GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Murder Apologist
Aegon was pretty obviously a fake in the books too. Even before adwd came out Varys' "mummer's dragon" had been telegraphed kinda heavily.

The producers are keeping the greyscale disease in play tho (Griff in the books and Jorah in the show), so that's interesting. Though it'll prolly just end up being reason for Jorah to go with a bang.


Vyemm Raider
he doesn't necessarily need to be an imposter. he can be the real thing (which i believe he really is) and still be cut from the show just because he dies soon.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If he dies in Winds of Winter it will be some shitty writing. At the very least his death should have some important ramifications or something. That dude who got roasted by one of the dragons was kinda dumb, but he was just some random Martell son wasn't he? If GRRM introduced Aegon only to have him eat it right after showing up in Westeros before Daenerys even hears he is still alive it would be really dumb.

The best possible thing that should come out of Aegon being introduced would be Daenerys having to decide what to do about his stronger claim. After the years of abuse from Viserys, she might not be kindly disposed towards her long lost brother.


Murder Apologist
Quentyn was the Martell heir, and yep hes straight up dead in the books.

There's hope for Aegon fans tho: Trystane, who's NOT in the books could technically be a composite of the whole Aegon arc anyway. He's the right age, looks kinda like Jon and the Martells are the Targaryen's closest ally. It's kinda plausible that baby Aegon was smuggled into Dorne, hidden for a while then revealed as Doran's son (instead of his nephew).

If that's true then Trystane bound to die soon too lol.


Jorah will end up in Westeros to fulfill whatever role JonCon is going to play.
Dorne will end up attacking the Stormlands to fulfill whatever role Aegon's army is going to play.

The show can do crazy shit because all the characters have magical teleporters, time and distance means nothing. GRRM put himself into a corner because he had characters thousand of miles apart and couldn't hand wave away a month long journey or the logistics of moving an army like the show does. He fucked himself by originally planning a 5 year time skip then deciding against it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean he basically teleported Drogon and Daenerys to the Dothraki sea in the books. They're described as being thousands of leagues from Meereen, and there are a bit more than 3 miles to a league, so at an absolute minimum they're 6000 miles from Meereen. Unless the book said Drogon flew for days and I just can't remember it, he either fudged the distance or Drogon can fly at several hundred miles per hour for hours at a time. Even if she kills Jhaqo and takes his khalasar, that's a long fucking way to move twenty thousand cavalry.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not ready to call Jon "elite tier" yet, but upper/top tier maybe. I mean, it seems clear it's headed in that someone else noted, dude's been at the Wall for a couple years now doing nothing but training.


Millie's Staff Member
i think young aegon is either the real deal or is the son of a blackfyre. dunno how strong a blackfyre's claim is to the throne, but it might be better than whats passing for royalty these days in westeros. daeny needs to get her ass to mars and claim her rightful throne before its too late.


Murder Apologist
Yall know Darth Sansa's gonna go Imperator Furiosa on this whole franchise eventually right? The series ends with her feeding Littlefinger's dick to Viserion's youngest hatchlings.



Molten Core Raider
Yall know Darth Sansa's gonna go Imperator Furiosa on this whole franchise eventually right? The series ends with her feeding Littlefinger's dick to Viserion's youngest hatchlings.

Keep wishing. In terms of Gingers on horseback leading armies, Ce'Nedra has more balls than Sansa.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So zombies can run and use swords effectively, but water stops them cold. I am hoping that the reason that the remaining few got away was because the general/leader wanted them too.
Kind of hard to swim when you have no body fat. As you said they had a commander, that was a coordinated assualt. Having all your troops, half of which cant swim, chase after people in boats would be real retarded sir.


Molten Core Raider
The look that Jorah gave to the statues outside of Mereen when he was banished was outstanding.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not ready to call Jon "elite tier" yet, but upper/top tier maybe. I mean, it seems clear it's headed in that someone else noted, dude's been at the Wall for a couple years now doing nothing but training.
Just to play devil's advocate, who is he training with that makes him elite? To pick an example, someone like Selmy trained under the best swordsmen in Westeros, same with Jaime Lannister or any of the Kingsguard before Robert died. I could practice swinging a sword at a dummy for three years, it wouldn't make me a swordsman.


Molten Core Raider
But it'd make you very, very dangerous. Remember that in the books Ramsay is a TERRIBLE swordsman, who was trained by Reek. But he wields a god damned falchion which is perfect for a savage fighter. Skill doesn't mean a whole lot unless there's rules and it's 1v1.

edit: iirc Doesn't the Hound point out in the TV show that Syrio is dead because he's dumb. Skill doesn't mean shit against heavy armor and a big fucking sword... I could be misremembering.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Syrio is dead because he had a wooden training sword and held the King's men off while Arya ran. I don't think they actually showed Meryn kill him either, it was just implied. Although I'm pretty sure he is dead. If the hound had known Syrio held all those men off with a wooden sword, he might have been more respectful.


Trakanon Raider
Dude in the boat seems to just be a random dude.

Before Jon rushes into the fight, he's yelling at the Wildlings to get in line. One of the Night's Watch yells from a boat, "Lord Commander!"

Jon shouts back, "Get them to the boats and come back for me."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
To be the best you have to beat the best. Jon Snow has to fight in real tournaments to be ranked. His kill list is impressive but he has plot armor and a lot of his kills, including the WhiteWalker were sort incidental.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Kind of hard to swim when you have no body fat. As you said they had a commander, that was a coordinated assualt. Having all your troops, half of which cant swim, chase after people in boats would be real retarded sir.
why didnt that ngr just freeze the water I mean he can raise the dead. freezing water to much to ask and I guess that storm snowstorm shit was just a coincidence.