GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


A Man Chooses....
Gonna be so much Tumblr butthurt.

Maybe Ramsey will give it to Sansa so good that he will become the love of her life. It worked well for Drogo, everyone seemed cool with the his relationship with Dany.
Yeah but Drogo is a manly but primitive man with muscles and mascara and he didn't know any better, and her 14 year old vajayjay taught him the error of his ways.

I mean, I get it's uncomfortable, and sad, and it doesn't fit with people who wanted Sansa to suddenly turn into a real force for good just because she finally had enough and wanted to be stronger, but in this time period, with an arranged marriage, a lot of new brides probably get their marriage consummated in a way that isn't completely consensual, and with much nicer dudes than Ramsay Bolton. You can argue whether the story had to go there(Sansa in Winterfell) but once it did this was kind of the only way it could go. After all Theon has seen and done and been put through something major would have to happen to make him snap, and just the idea of Ramsay consummating his marriage wouldn't realistically fit the bill. In the same way, Sansa agreed to marry him, she knew she would have to have sex with him, and we as the viewer know Ramsay much better than she does so we at least should know he wasn't going to be prince charming.

So yeah, I get why people are upset, but from a narrative perspective it's really the only way it works. The Boltons waiting til after the battle to make the marriage happen makes no sense when they are primarily doing it to help shore up northern support and during the battle is when they'll need it the most.

People having a hissy fit over this somehow still don't understand the show they are watching and the world it exists in. I can't wait to read how this is the worst thing that has ever happened on a show where Theon has been literally cut to bits and multiple people have been murdered horribly in all sorts of awful and often over the top ways. The first show ends with incest induced child tossing and aside from Theon watching this wasn't any worse than half the arranged marriage wedding nights you see in any number of period pieces. But because it's Sansa it's now rape-a-geddon.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
She wasn't raped .... Good Lord we got some vaginas in this thread.
This is consistent with various definitions of rape in the rape threads.

She was conscious. She didn't say no. She didn't risk her life by fighting back.

Either it wasn't rape (and you admit being an evil prick) or you all owe me an apology, or I get to call you out for outright fucking hypocrisy. All of those work for me.

Butthurt white guys get raped in a bar by a lesbian thread


I'll be honest I didn't like the ending of that episode at all.

The whole episode got pretty boring after the Arya part.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hate you motherfuckers.

edit: Unrelated to shitheads dragging shitty shit in to here.

Jaime and Bronn just kind of walked in to the heart of Dorne and close enough to lay hands on the heir and his betrothed? That was dumb. Fun to watch Bronn fight again though, and troll the lil Sand Snake after.

But when is Areo Hotah, the baddest motherfucker in the Seven Kingdoms, gonna get to show some real shit!?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The real story is how Littlefinger is angling all this shit going on the North. Is he going to join up with Stannis now? The Boltons are RIP. It's just a matter of which episode they show it.


LittleFinger's angle is to take the North and the Vale. He made it pretty clear in the first part of this episode.

Stannis and the Boltons are done imo


A Man Chooses....
I hate you motherfuckers.

edit: Unrelated to shitheads dragging shitty shit in to here.

Jaime and Bronn just kind of walked in to the heart of Dorne and close enough to lay hands on the heir and his betrothed? That was dumb. Fun to watch Bronn fight again though, and troll the lil Sand Snake after.

But when is Areo Hotah, the baddest motherfucker in the Seven Kingdoms, gonna get to show some real shit!?
Man that whole arc is dumb. The fight scene was atrocious, Bronn getting poisoned is a shit way for him to go down, they waltz into the garden and no one notices, just fucking terrible. I enjoyed their buddy comedy the last few eps but jesus christ they shat up this episode.

By now we all should have learned Littlefinger is the protagonist of the story anyway. All hail Carcetti.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I don't get Littlefinger's play here. Involving yourself in any way with Cersei is a bad move. If he wanted to move against the Boltons why get her permission to do it?

And how fucking stupid is Cersei? So Littlefinger is Lord of Harrenhal, giving him some right to the entire Riverlands (although I think the Freys took over that? idk, but either way the claim is there) and now he basically runs The Vale. Let's give him The North as well. She is POWERFUL stupid.


Vyemm Raider
I hope they use that clip for Dinklage at the Emmys this year.

And we all know how much worse it could have gone for Sansa.

It's interesting that Margery is actually guilty here. A pretty significant switch from Cercei's laughable disaster of a scheme. LF to the rescue?


Cersei's always been a dumb bitch, only thing that kept her in check was Tywin. Now he's dead so nothing can stop her batshit logic.


Buzzfeed Editor
The real story is how Littlefinger is angling all this shit going on the North. Is he going to join up with Stannis now? The Boltons are RIP. It's just a matter of which episode they show it.
Yeah, Littlefingers stuff will actually be exciting to see. He's gathering so much power so quickly, he's going to be lord of three of the kingdoms soon, even if his holds are tenuous.....I don't want Stannis to die though. The Stanimal is my favorite character


A Man Chooses....
And how fucking stupid is Cersei? So Littlefinger is Lord of Harrenhal, giving him some right to the entire Riverlands (although I think the Freys took over that? idk, but either way the claim is there) and now he basically runs The Vale. Let's give him The North as well. She is POWERFUL stupid.
Dude she brought in an inquisition with her own fucking cousin(literally) in it to take down her enemies and apparently can't see where this is heading. Powerful isn't a strong enough word.


Buzzfeed Editor
Man that whole arc is dumb. The fight scene was atrocious, Bronn getting poisoned is a shit way for him to go down, they waltz into the garden and no one notices, just fucking terrible. I enjoyed their buddy comedy the last few eps but jesus christ they shat up this episode.

By now we all should have learned Littlefinger is the protagonist of the story anyway. All hail Carcetti.
I hope Bronn doesn't die from poison
but yeah, they showed that cut and I'm afraid that's what it will be. Bronn is my second favorite guy now...when he made fun of the sand snake that made me laugh out loud.


A Man Chooses....
This applies to all the people hoping for happy endings for pretty much anyone(Bronn, Sansa, Tyrion's giant cock, whatever)