GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Murder Apologist
Melisandre's shots in that preview kinda suggests that she'll be seeing "Nothing but Snow" in her fires/vision next episode. Especially with davos saying something about a man's destiny.


Mr. Poopybutthole
One thing that stuck out during Tyrion's his chit chat with Daenerys, he said Jaime was one of the two people he trusted most in the whole world. We know from what Jaime said to Bronn that the feeling is far from mutual. Seems as if they're setting up Tyrion to eventually die by Jaime's (left) hand.
If Tyrion said that he was lying his ass off, unless that's another thing they changed dramatically from the books. Before Tyrion kills Tywin, Jaime confesses his part in the nastiness with Tysha, resulting in Tyrion hitting him, claiming he actually did kill Joffrey, and spilling the beans on Cersei sleeping with half of King's Landing while Jaime was gone.

If they had to cut the scene from the show, that's one thing, even if Tysha really was the main reason Tyrion killed Tywin, but it seems really weird for them to go all the way in the other direction and have Tyrion say Jaime was one of the people he trusted most in the world. If he's not lying, that's some pretty shitty writing and a weird direction to take things. It also seems like a very stupid thing to say to the daughter of the king that Jaime murdered.


Millie's Staff Member
Why is Jon on the other side of the wall?
because jon is leading the wildlings back to castle black. yeah its odd if you think about why he left the boats on the other side of the wall and not just sailed around it to eastwatch, no doubt cost and time constraints played a part.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The Nights King is a Stark if it's the same one that was also a Lord Commander. The doubts are just from the Starks claiming otherwise but enough has been mentioned in the books about it being a Stark for that to make the most sense.


<Bronze Donator>
If Tyrion said that he was lying his ass off, unless that's another thing they changed dramatically from the books. Before Tyrion kills Tywin, Jaime confesses his part in the nastiness with Tysha, resulting in Tyrion hitting him, claiming he actually did kill Joffrey, and spilling the beans on Cersei sleeping with half of King's Landing while Jaime was gone.

If they had to cut the scene from the show, that's one thing, even if Tysha really was the main reason Tyrion killed Tywin, but it seems really weird for them to go all the way in the other direction and have Tyrion say Jaime was one of the people he trusted most in the world. If he's not lying, that's some pretty shitty writing and a weird direction to take things. It also seems like a very stupid thing to say to the daughter of the king that Jaime murdered.
The show is very different from the books in this regard. I'd tell you to scroll back to last season's posts where I explained the differences but you probably wouldn't bother. You might wanna just go back and watch the entire last season that you missed.

Tyrion said that and he believes that because for Tyrion nothing has changed and Jaime is he boy. Jaime now hates tyrion because he killed his father after all the bro love that Jaime gave tyrion.


<Bronze Donator>


<Bronze Donator>
ok so interesting stuff/things i noticed from that episode other than the obvious awesomeness.

the insurance man in braavos, the one who refused to insure the ship captain, ya know the guy who arya is going to kill. the captain wanted to sail through the ruins of Valyria then into slaver's bay, stopping at yunkai, mereen, then volantis, before returning back.

"the work continues". I wonder if Arya will kill Trant in time for Robert Strong to join the kings guard, or if Jaime or another King's Guard is gonna die? Don't think either will happen this season.

Reek telling Sansa the truth about her brothers. Sansa = Manderly? Maybe once sansa/theon escape and are snatched up by Stannis, davos will get his holy quest after all.

6 months of food at winterfell? Yeah i know it's just idle made up conversation. but really only 6 months? ouch. at minimum they are at the start of a 5 year winter and that's the ho hum normal winter, 80 foot snow banks, no big deal, they are completely unaware that it's really gonna be the start of another Long Night.

Feast for the crows?



Millie's Staff Member
The Nights King is a Stark if it's the same one that was also a Lord Commander. The doubts are just from the Starks claiming otherwise but enough has been mentioned in the books about it being a Stark for that to make the most sense.
i checked the GoT wiki on the night king and old nan even says that he may be a Stark. i think thats why NK was eyefucking jon snow


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
My Maltese falcon was doing a military salute the entire last 15ish of that episode. The fucking music that starts when the white walker with the spear showed up was incredible. So ominous. Reminded me of the Darth Maul scene.


<Bronze Donator>
i checked the GoT wiki on the night king and old nan even says that he may be a Stark. i think thats why NK was eyefucking jon snow
a possibility but of all the reasons, it seems the least likely.

It depends on which particular fan theory you subscribe to but:

The Night King is the great other, or at least the physical embodiment of him, and Jon is Azor Ahai; or
The last time the Night King saw a man wielding a dragonsteel sword and felling his white walker bro's like that was during the last Long Night and jon reminds him of the last hero/azor ahai/etc; or
The Night King is the last hero, who made a pact with the great other to end the Long Night and he see's in jon the person who will replace him, assume his mantle "and now his watch begins" to end this Long Night; or
etc, etc, etc

Or the most simple explanation is "the fuck he think he is? just killing my Wakandan's like that? His name was Robert Paulson." "guys this little faggot just killed bob"

The "I used to be a stark and can recognize my extremely watered down descendants after 8k years and recognize his genetic code" angle just seems, weak? idk.


<Bronze Donator>
The Jon Snow vs the Undead Champion was especially good. They really made you feel like he was going to kill Jon, and when Jon's sword broke his weapon it was so damn awesome.
not sure if this is considered pussy shit or not and I apologize in advance if so, but for some reason show only people don't understand this even though the show has explained it several times. Not just you, people who are paid to write reviews for respectable news organizations fuck this up constantly as well.

Wights = zombies, army of the dead.
White Walkers = the ice creatures/beings.

As evident in this episode if it was unclear before, the white walkers raise/control the wights.


The Scientific Shitlord
Wildling lady was hot. Was serious feels moment when she ended up facing Lord of the Flies. She couldn't bring herself to hurt them because they were kids. Hardhome wasn't in the books other than offscene mention, so this was totally free form other than Jon trying to speechify the wildlings into helping fight the White Walkers. Glad the show has gone off the rails now, because that shit was awesome.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Great episode, obviously best of the season and easily top 3 of the entire series (I still don't put any episode over Blackwater). Besides that scene with the dude raising his arms on the dock, I like how after Jon kills that guy with Longclaw, the camera pans up to Night King (I assume that's who it is) with the look of 'well played sir'. I also thought the undead army was going to take down the giant and then that dude was going wake up undead. Was a little disappointed Cersei wasn't naked and shaved in the cell, or did that only happen once she did the walk of shame?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man, production value of this show has really gone down hill, there aren't any good action sequences anymore.
When you compare episodes 1-7 to episode 8 how can you disagree? Episode 8 is what there capable of are close capable of to every single episode. Episodes 1-7 are complete drek action wise compared to 8.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The Battle of Hardhome soaked up a large amount of this season's production resources, but it was well worth it. It paid off in spades:

Game of Thrones star: Hardhome battle 'hardest thing I've done'

Kit Harrington_sl said:
"It was three to four weeks of shooting for a sequence that should add up to [more than] 20 minutes," Harington said. "We shot less than a minute a day! It's so CGI-heavy it's unlike anything I've ever done on Thrones. I've always been proud of the way Thrones doesn't go overboard with special effects, but in this sequence they had too. I think it's going to be spectacular."

"Every fight I would shoot three times," Harington said. "First against a man in a [greenscreen-projectable suit], the second with man who's not in a green suit, but has full-on makeup to look like a dead person, and the third time I would just fight [without an oppoent, striking open air]. It gave them the option of using whichever way looked the best. [The Battle of Castle Black in] episode 9 last year was the hardest thing I've done. This was twice as hard as that. It was exhausting."

The sequence required about 400 extras and 50 stuntmen. Harington pointed out the production was also aided by having a bigger budget for the battle scene than in previous seasons. "I think [HBO] has realized that to keep people engaged with this show, the big set pieces each year have to be bigger than the ones before," Harington said.