GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


They implied it was a wall of snow below them on grass. We couldn't see how deep it was because it was shot from a birds eye view.

When I was living in the north, We jumped off of plenty of 2 story roofs with no problem, but this was about 3-4 stories.

I'm not sure how they think they are going to get away anyway, unless Sansa knows some secret area somewhere they are pretty much going to be hunted down by an army with horses, and hunting dogs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Episode was average. I think it's funny where some expect Sansa to have this dramatic story arc and the show writers literally took a major character and turned her into Jeyne Poole 2.0. I thought the walk of shame was as well done as you were going to get, even if it was a body double (although I thought in the books they cut all her hair off?). I don't think Stannis is dead either although when it happened I was thinking of how the book did the same thing with Brienne (off-screen) and the next time you see Brienne she's alive but 'different'.


The Big Mod
I'm pretty sure Martin didn't know what he wanted to do with Stannis as of production time so he left the death ambiguous. That's all there is to it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
sylvio, syrio, syria, cher, what does it matter as long as you know who i am referring to? get that giant dildo out of your ass and calm down

The Ancient_sl

Apparently, the Cirsei Lannister walk was outrageously expensive. What a stupid fucking decision by the Game of Thrones people. I was bored 1/4 of the way through it and thinking this is time being taken up from actual plot advancement or action. Now that I know it was money taken away from Dragons or epic battles I'm even more annoyed with it.


The Big Mod
Noodle mod what are your thoughts on the theory that Lady Stoneheart is in fact a reanimated Catlyn Stark?


A Mod Real Quick
You keep bringing that up like it's something hilarious, keg. Surely you know the difference between LSH and Zombie Clegane.


Sparkletot Monger
Apparently, the Cirsei Lannister walk was outrageously expensive. What a stupid fucking decision by the Game of Thrones people. I was bored 1/4 of the way through it and thinking this is time being taken up from actual plot advancement or action. Now that I know it was money taken away from Dragons or epic battles I'm even more annoyed with it.
Depends..... Are they going to try a reverse Walter White? Take a detestable figure and make her a hero? (Probably not) How she acts now back in the castle, when she gets word he daughter is dead (son is next) is a pretty fascinating cliffhanger. Is she going to send Zombie Gregor to crush all the Sparrows faces? How will she act toward Margaery?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Also "gold will be their crowns" can just as easily be interpreted as their hair color, prophesy of her and jaimes incest, rather than literal gold crowns as king/queen of westeros.
Yes, I know. I mentioned this very thing a few days ago. I was asking from the standpoint of the prophecy being fulfilled in multiple ways. Personally I always thought the crowns reference was to their hair because the golden hair of the Lannisters is mentioned so prominently in the books. It wasn't until someone else recently brought up the notion that each of her children had to ascend to the throne to fulfill the prophecy that I had even considered the possibility of it meaning that.


Apparently, the Cirsei Lannister walk was outrageously expensive. What a stupid fucking decision by the Game of Thrones people. I was bored 1/4 of the way through it and thinking this is time being taken up from actual plot advancement or action. Now that I know it was money taken away from Dragons or epic battles I'm even more annoyed with it.
They are claiming they hired over 200 security guards for the scene, and it cost 200k. They have a 4 mill budget per show tho, and usually the season finale costs abit more.


Depends..... Are they going to try a reverse Walter White? Take a detestable figure and make her a hero? (Probably not) How she acts now back in the castle, when she gets word he daughter is dead (son is next) is a pretty fascinating cliffhanger. Is she going to send Zombie Gregor to crush all the Sparrows faces? How will she act toward Margaery?
I'm actually alright with that scene, because the pay off with the Death Knight being introduced was pretty bad ass. Without that build up it wouldn't have been as good imo.


Molten Core Raider
I have a feeling that Snow is going to end up being Coldhands, on tv, instead of Benjen as I'm guessing we will see in the book(if it comes out). We will see next year if the character is introduced.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I thought the scene was great. This is a character that is the epitome of "I am a high borne so I am better then all these common folk" and she was forced to go through a very humiliating and humbling experience. How she reacts is going to be an interesting development. I don't expect that she had some sort of epiphany and becomes a better person. My money is on her setting flea bottom on fire and watching it burn.


I'm curious how the Viper chick thinks she can get away with poisoning the Lannister girl. She was the last person in contact with her, and poison is her calling card.