GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
I hope he is a Bolton man. He will invite you back and run you through menial tasks with promises of promotion while having the office slut blue-ball you on a daily basis. Things will finally culminate with a plate of sausages, someone getting flayed and a massive lawsuit.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Nobody really knows what the White Walkers motives are or how they are even made. If the Night King is the same as the one from the stories then he was turned into what he is now as originally he was just a man. Coldhands in theory is not purely evil like the rest of the White Walkers are made out to be, though again he could be helping Bran do something that the White Walkers need to happen without his knowledge.


Vyemm Raider
Jon is on his way to being a great swordsman, that has been made pretty clear. But he's basically playing college ball still. He needs more fights with seasoned killers instead of beating up rapists and thieves 4 on 1. Plus he's still a teenager and this isn't a JRPG.

Still not sure if Tyrion spared Jorah's life and then told him to fuck off out of spite, or if he knew that sending him away was the only answer Dany was going to accept.


Jon literally got his ass handed to him by some made up dagger wielding moron. If not for that random Crastor woman, Jon would be dead right now. He has yet to fight someone in full plate armor. I'd like to see him square off against Jorah in plate in a fight for Longclaw. I give Jon about 10 seconds before he is mincemeat


Bronze Squire
So apparently I am like the only person on the internet okay with them not rowing away in the boat. Too me it is 'not being chased + exhaustion from the battle + petrified with fear = fuck rowing.'

Dany needs to get her Dragons to the wall pronto.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Jon literally got his ass handed to him by some made up dagger wielding moron. If not for that random Crastor woman, Jon would be dead right now. He has yet to fight someone in full plate armor. I'd like to see him square off against Jorah in plate in a fight for Longclaw. I give Jon about 10 seconds before he is mincemeat
Wasnt that guy supposed to be Dirk/Karl mix or something?


Blackwing Lair Raider
About Tyrion and Dany, what's interesting about that scene is for all the bitching that was done over Barristan's death, that scene probably does not happen if he's still alive as I can't see him letting Tyrion anywhere near her.


List of people on the show who would beat Jon 10 times out of 10:

Thoros (guy win's melee's left and right)
Loras Tyrell
Ungregor (if he ever gets up from that table)
Areo Hotah
Jaqen H'ghar
Grey Worm

List of people on the show who probably would beat Jon:

Ser Alliser
Ramsay Bolton

People on the show who Jon would beat:

Old Nan
Samwell Tarly

So unless top tier/near top tier is about 20 people deep then he does not even sniff it


with that said, Jon Snow is still the man. I really hope it's not just that little fucker who stabs him. It has to be a bunch of Nights Watchmen to do the deed for full effect


Mr. Poopybutthole
Have they actually shown Loras win a fight? Because the only thing I remember him doing (books or show) was winning the joust with Gregor, and then almost dying if the Hound hadn't saved him. I also vaguely remember hearing about him getting injured during some siege, but you only hear about that after the fact.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Jon literally got his ass handed to him by some made up dagger wielding moron.
Wasn't that a fairly even fight for a bit, and wasn't that guy basically the top assassin in King's Landing before getting sent to the Night's Watch?

Selmy lost to some guys in gold masks, Podrick killed a Kingsguard. Bronn goes from random sellsword in the books who beat a Knight of the Vale to save Tyrion more by his wits than pure skill to us elevating him to "elite level" on the show because we think he's cool as shit (he is).


About Tyrion and Dany, what's interesting about that scene is for all the bitching that was done over Barristan's death, that scene probably does not happen if he's still alive as I can't see him letting Tyrion anywhere near her.
I agree although they could have just sent Barristan on some quest right before Tyrion arrives... by the time he gets back Tyrion has Dany's trust and there is really not much he could do about it


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Have they actually shown Loras win a fight? Because the only thing I remember him doing (books or show) was winning the joust with Gregor, and then almost dying if the Hound hadn't saved him. I also vaguely remember hearing about him getting injured during some siege, but you only hear about that after the fact.
On the show Brienne beats him to become a member of Renly's Kingsguard as well. In the books I believe he is sent to siege Dragonstone and gets burned/disfigured(?) from hot oil being poured all on him or some shit like that.


Molten Core Raider
Have they actually shown Loras win a fight? Because the only thing I remember him doing (books or show) was winning the joust with Gregor, and then almost dying if the Hound hadn't saved him. I also vaguely remember hearing about him getting injured during some siege, but you only hear about that after the fact.
Yeah. Loras irritates me. It's implied through the series he's some badass Knight, even becoming a Kingsguard. Then he gets his face melted off. I don't really recall him "winning" at any point other than cheating in his joust.

edit: What Merrith said. Forgot about the Brienne fight. I assume he beat someone to get to the finals.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Still not sure if Tyrion spared Jorah's life and then told him to fuck off out of spite, or if he knew that sending him away was the only answer Dany was going to accept.
Tyrion was flexing his political muscles, showing Dani his worth, and securing his future position by her side. He showed her the path to not eating her own words while sparing Jorah's life and gaining something else for herself (demonstrating the value of devotion to her) in the bargain.