sister".

"All my life I have loved only one woman. My entire life. Only one. Only Cat."
-----------------------------------------------------------------Your Sister."

That first is just a stronger spoken line. I wonder if it was an accidental adlib and they just didn't fix it, because whatever reason.


Bron fighting for Tyrion would have been seriously out of character and he explained it very well to both Tyrion and us.


Musty Nester
Bronn didn't turn at all. Bronn was just being Bronn. Not even Tyrion blamed him for refusing. Not really.

I think tyrion is "safe" for now based soley on how hard they're trying to hammer in just how fucked he is. When they kill people in this story it's abrupt and without warning. Goldencrown boy got almost impulsively golden crowned, Ned got betrayed, Robb got ambushed, Jeof got poisoned.

Maybe it's a super complex reverse double reverse fakeout, but I suspect that somehow Tyrion will live because they're trying so hard to convince me he's about to die.

And he might very well wish that he HAD died. Reek probably wishes that.