GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I still think we'll get Sam going to Old town. They sorta foreshadowed it with the whole "you're not a fighter", and Stannis telling him to keep reading about stuff that could help against WW/Others.
They've mentioned Oldtown like 3 times this season. Sam's headed to Oldtown as soon as Jon comes back from Hardhome and realizes how big of a threat the White Walkers actually are.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Where are the pics of these allegedly epic boobs?
Not the best shot of them but ...

EDIT: It pains me to remove these beautiful boobies.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Now those are some fantastic boobs. The tits in S1 and S2 that weren't Melisandre left a lot to be desired.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
those nice boobies saved bronn's life as well as this mostly boring episode. the fighting pit scene was contrived as fuck. sansa made a pretty drastic change in her opinion of theon, glad it bit her in the arse. the actor playing the high sparrow is killing it, those scenes were the best. i dont like how they shitted up sam's story. stannis stuff seems pretty pointless on the show, i wonder if he gives up shireen.
Haven't we spent a large amount of time trying to figure out how to get Melisandre back to castle black to rez Jon? Seems like she is going to dump Stannis when he wont kill his daughter and decide maybe Jon was the real king after all.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Although Sansa clearly doesn't like sharing the bed with Ramsay (he likes biting I guess?), she certainly had no problem twisting the knife about his potential new trueborn brother as a contender. Not saying its some kind of act but Beatdown Wife Sansa wouldn't be doing this out of fear and shit. Darth Sansa looms before us gang.

Cersei nails the bitch facial expressions something fierce. Overall great episode. Tyrion getting to Daenarys (thank god). But you're right, High Sparrow steals any scene he's in.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ok a question.

What is the current status on all the Stark family dire wolves? Ghost showing up this episode reminded me of them and the fact that I had lost track of there current status.


Registered Hutt
Rob's and Sansa's are dead iirc, Arya is separated from hers. Jon, Bran, Rickon all still have theirs.

Aychamo BanBan

Yep. That show was the tits
I literally jerked it to that scene. Amazingly hot.


1. Where is the paralyzed Stark boy and his friends? I remember they found some gay tree fairy or something. (Theon burned the wrong people, right?)

2. Where did this religious cult come from? They just popped up this season, right? And is that "kids who shed everything" and told about the Queens incest her brother?

3. Is Jon Snow's redhead girlfriend dead? Or did she survive the war?

4. The only living Starks are Sansa, Arya Jon Snow, and maybe the cripple? Bran is the cripple, who is Rickon?

5. How were those tits so perfect?

6. Why is such a big deal dragon queen has Tyrion Lannister?


Musty Nester
That episode had its moments. Besides the obvious tits, Simon ne Ramsey Bolton has settled into his psychopath quite comfortably! He has exact the face to pull off that malicious grin.

But yeah, they lost a lot of steam. First 4 i really enjoyed. 5,6,7 have been progressively less good. In seasons past they've built slow and up. This season they have a dip in the middle instead. I think 9,10 will still be good.


Murder Apologist
Question is WHEN theyre gonna have Jon's death this season, then. He apparently goes to Hardhome in ep8 and negotiates the evac. The trailer suggests he spends the whole episode doing that though:

I doubt they'd START a season with Jon's death so they'd have to do it this season. If they do Dany flying off with Drogon (there's already preview footage of Dany getting trapped in the arena) and they've already spent 200k on the walk of shame, I'd guess we get Dany+Drogon in ep8, Walk of Shame AND jon's death in ep9---then the season ends with Dany flying down to meet the khalasar or maybe mel showing up at the wall.


<Bronze Donator>
1. Where is the paralyzed Stark boy and his friends? I remember they found some gay tree fairy or something. (Theon burned the wrong people, right?)
Correct they are at the gay tree fairy. they will not be appearing this season.
2. Where did this religious cult come from? They just popped up this season, right? And is that "kids who shed everything" and told about the Queens incest her brother?
it's her cousin Lancel, her brother is Jaime who is in dorne. She was sleeping with Lancel in season 2 while her brother jaime was a prisoner of robb stark.

3. Is Jon Snow's redhead girlfriend dead? Or did she survive the war?
she died in episode 9 of last season. her body was burned in episode 10.

4. The only living Starks are Sansa, Arya Jon Snow, and maybe the cripple? Bran is the cripple, who is Rickon?
bran is the cripple. Rickon is the even younger brother, maybe 6 years old? last seen in season 3 with Osha the wildling girl.

5. How were those tits so perfect?
they were nice.

6. Why is such a big deal dragon queen has Tyrion Lannister?
if you don't know yet, the show will reveal why it's a big deal.