GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


David Nutter and Jessica Henwick look ahead at the Game of Thrones season finale | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

"What happens with the Sand Snakes is.extreme. Very extreme. So I'm really curious to see how people take it. I don't know what else I can say!" the actress tells Yahoo Singapore. "Episode 10 sets the rest of the show on a very certain path. It's a big move in Game of Thrones, and the Sand Snakes are a part of it."


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well the implication is pretty clear that the Sand Snakes will kill someone. Bronn isn't important enough to 'set the rest of the show on a very certain path', which means they'll probably either kill Jaime, Myrcella, or maybe even Doran although that seems farfetched. I wonder how much time they'll have to dedicate to the stuff in the North if all this important stuff is happening in Dorne.

Wonder if I can shotgun the entire show in time to not have the finale spoiled for me.


<Bronze Donator>
I dragged a post about Jon being the child of Robert and Lyanna in here from the no-spoilers thread because I thought it was funny, and it generated some discussion. Mainly because it's not technically impossible in the show, since they never actually established how long Rhaegar had Lyanna before the end of the rebellion. It just doesn't make the least bit of sense at all and would probably be the dumbest of all possibilities for Jon, even dumber than 'GUESS WHAT YOUR MOM WAS JUST SOME TAVERN WENCH NED KNOCKED UP'.
oh that explains a bit.

That was some stupid pussy shit in the other thread though. Some dude had heard/seen the R+L=J thing and just assumed R meant Robert and then built a theory around it. Clearly not a book reader, but had spoiled himself just enough to fuck up the other thread.


Mr. Poopybutthole
oh that explains a bit.

That was some stupid pussy shit in the other thread though. Some dude had heard/seen the R+L=J thing and just assumed R meant Robert and then built a theory around it. Clearly not a book reader, but had spoiled himself just enough to fuck up the other thread.
Nah dude I've had people who haven't read page 1 of the books tell me they think it was R+L=J. I mean, some of them could have heard it from book readers, but there is one in particular who told me she thought that and I don't think she's the type to chill and shoot the shit about the books with a bunch of GRRM neckbeards.


The Big Mod
Is there any reason to believe Lyana was kidnapped rather than she just ran off cuz she's a whore?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Is there any reason to believe Lyana was kidnapped rather than she just ran off cuz she's a whore?
Everyone who has ever described the events in the books of the series has said she was kidnapped, the only person still alive who might know differently is Howland Reed.

But yes, most of the theories of R+L=J involve her eloping with R, not being kidnapped, although it's also possible that Jon is the product of rape.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking of the non-spoiler thread, I've decided that fuck them. Honestly, it's been years where they could have read the book. If you don't want to get spoilers for the show, you're an idiot for reading things on the internet about it.

It's like an American wandering around Fallujah. Is he wrong to be exploring a city? Absolutely not. Is it fucking stupid and he should know better? You're god damn right. Reading about GoT on the internet is just asking for some asshole to spoil it for you.


Unelected Mod
Myrcella dying along with the Walk of Shame, right after the Shireen death, just seems cruel to the poor SJWs.


Murder Apologist
Yeah it would have to be myrcella or tommen. Maggy the frog's prophecy was the very first scene this season and they put that checkhov's gun there for a reason.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Myrcella did get her ear chopped off and her face scarred or some such in the books, yea? Maybe thats all thats going to happen. I can't see them killing Jaime or Doran, at all.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Myrcella did get her ear chopped off and her face scarred or some such in the books, yea? Maybe thats all thats going to happen. I can't see them killing Jaime or Doran, at all.
Yes, Darkstar tries to kill her to incite war between the Martells and the Lannisters, but she loses an ear and gets a Tyrion style facial scar. I don't see how things happening exactly the way they happen in the books would 'set the rest of the show on a very certain path'. Killing Myrcella or Doran sure as hell would though.

God this has got to be the worst possible fucking time to try and catch up on the series. Even if I get caught back up, Sunday is the season finale and then BOOM stuck in the offseason with everyone else.

first world problems


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fuck, I clicked on that weird Iceland/whatever the fuck link. Don't click on it, so much spoilers!!!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fuck, I clicked on that weird Iceland/whatever the fuck link. Don't click on it, so much spoilers!!!
No much spoilers. It's a prop from the movie Let the Right One In, not Brienne's head,. Someone posted the clarification from them here. And the fighting picture is from last season.


Lord please let the Roose stay loose until next Season. Such a role model to all fathers and he would never burn his son alive. Fuck Stannis!


Registered Hutt
if myrcella dies then that opens the door for the trystane + daenerys strategy. and it would require doran to punish the sand snakes in the worst imaginable way to avoid war with the crown.