GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Registered Hutt
That would be an interesting twist. In any case the next season is going to be very interesting now that we're finally up to speed.


Log Wizard
We sure spent a lot of time on that Stannis storyline for him to do nothing but epicly fail repeatedly. Also, it's pretty crazy with as much time as they put into the Bran storyline last season that they completely ignored it this season. You would think if it was so important they would've at least showed him once during the finale.
Stannis isnt dead, with the way they cut from Brienne about to kill him to Ramsey killing some no one I have a feeling something happens to save him...besides, that sound Brienne made as they cut sounded like she got hit

Just saying, Unless I see the body (and even in GoT thats not a guarantee) I dont believe anyone is dead


<Bronze Donator>
man what an amazing episode. I had my doubts they'd be able to hit all the points they needed to but they did it. not one wasted second really, other than the cartoon face thing in braavos.

Now we get to debate for 10 months whether stannis or myrcella are really dead, more stupid theories, etc.

ps i don't see many, if any horses, on the field from the battle. so not sure what ppl were crying about there.

Well damn. I am most curious how the Boltons are going to be removed as a threat since there is absolutely no opposition to him now in the show. Sounds like we might be getting a Lord Manderly Northern Plot next season. As well as how/when will the North wise up to the WW. Even if Stannis isn't dead. His claim is right fucked so I have no idea what they'll do with him now. He's a completely broken character. But went out to the bitter end.

The Night's Watch disappoints me even more in the show since we got Hardhome. Even though you know its coming, I'm like. For fuck's sake people, you have LITERALLY seen armies of ice zombies and white walkers first hand. You KNOW they exist and that they're coming. Every Wildling you let through is one less ice zombie to kill. This should be an incredibly transparent and obvious decision. All by Alliser Thorne who admitted that Jon was right in his decisions over him at every battle they've been involved in. Nope, you're a traitor, die bitch.

Also Ellaria has to die next season. No two ways about it. Tyene and her bad pussy comment was quite a hot touch though.
Why do you think the bolton's will be deposed at all? Why do people think the final battle of this series will somehow happen at the wall or north of it?

It's clear that the wall will fall for #reasons and the army of the dead will make it all the way to the trident before an army is formed to stop them. The north, the riverlands will be frozen over by winter and marched across by the army of the dead. perhaps the vale may hold out thanks to geography but I don't understand why people think everything will be all peachy and the north will still be a thing, at least not until the long night ends and spring comes.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Stannis isnt dead, with the way they cut from Brienne about to kill him to Ramsey killing some no one I have a feeling something happens to save him...besides, that sound Brienne made as they cut sounded like she got hit

Just saying, Unless I see the body (and even in GoT thats not a guarantee) I dont believe anyone is dead
So you're one of these retards that thinks the Hound is still alive?


Karazhan Raider
If Dany was in the middle of nowhere, and was approached by a few Dothraki in a matter of seconds, then where did the other millions of Dothraki come from? Were they always there?

Who made Robert Strong?s Kingsguard armor?

Where was Ghost? Did he go with Sam?

Did Brienne wait until the fight was over, or did she know that Stannis would chillax for a bit? If so, how did she know?

What happened to everybody in the Iron Islands?

Why did Varys wait for Dany and Jorah and Daario to leave?

When did Tyrion get a perm?

Why was Jaime happy with Myrcella? She?s a product of incest. Shouldn?t he be concered about that?

If Sansa and Theon killed themselves, fine.

When did Cersei's chest get bigger?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Why do you think the bolton's will be deposed at all? Why do people think the final battle of this series will somehow happen at the wall or north of it?

It's clear that the wall will fall for #reasons and the army of the dead will make it all the way to the trident before an army is formed to stop them. The north, the riverlands will be frozen over by winter and marched across by the army of the dead. perhaps the vale may hold out thanks to geography but I don't understand why people think everything will be all peachy and the north will still be a thing, at least not until the long night ends and spring comes.
Oh, I don't know, the arc with Rickon, the Manderly conspiracy, Sansa being gone now. Something is going to happen to them. As some others have even said in this thread, Littlefinger is poised to sweep the board now with his completely unscathed Army of the Vale.

As it is still a story being told and nobody will be happy with a story that ends with a sadistic sod who enjoys flaying people alive as Warden of the North, all the Starks dead or incapacitated, and every Northern house submitting to the Boltons. Winterfell in the books is a much more tense situation where Roose is keenly aware of how loose his control over the North is. The show does not really portray this.


<Bronze Donator>
Oh, I don't know, the arc with Rickon, the Manderly conspiracy, Sansa being gone now. Something is going to happen to them. As some others have even said in this thread, Littlefinger is poised to sweep the board now with his completely unscathed Army of the Vale.

As it is still a story being told and nobody will be happy with a story that ends with a sadistic sod who enjoys flaying people alive as Warden of the North, all the Starks dead or incapacitated, and every Northern house submitting to the Boltons. Winterfell in the books is a much more tense situation where Roose is keenly aware of how loose his control over the North is. The show does not really portray this.
Rickon arc? what arc, he's 4, and hasn't been seen since book 3. manderly conspiracy? what of it? it's an extremely minor subplot from an extremely minor non-character at best and apparently is pointless.

I'm not saying that the north is going to submit to the boltons. I'm saying the north as you know it won't exist when the white walkers bring down the wall, and every single person you mentioned is dead.

it's been 5 books of the "game" decimating virtually every kingdom and army that could do shit other than perhaps the vale, and Dany's army. Until Dany arrives there's no one left to fight the white walkers. The north is decimated. The riverlands, stormlands, crownlands, westerlands. The Iron islands don't have much for troops but half of them are in mereen and the other half are battling what's left of the reach's forces. Dorne has always had a miniscule population and forces to fight. Calling it now, winds ends on a cliffhanger, the wall has fallen and the army of the dead is proceeding their slow march towards the riverlands. Everyone in the north is either dead or they are jon snow on a boat with melisandre and ghost headed to dragonstone.

I just don't understand where this idea that there's 20 more books coming. We're at the end game now. All the cards are on the table. My biggest worry, other than he doesn't finish the books, is that he drags ass just enough to write an 8th book, and Winds end's up not furthering the plot any further than what season 5 has delivered as far as wrapping up plot lines. years of waiting for a more descriptive version to what we just saw happen.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
What are you smoking?

Are you implying that every single plot in the North is going to dead end by the Others killing all of them? That'd be some exceptionally poor writing.


<Bronze Donator>
"When Davos asks where Rickon is Wex throws his dagger onto a sheepskin map adorning the wall. To Davos's horror it strikes Skagos. Davos is left with no choice but to head to the infamous island to retrieve Rickon Stark."

You are right, he is 4, maybe 5 and has Shaggydog with him. After winter hits and passes, because the story has to wind up after the winter is over, he could be as old as 14-15(thinking 6-7year winter plus a couple years for crop and civilization recovery). Basically the same age as Robb was when he led the armies.


<Bronze Donator>
What plots in the north?

There is the stannis vs bolton plot. It's more complex than the TV show obviously, and plays out slightly differently, but apparently it ends just as the pink letter indicated it ended.

That was the entire northern plot. Anything else is naive revenge wishes for somebody to do justice by the starks. I don't know how many books dude has to write before people wake up, that isn't how the story ends. Nobody makes it "all better", especially not lord too fat to sit a horse. jesus talk about grasping, any port in a storm I guess.

So guurn you are saying that the epilogue to the final book is when we'll finally see Rickon again? maybe, but who cares?


Trakanon Raider
ya unless her nipples decided to flatten out and grow to a diameter of 4 inches those aren't hers. takes .2 seconds on google to know that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So, by your reasoning all of the Wildlings south of the Wall and the Night's Watch in its entirety are also fucked already?


<Bronze Donator>
i'm betting that most of the wildlings who have first hand experience flee south immediately after jon snow dies, before the wall falls. That's what all the wildlings were doing anyway (see osha's crew). The NW, while not as pitiful as in the TV show numbers wise, make a stand at the wall when they finally see the army of the dead approaching it, and then chekhov's gun/horn of winter is used and down comes the wall. But yeah anyone who stays in the north in their holdfasts such as the boltons in winterfell learn a tad too late what winter is coming really means and get fukt.


<Bronze Donator>
So guurn you are saying that the epilogue to the final book is when we'll finally see Rickon again? maybe, but who cares?
I'm saying winter is 5 years at the least and we have 2 primary things to resolve, the white walkers and who wins the throne. Given that armies travel on their stomachs then we have to have the crops recover before this finishes. Rickon leading the armies could happen but not against the walkers.


<Bronze Donator>
The premise of these books is that the first thing you mention pretty much trumps that second thing, while nobody in the kingdoms knows/cares about the importance of the first thing and they focus all their time/resources/etc fighting for the 2nd thing and fucking the entirety of westeros so that they are woefully ill prepared for the first thing.

I'm betting that the person who shows up on dragons, melts all the white walkers, and saves the world wins the throne by default. pretty sound and widely held theory.

But you are saying you expect an extra novel after the series concludes featuring the adventures of grown up rickon marching on king's landing well after the story is resolved? ok. kinda like a dunk and egg novella. i'd read it.


Did I miss something? When Theon and Sansa jumped from the castle wall, what exactly did they jump into? A pile of snow? Water? Death?

It seemed like the wall was just as high there as where Theon threw the stable master's daughter from.

Maybe I was taking a piss and I missed it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
There is nothing in that commentary that suggests Stannis is any more dead than what was already shown in the episode.

Although the dude does make a really fucking stupid comment about 'Cersei being mad when Jaime gets back'. Motherfucker, they're barely half a mile from shore, if that ship doesn't immediately turn back to dock, it will be some astonishingly terrible writing.
Why would they turn back? You don't declare war when you're standing in enemy territory. Bronn isn't going to fight off their whole army.

Also, Jaime has a hostage.