GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


On Sansa, first 4 eps.

My money is her taking the place of the Manderlys. She'll turn Theon and get help from the remaining Stark loyalists and cause problems from within while Stannis attacks Winterfell.

Thing is if this actually is Littlefinger's plan and he wants Stannis to take Winterfell then wouldn't the smarter move be to give Sansa to Stannis? That would give Stannis the support of almost all the Stark loyal northern houses, which seems to be almost all of them, and make taking Winterfell a breeze. If Littlefinger is working some other angle he just gave Sansa to a guy who enjoys torturing people.

Time will tell but right now it seems like they're forcing it.


Bullshit. Stupid fucking bullshit. Even if Barristan and Gray Worm don't die, the change with Sansa is absolutely egregious. Still, seeing Barristan get stabbed (to death?) is just the most mind boggling canon-fuck out there. It's like, at this point the writers are just killing people to kill people because Martin did it. Whoever pitched this at the meeting deserves the same fate as whoever was responsible for the leak.


<Bronze Donator>
The change in Sansa's character has me really confused and annoyed. I figured they were definitely deviating from the books with her, but it seemed that it would go in this super cool direction. Now she is basically back to being a pawn, instead of a player that I originally thought she would be.

A bunch of these changes just seem a little head scratching when compared to where we left last season, or when we know what is likely a key plot point and thus has to happen, and now I can't figure out how we'll get to some of these places.
uh what major plot point are you talking about? You realize sansa originally was set to marry joffery, have his children, side with the lannisters, and die, right? She isn't anything major to the conclusion of the story.

Sansa has no more book left to draw from. Shes still the pawn of baelish. In the books she set to be married off to harry the heir in baelish's bid to secure the vale and the north. In the tv show she is replacing her friend jeyne poole in baelish's bid to secure the vale and the north. Shit will go bad, theon will start his redemption arc and Theon will rescue her and stannis will get her.

Ps highly doubt manderly story happens at all. Minor subplot of no real importance


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Bullshit. Stupid fucking bullshit. Even if Barristan and Gray Worm don't die, the change with Sansa is absolutely egregious. Still, seeing Barristan get stabbed (to death?) is just the most mind boggling canon-fuck out there. It's like, at this point the writers are just killing people to kill people because Martin did it. Whoever pitched this at the meeting deserves the same fate as whoever was responsible for the leak.
Well the writers are prolly trimming the fat and killing off characters who die eventually like mentioned, in the books they might die later on and just dont really have key roles in the overall story

Bronn and Jaime was fantastic, all the stuff at the wall was great also


Millie's Staff Member
Bullshit. Stupid fucking bullshit. Even if Barristan and Gray Worm don't die, the change with Sansa is absolutely egregious. Still, seeing Barristan get stabbed (to death?) is just the most mind boggling canon-fuck out there. It's like, at this point the writers are just killing people to kill people because Martin did it. Whoever pitched this at the meeting deserves the same fate as whoever was responsible for the leak.
im with you man, what the FUCK did they just do to Barristan? Barristan in the show and the books is a noted uber fucking badass of almost unequal levels and he gets punked by a bunch of goons? even motherfucking Hound would have made short work of them. these guys do not have his decades of training and battle experience. WHAT THE FUCK?! i can understand they are ditching some of the aspects of who is The Harpy, but you dont take away fucking Barristan's moment like this. i guess when the rumor about an actor disappointed in what they changed from the book in their character, it was the dude who plays Barristand. are they doing this shit so tyrion can take his place and Jorra can come back? was that fucking necessary to do him like this? i figure he isnt dead, but they just took a giant shit on his story arc, so if he does kick ass later people will not believe it. fuck me


Potato del Grande
Sansa is going to start killing the fuck out of Boltons (and Freys when they show up) with Theon. Awkward wedding night scene is going to be even more awkward though if they do it lol.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Seeing Littlefinger and Sansa in the carriage together . . . I immediately just thought of Johnny49 on one of his 'dates'


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So I broke down and watched the four. All the exposition and changes this season feel so heavy handed. Not digging it at all.
The show is the real story now. If you just accept that, you'll be immune to any changes since they aren't changes, but corrections to the books. We're veering into new story territory where when(if) the rest of the books come out, you'll have people complaining that the books aren't doing it like it happened originally on the show.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah and it's slow moving and essentially dead discussion at this point. Whatever, not a big deal, I'll just avoid the spoiler thread until the season is over.
Unless they leak more episodes, you only have to avoid the thread until episode 4 airs.


Trakanon Raider
On Sansa, first 4 eps.

My money is her taking the place of the Manderlys. She'll turn Theon and get help from the remaining Stark loyalists and cause problems from within while Stannis attacks Winterfell.

Thing is if this actually is Littlefinger's plan and he wants Stannis to take Winterfell then wouldn't the smarter move be to give Sansa to Stannis? That would give Stannis the support of almost all the Stark loyal northern houses, which seems to be almost all of them, and make taking Winterfell a breeze. If Littlefinger is working some other angle he just gave Sansa to a guy who enjoys torturing people.

Time will tell but right now it seems like they're forcing it.
There was that scene where a woman from Winterfell, said to Sansa, "The North Remembers" -- aka, we know this is a ruse, and we are ready when you are.

Barristan stuff made me really mad. When he arrived in that corridor, I was giggling with glee and excited anticipation at the prospect of seeing Barristan cut them all down with ease. And it was good for a second, and then.. wow, just wow. That wasn't a typical GRRM surprise death/defeat or whatever, it was just dumb.


Musty Nester
Haha, book nerds crying big fat tears of impotent rage.

Yes, yes. Good. Let the hate flow through you.

Fairly obvious that Sansa is now graduated to Journeyman Littlefinger. Yeah, he's thrown her out there as part of his diabolical masterplan to play both sides against the middle and come out ahead, and it's as obvious to the Sansa as it is to the audience. I mean Littlefinger goes out of his way to explain to her that's exactly what he's doing. The question is, will she betray him and become The Lady Stark this season or the next? Like the whoremonger that he is, he has completely turned her out. He doesn't even have to tell her that he loves her, he can just straight up tell her that she's his whore now and she'll go whore for him. But I doubt it lasts.

I don't think he could have given her to Stannis because it would have been just too obvious, and he's still got to be worried about the Lannisters for a little while yet. I mean he doesn't know it but they already fucked up his whorehouse. He knows Cersi will have him killed given the slightest provocation, or the least intimation that he is no longer useful to her. Littlefinger is just being his Chaotic Evil self and playing it as safe. He's living up to his "I just want to watch the world burn" speech.


<Prior Amod>
what kind of low res rips you guys downloaded? old man...
isn't dead, sure he got stabbed in the back and under a rib, also a leg slice, but they didn't slice his neck, there would have been no reason to show that near miss otherwise.

Also, i agree with everyone here, how the fuck this badass of all badasses that makes Jaime quiver like school boy get's pwn'd by a few dudes with knives? also how do the unsullied get throat slashed so easily? these are the dumbest paid soldiers in all of Bravos.

Sure i understand the hooker sneaky slash, that unsullied had his guard down, but these unsullied had full fighting gear on and were ready to kill, but just get throat slashed


privileged excrementlord
That's my guess. I'm telling myself I won't watch them because I don't want to wait a month for episode 5 but I doubt I end up holding out. I just assumed that Mance was switched out until he started talking. Seems odd he'd give some Mance style talk if it was just some illusion. Did Rattleshirt say anything in the books before he got toasted?


privileged excrementlord
Yeah and it's slow moving and essentially dead discussion at this point. Whatever, not a big deal, I'll just avoid the spoiler thread until the season is over.
So bring it back to life? Make a post or something. Remind Grimmlokk that Gurrm is fat and will die before he finishes the books.


<Bronze Donator>
Unsullied are normal soldiers, actually weaker physically than most soldiers cus they get cut before puberty. They are only amazing at standing there holding a line because they have no fear and feel no pain. 100% discipline.

also Barristan is awesomesauce for 40 years, which peaked 20 years ago at the battle of the trident when he was near mortally wounded and was saved by Bobby B's maester who bobby B told to patch up before himself, which is why Ned led the vanguard to king's landing. Dude is near 70 or so in the books and probably at least as old in the TV show. and while you can write about a cool old guy still having a bit of badass too him to a certain extent you can't really do that believably in TV. He showed he's probably one of the most badass fighters in essos, even as a 70 year old man, by killing a half dozen or so dudes in a narrow room who had just slaughtered a few dozen unsullied and nearly killed grey worm. Not really sure what the fuck you expect from him? He would also probably die if that scene had happened in the books. his value is as a strategist and advisor, while still being a quite capable fighter. but he's not even close to on par with Jaime Lannister (with both hands), Loras Tyrell, or hell even Ned Stark.

And make jaime quiver like a schoolboy? yeah when Jaime was a schoolboy and barristan knighted him, when barristan was in his prime and jaime was 15. No idea where the fuck you guys are getting this idea that 70 year old barristan is still the greatest fighter on earth from, but it's laughably wrong


Unsullied are normal soldiers, actually weaker physically than most soldiers cus they get cut before puberty. They are only amazing at standing there holding a line because they have no fear and feel no pain. 100% discipline.

also Barristan is awesomesauce for 40 years, which peaked 20 years ago at the battle of the trident when he was near mortally wounded and was saved by Bobby B's maester who bobby B told to patch up before himself, which is why Ned led the vanguard to king's landing. Dude is near 70 or so in the books and probably at least as old in the TV show. and while you can write about a cool old guy still having a bit of badass too him to a certain extent you can't really do that believably in TV. He showed he's probably one of the most badass fighters in essos, even as a 70 year old man, by killing a half dozen or so dudes in a narrow room who had just slaughtered a few dozen unsullied and nearly killed grey worm. Not really sure what the fuck you expect from him? He would also probably die if that scene had happened in the books. his value is as a strategist and advisor, while still being a quite capable fighter. but he's not even close to on par with Jaime Lannister (with both hands), Loras Tyrell, or hell even Ned Stark.

And make jaime quiver like a schoolboy? yeah when Jaime was a schoolboy and barristan knighted him, when barristan was in his prime and jaime was 15. No idea where the fuck you guys are getting this idea that 70 year old barristan is still the greatest fighter on earth from, but it's laughably wrong
My thoughts exactly. After Robert's rebellion all he did was fight tournaments. In open field, with full armor. Yes he was undoubtedly phenomenal in his prime, but in leather in really tight quarters where he couldn't do a full swing even if he tried, his odds were heavily against him. Unsullied being mowed down like that was mainly because 7 foot long spears in a 5 foot wide hallway. Barristan is in his 70's, and yes 4 seasons ago he made the badass comment about carving the gold cloaks like a cake. But who was he up against? The Goldcloaks in Roberts employ, besides Selmy and Lannister were mediocre at BEST. Selmy had a lot of legend which made him larger than his prime and well after. In the years he followed Daenerys he barely lifted a sword. I am pretty sure Daario could fuck him up pretty bad. To add to that, Selmy mowed down like 12 of them slashing the fuckers in HALF before he got stabbed. Those odds are still fucking impressive, when you count that Bronn and Jaime had trouble against 4 guys.

His nostalgic tale about Rhaegar, and Littlefinger mentioning Selmy about the tournament with Rhaegar made it feel like a /salute and goodbye to Selmy. I hope he lives, but i doubt it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Ser Sylas,

Barristan is 66 in the books and where were you when he killed the shit out of Meereen's greatest Pit Fighter who was 40 years younger than he was? Along with his merry band of murderous squires killing off Yunkish goons.