GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Musty Nester
Obviously Jon would win. Rocky did nothing but get stomped.Heroicallystomped.

Rocky 2-17 do not exist as cannon.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The North and the wildlings are descendants from the First Men. They did have a pact with the Children of the Forest, of which House Reed is a likely descendant of some kind, that was broken when the Andals invaded Westeros and replaced the First Men everywhere but the North as the Starks were able to resist them. The Children of the Forest helped the First Men defeat the Long Night and gave the Nights Watch 100 obsidian daggers every year after until they were gone, so there's no more of those than what the Watch already has. As far as Valyrian steel, there's only about a dozen of them in all of Westeros and all the ones that are known are owned by heads of houses sans Brienne's. Sam's dad hates him and all the rest of the Lords aren't going to do anything either until they know the danger that faces them.

Edit: Ned treated Jon just like any of his other sons. He trained with Winterfell's master-at-arms just like Rob did, pretty sure this is referenced in book 1 where Arya wants to learn to fight as well.


Buzzfeed Editor
They say it in the show, too. Tyrion says it to him, that Jon was lucky to be trained by Winterfell's master of arms Ser Rodrick (In the first season). Jon is supposed to be an excellent swordsmen, with the skills any knight would posses. He didn't get chump training, he got the same kind of training people like Jaime or The Hound would have gotten. In addition, unlike most tournament knights, which follow rules and mostly fight in "games"? Jon has actual combat experience now, far more than most people. There is no reason to believe most of the "professional" knights are better than him. In fact, from what we've seen; many of them are significantly worse than they boast.


A Mod Real Quick
Snow has a lord's training and is good in his own right, but he would never stand a chance with seasoned warriors (Bronn, Selmy, Jaime pre-surgery, etc)

Selmy would could cut through him as easy as a dagger cuts cheese


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Snow has a lord's training and is good in his own right, but he would never stand a chance with seasoned warriors (Bronn, Selmy, Jaime pre-surgery, etc)

Selmy would could cut through him as easy as a dagger cuts cheese
What if it's a really hard cheese?


Molten Core Raider
Didn't Mance and Jon spar in the books and Jon got schooled? Could be totally remembering something completely unrelated but I could swear I remember Jon thinking about how impossibly strong he was.


Buzzfeed Editor
Didn't Mance and Jon spar in the books and Jon got schooled? Could be totally remembering something completely unrelated but I could swear I remember Jon thinking about how impossibly strong he was.
Yes, he thought he was sparring the Lord of Bones guy. They were about even in skill, but he realized his opponent was far stronger than he anticipated given his size. It's how he began to figure out something was up. (Mance did win the sparring session).


Molten Core Raider
I think Martin setup Jon meeting Jorah. Pretty sure his dad's dying words were tell my son...arggg gurgle...

And on a far more serious note, were you all aware that Jon's blade was forged from a Dragonsteel Shovel? This is the only reason he is elite. His only bane is any wildling child with a bow. Because, you know...armor.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
rewatched this episode, think my favorite part now is when they mass fall off the cliff then pop back up all hungry


A Man Chooses....
I had an interview this morning and somehow this episode of Thrones came up. Left a good impression.