GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
Actually between the hypnopompic hallucinations and various assorted house noises, I average about 6 hours of sleep a night. Dunno if I had some massive sleep debt to make up or what but I went to take a nap yesterday morning not too long after waking up and ended up sleeping into the mid afternoon, ate lunch, then went back to sleep until dinner time, ate, stayed up til midnight and slept until 9 this morning. In fact I think yesterday was the most I've slept in a single day since I was a baby, and the last time I slept more than 12 hours was definitely back in my teens.


Millie's Staff Member
Actually between the hypnopompic hallucinations and various assorted house noises, I average about 6 hours of sleep a night. Dunno if I had some massive sleep debt to make up or what but I went to take a nap yesterday morning not too long after waking up and ended up sleeping into the mid afternoon, ate lunch, then went back to sleep until dinner time, ate, stayed up til midnight and slept until 9 this morning. In fact I think yesterday was the most I've slept in a single day since I was a baby, and the last time I slept more than 12 hours was definitely back in my teens.
fuck, im jealous of you, i think i got 8 hours sleep in the last 48 hours. goddamn house next door is under renovation and they decided to do the siding bright and fucking early for the last two days. i cant even go over there and curse out the owner, because he fucking died and the house is owned by a corporate interest that gobbles up houses for cheap and flips them quick.

anyway, did somebody say Cleganebowl is confirmed?


Log Wizard

A badass swordsmen with a Targaryen dragon symbol on his chestplate. ToJ confirmed!

Also: who the fuck is that at 1:15

And Ol' Theon is dying so he can never die again!


Trump's Staff
That's not Theon being drowned, it's Euron. Also (maybe) confirmed by the trailer...

That's Euron on a rope bridge at night... about to kill Balon?

We don't know which guy he is but that ToJ scene gave us our first look at
Howland Reed at the 1 minute mark. I expect it's the guy with the helmet on that you also see in the shot with Young Ned fighting who I assume is a dual wielding Arthur Dayne.