GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
Seriously. If Shireen is good enough, anyone who has ever been in spitting distance of someone who has ever been in spitting distance of a throne is good enough.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm sure he figured Melisandre would be just was willing to sacrifice Shireen as she was willing to sacrifice Gendry or Edric. I'm also sure he assumed Stannis would never let her burn Shireen otherwise he probably would have kidnapped Shireen and ran off with her.

My impression of Davos was always that he was under the (mistaken) impression that Stannis was somehow different from everyone else who plays the game.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah but not Shireen, Davos wasn't around for that conversation. He would have lost his shit. He already doesn't like Mel, I think the threat would have been enough to push him into some kind of action. Now that it's done? I imagine Davos will be beyond pissed off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If Davos doesn't turn on Stannis in some way I'll be shocked. Only real question is whether he's smart enough to be subtle about it, or whether he gets all up in Stannis' face, getting himself killed or having to flee for his life.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
All hail his Grace, Davos Of house Seaworth First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
meh, it's not recent enough. They bent the knee. As soon as you let someone else rule you, you likely don't fit her criteria. Robb may have qualified near the end as the will behind him was coalescing into an outright independence movement. Stannis is literally the rightful king if we accept the results of Robert's rebellion and that Robert had no legitimate children.

This is all speculation mind you.
Rob was a king and Jon was perhaps a prince of the blood at that point.


Trump's Staff
Maybe Mel is just a fucking quack and any sacrifice would actually work. A death for a life, a man's name does not matter to the Red God.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe Melisandre burning Shireen means she has given up on Stannis? That doesn't necessarily mean she want Jon next (although it seems likely) but she just convinced Stannis to burn his only heir if he ever did take the Iron Throne. Assuming Tommen and Myrcella get outed as the product of incest (which I actually think won't officially happen) are there any legitimate heirs to House Baratheon's claim on the throne other than Robert's bastards if Stannis dies?


Yes I'm sure a woman that births shadow babies is just looking to get laid.

Also Starks have kings blood . They were kings for thousands of years. Far longer than the Barartheon or Targaryn dynastyies.
She hasn't been the least bit shy about begging for king's blood before.

Either she is a total worthless prophetess/witch/whatever and can't see Jon's kingly blood or she is playing some super long con that makes for a stupid plot.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Or she sees his blood and that's why she was hitting on him for fucks sake.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Bastards don't ever have a claim unless they have a big ass army. If Tommen and Myrcella died and did not name an heir it would go to Stannis or the nearest legitimate relatives assuming there is not another big ass war which would be likely.


Or she sees his blood and that's why she was hitting on him for fucks sake.
Burn the one king's daughter but let a true king with no real power who has Stannis that could overpower him and the wildlings say no to her. Say no to Melisandre. Blood potentially more powerful than if she slit Stannis' throat right there in the room if Jon has an older legacy to the throne? If Jon is really a Targaryen then he has a stronger birthright than Stannis why would she be backing Stannis when she could back Jon Snow.

Like I said either a charlatan or playing the long con and if she was playing the long con it was poor writing to have her tip her hand to Jon already that he might be special.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Right but someone could choose to say, back Edric's claim with their big ass army because it makes more political sense for them to back Robert's bastard than to claim the throne themselves. And if they successfully put Edric (or any other bastard) on the throne, they wouldn't be a bastard anymore.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Absolutely. That's similar to what happened with the Blackfires. With luck and a big enough army you could put Patchface on the throne.


<Bronze Donator>
was flying for 9 hours yesterday so i missed a lot.

Did everyone in this thread go full retard, or was there some mod action moving posts from the no spoiler thread to here? Cus goddamn were there a lot of posts about dumb ass non-theories which are completely contradicted in both the tv show and the books but you fags discussing it like it's totally possible.


The Big Mod
I don't think that conversation happened in front of Davos, but I don't remember. He knows she wanted to burn Gendry though.
Based on this I'm not buying the suggestion that Davos was not concerned that Mel was going to burn the kid alive. He knew how desperate Stannis is and how hopeless the situation is. I doubt he thought it was a certainty or even highly likely, but it's obvious from those scenes that he knows this may be the last time he sees her.


Mr. Poopybutthole
was flying for 9 hours yesterday so i missed a lot.

Did everyone in this thread go full retard, or was there some mod action moving posts from the no spoiler thread to here? Cus goddamn were there a lot of posts about dumb ass non-theories which are completely contradicted in both the tv show and the books but you fags discussing it like it's totally possible.
I dragged a post about Jon being the child of Robert and Lyanna in here from the no-spoilers thread because I thought it was funny, and it generated some discussion. Mainly because it's not technically impossible in the show, since they never actually established how long Rhaegar had Lyanna before the end of the rebellion. It just doesn't make the least bit of sense at all and would probably be the dumbest of all possibilities for Jon, even dumber than 'GUESS WHAT YOUR MOM WAS JUST SOME TAVERN WENCH NED KNOCKED UP'.