GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
good episode, but sansa is fucking stupid. even in goodfellas henry's wife didnt fall for that bullshit.
aye poor friendzone. was that drogon? i only ask because i am not sure if dragons still chill out in doomed valyria.


Molten Core Raider
They did everything but put a white text on the opening "Here's a 3 minute recap of the first 4 episodes for you fuckers that haven't watched the show in a month."

Glad they did it too because I never got around to rewatching them.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
These last few episodes have felt more like there's 'more stuff happening', for want of a better term.

In previous seasons Stannis would have spent 5 episodes trying to decide on when to march on Winterfell, advice from him, opinion from her, gee let me think . . . now it's like "Alright we're as ready as we need to be, Saddle up!"

There would have been a drawn out witch hunt for who is backing the son's of the Harpy. Now they just lined up a bunch of the most likely locals, in front of dragons, and saw which one cracked.

It's like the shows producers have listened to feedback and stepped up the pacing.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
good episode, but sansa is fucking stupid. even in goodfellas henry's wife didnt fall for that bullshit.
The notion that Sansa is supposed to evolve into some grand schemer and manipulator from spending a few months with Littlefinger is for me the most absurd leap from the books to have to swallow up to this point. She was always the perpetual victim of circumstance. She's not sharp enough or ruthless enough to be a match for Roose Bolton and she's not hardened enough to simply maintain once she gets a full dose of Ramsay's dark side.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I feel like I just need to 100% forget what happened in the books. It's been long enough that I only partially remember, and now with the show changing so much it's making me very confused.

I really just need to take the show as the new canon.
Pretty much this. Enough has changed where I barely question whether a certain event has even happened in the books or not. Episode itself was pretty good, the Dany marriage 'proposal' was about as awkward as you can get though.


Unelected Mod
I liked the marriage proposal. It wasn't supposed to be smooth. It was as much another threat as a marriage proposal, laying out clearly that she would still be in charge afterwards.


<Bronze Donator>
like the dany changes they are moving her along rather quick. It wasn't until she had basically lost everything and fucking around in a field having her period that she realized she shouldn't have abandoned her true children and that all she will ever be is her house words, fire and blood. Glad she is realizing this now and taking fucking charge in Mereen instead of being paralyzed bitch at a pity party. That's a whole bunch of shit we get to skip.

also liked that a great deal of dialogue this episode was verbatim from the books.

Ya. His story told of a Bravosi merchant with shit items except a wooden doll dressed in the colors of the Barathian house. He bought it and she hugged it. Then he mentions "we burned the doll, but it was too late", which would suggest it was infected with greyscale. The question is, who poisoned the doll? They obviously were trying to target him or his family.

this is the spoiler thread bro, so you should read the books. Grayscale is a disease, it's not poison. It's westeros' version of leprosy. it's spread by contact and can live on shit like garments, rags, and cloth and be transferred. There was no grand conspiracy and nobody was targeting him. It was just an unfortunate turn of events.


<Bronze Donator>
nothing to do with feedback. Show runners are under a bit of time crunch, with only 2 seasons left to finish the entire series. bad is we only get 2 more seasons after this one, good is we shall soon be able to merge the two threads.


<Bronze Donator>
yeah, my butt is finally recovering from all the pain caused by selmy's retarded death. all ready for a new canon violation!
Also how are you still butthurt over this?

He dies earlier than he does in the books? Ok that's a change but not worth crying over. idk maybe you only watched this happen last week, I watched these episodes over a month ago.

If I were a gambling man I'd say the show just spoiled that barristan dies, most likely in the battle of mereen. I can imagine it has something to do with 3 mysterious horn blasts that take them by surprise, which coincidentally is also the signal for dany's forces to retreat. confusion, disorientation as forces split up, some start to route some stand their ground and in the chaos barristan takes a stray spear or an arrow or something and he falls.

Or are you butthurt for some completely illogical reason? Like it only took 20 fucking guys to bring him down? or some stupid shit like that? if that's the case you watch too many summer blockbusters/comic books/super hero's/etc. It was approaching absurd the number of men he kills before he falls, which is kinda why i don't really support the "pit fighter" sons of the harpy angle. Without armor he would likely have died to just 2 pit fighters, not 20.

keep in mind that 3 of the greatest knights/kingsguard in history Oswell Whent, Gerold Hightower The White Bull, and Arthur fucking Dayne the Sword of the goddamn Morning all died to 7 men, 5 of which are so unimportant that they aren't even named, of which Ned stark (a decent but not great fighter) is the most notable fighter among them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly having an ending for game of thrones even if it finishes up in a couple more years is fine by me. At least this way we will have come sense of closure with this series as I don't think old george is going to live long enough to finish the books at the pace he is writing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
like the dany changes they are moving her along rather quick. It wasn't until she had basically lost everything and fucking around in a field having her period that she realized she shouldn't have abandoned her true children and that all she will ever be is her house words, fire and blood. Glad she is realizing this now and taking fucking charge in Mereen instead of being paralyzed bitch at a pity party. That's a whole bunch of shit we get to skip.

also liked that a great deal of dialogue this episode was verbatim from the books.



this is the spoiler thread bro, so you should read the books. Grayscale is a disease, it's not poison. It's westeros' version of leprosy. it's spread by contact and can live on shit like garments, rags, and cloth and be transferred. There was no grand conspiracy and nobody was targeting him. It was just an unfortunate turn of events.
I know it is a disease, I guess I should have said "infected" instead of "poisoned", but poisoned has the connotation of it being intentionally done whereas infected doesn't have that connotation.

Sure, it could have been unintentional, but it seemed a little too convenient none the less. Given all the assassination and shit that goes on in the story, it seems likely.

Anyways, I like the Dany change from the book. In the book, the whole fighting pits + marriage seemed like her being weak and shitty, but in the show they come across as a "I'm in power, mofakas!".


Registered Hutt
The Theon<->Sansa<->Ramsay stuff was painful to sit through. The Ramsay/Miranda and Ramsay/Roose stuff was fine though. I get that he's supposed to be a creepy weirdo, but my eyes glaze over when Ramsay is being weird.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
keep in mind that 3 of the greatest knights/kingsguard in history Oswell Whent, Gerold Hightower The White Bull, and Arthur fucking Dayne the Sword of the goddamn Morning all died to 7 men, 5 of which are so unimportant that they aren't even named, of which Ned stark (a decent but not great fighter) is the most notable fighter among them.
This is completely different as all 7 would have been battle veterans by this point and likely all fully armored. Not to mention I can name 3 of them off the top of my head, the rest are likely named as well if I bothered to go look.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I almost wish they killed Selmy by dropping an anvil on his head. That would at least warrant the amount of butthurt discussion on it.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I thought the death scene was fine I just didn't like that it was so much earlier than it should have been.


FPS noob
I'm sad that the wolves have been all but forgotten at this point.
yeah i thought miranda had one of the direwolves locked up (although not sure which one would still be alive and already accounted for...) and expected it to eat sansa, and instead it turns into sansa's mount and companion and kills miranda. that would have been stupid as fuck but still cool

really just have no clue where the littlefinger/sansa/brienne/theon stories are going but that's cool, surprise is nice. just hope it doesn't turn out bad. i also hope stannis doesn't die, he is one of my favorite characters now. which means he will probably die